The strongest player in history

Chapter 2401 Promote Qiao Ning

Qiao Ning was overjoyed when she heard the words, and naturally she didn't want to go to Tianhe Kingdom.But then she thought of another thing, so she asked Chen Yang: "So, you used this primordial liquid to save Miss Ziyi?"

Chen Yang said, "Almost."

Qiao Ning said, "Shuangxiu?"

Chen Yang blushed, and immediately said: "Don't think wrongly, it was completed in a spiritual state. I don't have any unreasonable thoughts about Lan Ziyi."

Qiao Ning chuckled, and she said, "It's normal to have unreasonable thoughts!"

Chen Yang was speechless, and said, "Your reaction doesn't look like a normal wife at all."

"We are not ordinary people, of course our reactions will be different from ordinary people!" Qiao Ning said seriously: "Chen Yang, I am serious, since you and Sister Ziyi can succeed in spiritual cultivation, it means that you have her in your heart, she I also have you in my heart. Why don’t you pierce this layer of window paper? We are all people who practice Taoism, so we don’t have to stick to those worldly things. Isn’t it?”

Chen Yang couldn't resist Qiao Ning, he said, "Let's stop talking about these messy things, let's double cultivate as soon as possible."

Qiao Ning said: "Actually, in my heart, I hope that both Xianzun and Ziyi will be your wives."

Chen Yang had a strange expression, and said, "There are also wives who persuade my husband to find more women."

Qiao Ning smiled and said, "You know that peacock king, Yang Xuan, right? He is cultivating hard now, but he is only at the level of a fairyland. He has more than 300 wives, and all kinds of stunning women are in the harem. You , it's too shabby!"

"Don't talk nonsense like that!" Chen Yang was unmoved, he put his arms around Qiao Ning, kissed her delicate and soft lips, and said, "I don't care what they do, Yang Xuan's more than 300 Is a woman a wife? It’s just his plaything. But you, Linger, Mo Nong are my wife. I’ve said it many times, you three, it’s a great blessing for me to have one of them .Now, I am very satisfied."

"As for Ziyi..." Chen Yang changed the subject and said, "Ziyi and I have gone through countless life and death hardships along the way. I have her in my heart, and she has me in her heart. But that is not love between a man and a woman , I respect her and treat her as a life-and-death friend. She and I will never go beyond friendship."

Qiao Ning couldn't help being moved, she also hugged Chen Yang tightly, and said, "I know what you mean, but, I think since you like her, why should you restrain yourself like this. I hope you can be happy!"

"That's not liking." Chen Yang emphasized.After he finished speaking, he felt a little uncertain in his heart.

"You said you don't like it, so if one day, sister Ziyi is with other men, won't you feel uncomfortable?" Qiao Ning asked.

"I..." Chen Yang was stunned.

"Will there be such a day?" Chen Yang asked deep in his heart.

"I will bless you!" Chen Yang still said to Qiao Ning affirmatively.He paused, and said: "We all have appreciation and admiration for outstanding people. Even if it is you, if a very outstanding man appears in front of you, you will also have this feeling in your heart. But you Can it be said that you don't have to restrain this emotion?"

"Stupid guy!" Qiao Ning said, "Men and women are different! Men are teapots, women are teacups. There is only one teapot with several teacups. What about one teacup with several teapots?"

"You!" Chen Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He poked Qiao Ning's forehead with his finger and said, "Fortunately, you are a woman. Otherwise, if you were a man, how many good girls would you harm with your unreasonable reasoning?"

Qiao Ning giggled.She went on to say: "A man's heart and a woman's heart are different after all. A man can fall in love with many. But in a woman's heart, as long as she falls in love with one man, other people will not fall into her eyes." .”

Chen Yang didn't bother with Qiao Ning on this topic either. He said, "Qiao Ning, do you know that a man's life also has many stages. When he was young, he loved to play and be dissolute. It's normal. I used to be ridiculous. Those memories , I am sometimes embarrassed to let you see. But now, it is time for me to take responsibility, this responsibility is to the family, to the country, and even to the earth and the universe. I will not evade my responsibility, as long as I Have this ability!"

This is a private conversation between Chen Yang and Qiao Ning.

It sounds lofty, like a politician's rhetoric.However, there is no need for Chen Yang to lie to Qiao Ning, this is what Chen Yang said from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, Qiao Ning finally understood why, among thousands of people, the Heavenly Dao Society chose Chen Yang as the King of Destiny in the Great Thousand World.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning then started the technique of double cultivation.

It is still spiritual practice!

Chen Yang gave Qiao Ning the last remaining primordial liquid to absorb.This primordial liquid nourished Qiao Ning so richly that every cell in Qiao Ning's body burst into joyful emotions.

Afterwards, the mana of the two came to the womb wrapped in the primordial fluid.

At this time, the mood of the two became complicated.

They can feel the quietness and fragility of the fetus inside, which is so fragile.

"But, no!" Qiao Ning said immediately.

Chen Yang also understood that it was indeed impossible.

Any mana and nutrition are too overbearing for the fetus.

Babies are too fragile.

Can't make up for it!

"What should I do?" Qiao Ning asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said, "I'm thinking about another question now. If Blood Pearl can't do anything about it, what should we do?"

Qiao Ning's delicate body trembled.She did think about this question, but she never dared to think deeply.Because once she thinks deeply, she will despair to the point of madness.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "Qiao Ning, I know how you feel. We tried our best to save the child, but if something really cannot be done, don't blame yourself, okay? We will be together for the rest of our lives .”

Qiao stared at Chen Yang, then she nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you."

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he knew it very well.At this time, he may not have such deep feelings for the embryo in the womb.Everything, the most important thing is for Qiao Ning.

"Okay, although our children can't absorb the primordial liquid now, you can absorb it. I have already explained to you the many laws and mysteries of the heavenly realm. Now you try your best to break through the barrier Bar!"

Qiao Ning's face froze, and then she said, "Yeah!"

The impact of the primordial liquid, the help of the elixir, and Chen Yang's protection.

After that, Qiao Ning successfully broke through the barrier and reached the early stage of the Celestial Realm.Moreover, the power of the primordial liquid, the pill is still fermenting.Chen Yang continued to help Qiao Ning consolidate her cultivation...

Qiao Ning experienced the mysterious power to reach the realm of heaven, she perceives the world and everything around her.

Infinite mana surged in her brain, constantly developing her brain cells.

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