The strongest player in history

Chapter 2465 Refining Chen Yang

At this time, Chen Yang didn't dare to use the black hole world to absorb the fire of the sun, because one-third of the black hole world had been burned.That black hole world is the country he worked so hard to build!

The divine fire enveloped Chen Yang in an instant. The divine fire was extremely ferocious. It burst into Chen Yang's body in an instant and burned every cell in him.From inside to outside, from outside to inside, burn completely!

Even Chen Yang's mana can't stop such divine fire!

In an instant, Chen Yang's body was burned to ashes, and there was no more Chen Yang in the scene.

Ouyang Yu sneered, and said: "People in the world say that you, Chen Yang, are scheming, have nine lives, good luck against the sky, and can't be killed no matter what. Looking at it now, it's nothing more than that. No matter how many tricks you have, I just want to kill you. If you sacrifice this sun and moon furnace, you will be destroyed in body and spirit."

He paused, and then said: "Chen Yang, Chen Yang, even if you still have tricks to survive, I won't give you a chance. At this moment, I will take you to the singularity of the sun, where the sun and the moon The god furnace and my son are three in one, and then this god furnace will be refined for 49 days. Let your luck to make my god furnace!"

After that, Ouyang Yu left the earth directly.

Ouyang Yu first met Tan Lao and the others.

"Everyone, I have already killed Chen Yang." Ouyang Yu said directly.

"Are you sure?" Elder Tan and his party were almost numb when they heard that Chen Yang was dead.Anyway, Chen Yang didn't die every time.

Ouyang Yu sneered, and said, "I know you are suspicious, but I have already refined him into the Sun Moon God Furnace. How can he resist the Sun God Fire?"

Elder Tan said in a low voice, "Young Master Ouyang, it's not that the old man doubts you. It's just that Chen Yang is really scheming! Before, our girl, who was at the fifth level of the Creation Realm, said she had killed Chen Yang with the Pangu banner in her hand. But Chen Yang is still alive in the end!"

Ouyang Yu was a little annoyed, and he said: "Don't forget, all the calculations today are all plans proposed by this young master. But you didn't live up to it, and let Chen Yang escape. What did you say at the time to be safe, did the result be safe? It's not as good as this young master doing it alone. In short, the transaction between us has been completed. You promised me that you can't miss a single thing!"

Elder Tan immediately said: "Young Master Ouyang, don't worry. The conditions promised to you will not be less. However, we want to see people when we live, and corpses when we die!"

"It was all burned to ashes by my son, where did the corpse come from!" Ouyang Yu was very annoyed.

Elder Tan said: "This..."

"It all depends on your one-sided words, how can we believe it?" Dong Wuxiu said.

"Don't get me wrong, I promised you to lead Chen Yang into your siege. The condition is not to kill Chen lost him yourself, and I killed him, but you don't believe me." Ouyang Yu said: " You want a corpse, but I don’t have one. If you don’t believe me, I’ll kill you and see if you can find the corpse.”

Ouyang Yu is very arrogant.In front of him, Elder Tan and his party had to lower their eyebrows and be pleasing to the eye.At the beginning, they still deliberately made friends with Ouyang Yu, and promised a lot of benefits and gave a lot of treasures.He also promised to give the treasures later, some of which were what Ouyang Yu needed to refine the Sun Moon Sacred Furnace.That's why Ouyang Yu agreed to this matter.

Right now, Elder Tan is not just befriending Ouyang Yu, but is sincerely afraid of Ouyang Yu's ability.

"Young Master Ouyang, don't get angry! When we come to the Immortal World in the future, we have to be ministers in the same temple. The Tianyang Stone and Sunshine Armor you want are all here!" Old Tan took out what he had promised.

Ouyang Yu said: "This is more or less the same." As soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed the armor and the Tianyang Stone in his hand.

Elder Tan followed up and said, "It's just that Chen Yang really can't be careless!"

Seeing that the other party had already given the treasure, Ouyang Yu softened his tone.He said: "I have also thought of your worries. The sun god fire of my son turned Chen Yang into ashes. Even if he remains in ashes, it doesn't matter. I will go to the position of the singularity of the sun now, and then go to the sun again." Activate the Sun Moon Sacred Furnace, fuse the Tianyang Stone, and refine him, a Seventy-Seven 49RB. If you don’t believe him, won’t he still be dead? At that time, I will extract his destiny energy, and I will become the King of Destiny in the world .The Western King Realm, the Great Thousand World, and the destiny of the two worlds will be on this young master. At that time, it will be certain that he is dead."

Elder Tan said, "Master Ouyang, do you mind if we go with you?"

Ouyang Yu looked at the crowd, but did not speak.After a while, he smiled coldly and said, "Okay, as long as you can bear it!"

Afterwards, Ouyang Yu left in a flash.

A chill flashed in Old Tan's eyes, they were all angel envoys, and they were also people who wanted face.Being ridiculed by Ouyang Yu several times like this, he couldn't hold back on his face.They are in the Immortal World, what big people have never seen before!

This Ouyang Yu, a stinky nouveau riche on earth, what are you dragging!

Thinking about it, Old Tan and the others still want to be sure that Chen Yang is dead.So immediately followed.

Although Elder Tan and the others wanted to catch people alive, they wanted to find out the whereabouts of Qian Zichen and Pangu Banner.But if Chen Yang really died, they would have completed the task of the ancestor.

He was afraid that when the time came, once he returned to the fairyland, he would end up losing Qian Zichen and Pangu Banner.After a long time, Chen Yang and the Wugu Sheji Sacred Tree were still alive.Then they will lose their face too much.

Ouyang Yu's figure was so fast that it had already turned into a beam of sun light!

Elder Tan simply used the Hunyuan Jindou to load the crowd, and then followed them all the way.

It took a very long time to go, and we also passed through wormholes and so on.In this way, it took nearly three days to reach the place Ouyang Yu mentioned.

The farther you go, the closer you get to the sun, and you are already facing the sun directly.Even Elder Tan felt a little unbearable under the fierce sunlight.

Especially after arriving at the singular point that Ouyang Yu mentioned, the surrounding sunlight was so strong that even Elder Tan couldn't open his eyes.At every moment, Elder Tan had to use enormous mana to resist the sun's divine light.There is also a powerful radiation in the sun's light that is corroding Elder Tan, and Elder Tan can't take it anymore, and finally turns around and leaves.

Ouyang Yu laughed out loud.

At this moment, Ouyang Yu's whole body was bathed in the sunlight, the whiteness and brilliance of the sunlight, there is no words in the world to describe it.There is no mobile device that can record such a scene.

Everything in front of you is the dazzling sunlight!

Everything seemed to be on fire.Ouyang Yu chose a singularity position, and formed a wonderful connection with the sun.

At the same time, Ouyang Yu began to refine the Sun Moon God Furnace!

In that furnace, the inner core was activated, and the sun god fire absorbed the energy from the sun and stars at the same time...

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