The strongest player in history

Chapter 2400 The Peak of Heaven Realm

Chen Yang was not satisfied with the strength in front of him, on the contrary, he had more worries in his heart.What a rough road ahead!His enemies are really too many.

At this time, Chen Yang and Lan Ziyi drew out the replenishment pills and absorbed them continuously.

In this kind of integration, many truths began to be easily solved.Lan Ziyi's progress is even greater, she has never had any man in her life.The blending of yin and yang at this moment, although not the love between men and women, gave her a deeper understanding of yin and yang.At the same time, many laws of the universe in Chen Yang's brain were also absorbed by Lan Ziyi.

Lan Ziyi was extremely cheerful, and her continuous power was absorbed by her, tempered and understood by her.

Although Chen Yang's cultivation level is not yet at the level of creation, his profound truths and laws are extremely wonderful.

Similarly, Chen Yang was also slowly realizing Lan Ziyi's cultivation in the realm of creation.He also greedily absorbs it!

Time passed by minute by minute.

The water supplement pills are being consumed in huge quantities, 100 billion pills have been consumed. 200 billion pills were also consumed.

Chen Yang's mana is stronger than Lan Ziyi's. If Lan Ziyi wants to suppress Chen Yang, what he can rely on is the limitation of the realm, the limitation of time, and the limitation of the spirit of creation.

Of course, Lan Ziyi is also clear now.It was already very difficult for her to defeat Chen Yang. Chen Yang's body was too strong.

Lan Ziyi's cultivation quickly reached the second peak of the Creation Realm. As long as she breaks through that thin barrier, her cultivation can reach another height.

This is very important.

"Chen Yang, help me with all your strength!" Lan Ziyi immediately said to Chen Yang.Chen Yang also noticed Lan Ziyi's situation. He immediately integrated all the nutrients through Yin and Yang, and then sent them to Lan Ziyi's brain with all his strength.

Lan Ziyi integrated the emotions of life and death, as well as the power of yin and yang, and smashed the barrier!

One hit at a time!

There are countless truths, and the profound truths are surging like a golden ocean.

The power of the mind is also incorporated into it.

Chen Yang witnessed all this from the sidelines, and he was fully focused and fully supported.


At this moment, Lan Ziyi's throat felt sweet, and stars appeared in front of his eyes.

Then, Lan Ziyi spat out a mouthful of blood to the side.

Chen Yang also felt a huge force rebound in his head, and his brain cells were instantly torn apart countless times.This should have seriously injured Chen Yang, but Chen Yang's cells grew and repaired rapidly.He has nothing to do.

Lan Ziyi's plan to hit the barrier was a failure.Moreover, Lan Ziyi was seriously injured.She doesn't have Chen Yang's ability to repair.

Lan Ziyi was also straightforward, quickly burning the source of life, and directly repaired the serious injury he suffered.Then, she joined forces with Chen Yang Yinyang to absorb the primordial fluid, thus restoring all the origin of life.

The source of life is Lan Ziyi's special talent, which can cut him into pieces without getting hurt.What is lost is only the essence of life.

"Huh!" Lan Ziyi let out a long breath.She continued with a wry smile and said: "It seems that I have committed a big taboo after all. This way of cultivation, starting from Taixu Chongtian, every stage is a test of life and death. Especially after this realm of creation, it is even more difficult. It’s as hard as climbing the sky.”

Chen Yang said: "Climbing to the sky is not difficult!"

Lan Ziyi ignored Chen Yang, she said: "Mingyue has always been impatient, and I warned her again and again. But I didn't expect that when it came to me, I couldn't help it after all. Ridiculous, ridiculous!" After she finished speaking, she said: "It's also fortunate that I have the talent of immortality, otherwise, just because of the recklessness just now, this kind of injury would not be lighter than Mingyue's back then."

Chen Yang said: "Actually, I understand what you mean. You think it is too dangerous to go to Tianhe Divine Kingdom, so you want to cultivate to the third level of the Creation Realm, which will provide an extra layer of protection."

Lan Ziyi's thoughts were caught by Chen Yang, and she did not deny it, saying: "Chen Yu seems to be righteous, but in fact he has deep thoughts. I have to guard against it!"

Chen Yang said: "I watched all his subordinates die on purpose before I came out."

Lan Ziyi was slightly taken aback, then smiled, and said: "Unexpectedly, you also have more eyes."

Chen Yang said: "In this way, he will rely on you even more."

Lan Ziyi said: "The best thing is that your primordial liquid can save Qiao Ning and your child, so that everyone won't have to worry about it."

Chen Yang said, "I hope so."

This double cultivation didn't end here, although Lan Ziyi didn't reach the third level of the Creation Realm smoothly.But she has reached a critical point, and all she lacks is an opportunity, and some understanding.

Her strength has been greatly improved.

Right now, Lan Ziyi exudes an extremely powerful aura.

As for Chen Yang, Chen Yang is also continuing his double cultivation.He gained a lot of experience from Lan Ziyi, and then absorbed the infinite elixir, and logically, his cultivation finally reached the peak of the Celestial Realm.

Even if it is one level away from the realm of creation, it is only a piece of paper away.

Chen Yang was not in a hurry about this.

The realm of creation is mysterious and unattainable to other monks.But Chen Yang's understanding of creation is perfect.

Chen Yang felt that he was short of something, and he needed to go to the universe to comprehend creation.

In this way, his entire structure will transcend the creation monks of the earth.

Just like graduating from the same university, there is still a difference between Tsinghua University and Harvard University.As for the difference between Pheasant University and Harvard University, the difference is even greater.

Like Meng Qingchen and the rest of the Danube planet, although they are also graduate students, master students.But the school you graduated from is definitely not a prestigious school.

After finishing the spiritual training, Chen Yang and Lan Ziyi withdrew their mana together.

Both are at their peak.

The sleeves of the blue and purple clothes bulged without wind, and the mana of the body circulated. The powerful aura made the masters below the realm of creation frightened.

As for Chen Yang, Chen Yang's aura is strong and vigorous.

He gives people a mysterious feeling, like a fog, which cannot be seen through no matter what, but it is absolutely terrifying.

"By the way, this is for you!" Chen Yang took out the restored star beads and returned them to Lan Ziyi.

Lan Ziyi was not surprised to see Xingzhu, because she already understood the experience.She just tilted her head and thought for a moment, then looked at Chen Yang, and said, "The star beads are not mine. At that time, the situation was urgent, and Chen Yu gave them to me to defend against the enemy. Do you think we should return them to him now? If you return it to him, he doesn't know that your star bead has been recovered. So, there is no need to take it out."

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback.

This is indeed a big problem.

Now with his and Lan Ziyi's abilities, naturally there is no need to be afraid of Chen Yu.In fact, it was before the fierce battle with the old majesty.Chen Yang and the others are not afraid of Chen Yu and his group, everything is for Qiao Ning and the child.

"How about it." Lan Ziyi said: "You take this star bead yourself first. Then you go to treat Qiao Ning and see if it succeeds. If Qiao Ning's fetus in the womb is treated directly, everything will be unnecessary. said."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "That's right, that's it."

After that, Chen Yang took back the black hole spar.

This time, Chen Yang and Lan Ziyi practiced for three days and three nights without knowing it.

Immortal Master Mingyue, Qiao Ning, and Chen Yu stayed outside.

At this time, the bedroom door opened.

Chen Yang and Lan Ziyi came out.

Mingyue Xianzun and others also saw that Chen Yang and Lan Ziyi were alive and well, and they were even stronger than before.

"That's great." At this moment, Mingyue Immortal Venerable wept with joy.

Qiao Ning was also happy.Even Chen Yu, his eyes showed joy, but also surprise.

It was a miracle, but Chen Yang did it.

Chen Yu looked at Chen Yang with complicated eyes.Because Chen Yang gave him too many shocks and miracles.

"Miss Lan, it's great that you're fine." Chen Yu looked at Lan Ziyi and said sincerely.

Lan Ziyi smiled slightly, and said: "Your Highness is concerned." They were extremely polite to each other.

After some pleasantries, the king also sent someone to invite everyone to the banquet.

There is no need to list the entertainment and so on.

During the banquet, Chen Yu said that he would leave Suzaku Star and return to Tianhe Divine Kingdom.As for Suzaku Star, there should be no more threats.

Even the king Shi Gexi didn't want to leave here.

Originally I wanted to leave because there was a Zerg threat in Suzaku Star.Today, the Zerg are no longer a threat, and they are naturally reluctant to leave their hometown and wander among the stars.

But Shi Gexi didn't dare to speak out, because he was afraid that Chen Yu would get angry when he came here.The second is that they are afraid that the Zerg will make a comeback.So, I finally thought about it and decided it would be better to move away.

Chen Yu didn't think much about it, he told Shi Gexi that after they left, the empire's spaceship would continue to come.Someone will take over the matter here.He has already arranged everything properly, and Shi Gexi just needs to cooperate.

Shi Gexi could only agree, and at the same time kept thanking him.

Then, Chen Yu asked Lan Ziyi, when can we leave?

Lan Ziyi said: "Chen Yang and Qiao Ning are deeply in love with each other, and they are inseparable. Let them stay together for three days. After three days, we will set off."

Chen Yu smiled slightly and said, "Okay, then it's settled. After three days, we will return to Tianhe Divine Kingdom." He paused, and then said to Chen Yang: "Brother Chen Yang, relax, Blood Pearl I will be responsible to the end. Your affairs are my affairs. "

His attitude at this time seems to be the same as before the fierce battle with the old majesty, but in fact, Chen Yu's arrogance is almost gone.He was much more sincere to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang naturally cupped his fists and said, "Then thank you, Your Highness."

After the banquet, everyone went back to their bedrooms.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning also returned to their bedroom.At the same time, Chen Yang turned the black hole spar to cover the entire bedroom.It was also to avoid being overheard by Chen Yu.

Seeing this, Qiao Ning was slightly taken aback, and said, "What's the matter?"

Chen Yang pulled Qiao Ning to the bed, and said, "Let's practice spiritually again to see if we can make our children start to grow. Now I have the original liquid of the seed of Xuanhuang God Valley. The original liquid is very magical. "

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