The strongest player in history

Chapter 2307 Blood Dragon

Every time Chen Yang breaks through the barrier of reincarnation, he consumes a lot of mana.

After being killed by Chen Yang, many masters realized that Chen Yang was absorbing energy, so they also started to wander around, not giving Chen Yang a chance.

Tang Yin also gathered his strength from time to time, and cut out the sword of Yuantai.

"His power will not be endless, even absorbing our power is still a waste." Tang Yin commanded all the masters in a deep voice, and said: "Let's exhaust him first, and then kill him."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Everyone responded in a loud voice.

At this time, Tang Yin was also absorbing the elixir, which had powerful mana.His samsara barrier became stronger and stronger, and Tang Yin blocked Chen Yang's several kills.The others quickly dodged. As a result, Chen Yang's mana consumption was even more serious.

At that moment, Chen Yang stood on the spot, and he also began to absorb the elixir.After a while, he absorbed one billion elixirs and restored his full power.

Chen Yang has replenished his mana several times in a row. Although his mana is strong, such endless consumption and replenishment does not allow his entire brain to rest.This is an extremely dangerous thing, just like a person who works around the clock but relies on drugs to maintain his mental excitement.

Fortunately, Chen Yang's great origin technique is indeed powerful.Although the Great Origin Technique seemed to be non-existent, it moistened things silently and had helped Chen Yang survive several crises.

The most complex and fragile part of the human body is the brain.The Great Origin Technique is to solve the problem of the fragility of the brain.

In the midst of the samsara barrier, Chen Yang's aura became stronger again.

Wearing black hole armor, his eyes glowed coldly.

If he wants to leave now, no one can stop him.

It's just that Chen Yang always kept his word, since Tang Yin kept his promise and let Qin Keqing go.Then Chen Yang has no reason to break his promise.

This is Chen Yang's principle of life.From his humble beginnings, he was a man of his word.

Now, if you become a big boss, you won't break your promise and get fat.

"If you don't attack, that's fine. I'm going to rest up. I really need to rest up!" Chen Yang was not in a hurry, and suddenly sat cross-legged.

It's not impossible to kill these loach-like masters in the reincarnation barrier, but it's too strenuous.

Anyway, who is afraid of not being able to consume anyone?

Chen Yang's sitting down made Tang Yin anxious.

"Everyone, step down." Tang Yin said suddenly.

"Your Majesty!" Everyone was surprised.In fact, they are very eager in their hearts. These people don't have any pedantic ideas of loyalty to the emperor.They just can't hold back their faces.

"Back off, you guys will come back after I exhaust his strength. At this time, don't make unnecessary sacrifices!" Tang Yin said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" All the masters withdrew.

"Tang Yin, it's up to you? You're courting death." Chen Yang also stood up and said bluntly.

"Really?" Tang Yin sneered, and said, "Maybe, there are some situations that you don't understand well enough."

After Tang Yin finished speaking, he formed a seal with both hands, and then looked up at the sky.An eye suddenly appeared between his brows.

Chen Yang's heart trembled, he already felt something was wrong.

This Tang Yin is still hiding a trick.

No wonder he was willing to let Qin Keqing go.

I saw that between Tang Yin's brows, an eye of primordial fetus was born.The eyes of the primordial fetus have blood-colored pupils!

The blood-colored eyes emitted a beam of dazzling blood, and rushed to the sky.

"Communicate the power of the central embryo!" Chen Yang was taken aback.These few fights, Chen Yang probably also understood a little bit, this Tang Yin was beheaded by Ling'er in the central Yuan womb, after that, his body fragments were conceived by the Yuan womb, and actually regrown, and finally reshaped the golden body.This is a rare opportunity. From another perspective, Tang Yin is the son of the Central Yuan.

Tang Yin and Mo Yu have the same identity.But the difference is that the central primordial body belongs to one of the three thousand worlds in the earth.

And Mo Yu's mother is the embryo of the universe, so it is different.

Mo Yu just hasn't formed a systematic cultivation yet!

Tang Yinze has already completed his cultivation.

After the bloody light rushed into the sky, then, the bloody light suddenly became stronger.It was ten times stronger than the previous blood light, and it was also ten times more dazzling.

In the next moment, these bloody lights rumbled loudly.


The blood light suddenly formed ten blood dragons!

Ten huge blood dragons appeared in the air, and then completely surrounded Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang, these ten blood dragons are formed from the fragments of the crazy Chilong. They are now connected with the central Yuantai, and their power comes from the Yuantai, which is endless. I will see if you die or not!"

"Hahaha..." After Tang Yin finished speaking, he laughed wildly.

Chen Yang frowned slightly, he felt the strength of these blood dragons.

In the next second, the barrier of reincarnation contained the blood dragons.

Then, all the blood dragons opened their bloody mouths and spit out the Shenzang Jinghuo.

Shenzang Jinghuo is the unique power of Chilong, and its power is unparalleled.

Burning flames can instantly burn out the stars.

Thousands of tons of steel were thrown into this flame, and it instantly turned into water.In this Shenzang Jinghuo, there is nothing profound, spiritual.There is power, temperature!

In this way, the mysteries of the universe will not have any effect.

Linghui once said that at the level of powerful beings and high-level powerful beings, the competition is the truth, the profound truth, and the understanding of the heaven, earth and the universe.Once you understand it, you will be able to use these forces freely.

Technology creates power!

And mana is also the aspect of knowledge.

As for the current situation, it is very mysterious, like a chicken laying an egg, an egg laying a chicken is generally entangled.

Shenzang Jinghuo belongs to Ming Jin in Chinese martial arts at the moment. Ming Jin is owned by everyone and is the most obvious.

Dark energy, transformation energy, and so on, are infinitely mysterious.

However, after Ming Jin became strong, he was also extremely powerful.For example, the power of Mount Taishan... What skills are there.

So, for Chen Yang, is the truth of the universe not important anymore?

of course not!

Because right now, Chen Yang doesn't need to understand the truth to absorb it.Shenzang Jinghuo itself is pure power.


Can Chen Yang absorb it?

Tang Yin's move was absorbed by Chen Yang, he knew that Chen Yang's mana had been restored.It's like a full man is here, and suddenly he is given a sumptuous feast, and you can't do it if you don't eat.

Chen Yang had to absorb these powers. If he didn't absorb them, he would be burned to ashes by the fire of Shenzang.

Thus, within the black hole armor, the black hole vortex unfolded, and the Great Devouring Technique continued to absorb.

At this moment, Chen Yang's face flushed red.

His body was very hot, and his whole body was filled with endless strength.

"Chen Yang, it's impossible for you to absorb it like this." Qin Keqing turned pale in shock when she saw this.

"Don't worry about me, I have my own measure." Chen Yang shouted.

Qin Keqing was helpless, she really couldn't help in the current fight.Back then, for a Chilong, its Shenzang Jinghuo killed countless masters above the Cave Immortal level.Now that the ten blood dragons are out together, as long as Qin Keqing dares to show up, he will immediately turn into ashes.

Tang Yin stared at Chen Yang firmly.

There was cruelty in his eyes.

"Tang Yin, go to hell!" At this moment, Chen Yang roared suddenly, and after all his strength was accumulated, he suddenly cast the Light Thunder God Scissors!

Now, his power is stronger than ever!

Black hole particles, lightning electrons, the two are entangled!

At this moment, the light illuminates half of the sky in Kyushu.


The violent sound shook thousands of miles around!

The ten blood dragons were instantly blown to pieces.

This is the power of the entanglement explosion, and after that, the light and thunder god in the explosion cut like a flash of lightning, killing Tang Yin instantly.

Tang Yin didn't have time to react, and then, his body became fragments, and countless fragments floated away.

During the explosion, the group of masters worked together to protect the imperial city below.

Fortunately, all the explosive power was basically absorbed by the ten blood dragons, so the experts could still resist it.

Otherwise, with Chen Yang's actions, the entire Jokhang Mansion might be razed to the ground.

Then when the time comes, tens of millions of people will be devastated, and mourning will be everywhere, and Chen Yang will be a great sinner.

Tang Yin is dead and has no place to bury him.There was no trace of Tang Yin at the scene.

Chen Yang also spat out a mouthful of blood at this time.He was mentally injured, and his body ached like a knife.Also felt drowsy.

This downward dangerous move, barely winning, is really not suitable for entanglement any longer.

In fact, Chen Yang also knew in his heart that if Tang Yin was able to reshape his golden body back then, he might not be really dead now.But Chen Yang was powerless to prove it, so he was assumed to be dead.Anyway, I was leaving, so I couldn't delay any longer.

The group of masters didn't know about Chen Yang's situation, and now that Tang Yin was wiped out, they didn't dare to act rashly.

Chen Yang stood in the air, still full of momentum.Glancing coldly at the experts, he said, "You guys, do you still want to fight?"

He paused, and then said: "At the beginning, Emperor Tang and I received the favor of Emperor Tang. Therefore, I don't want the Jokhang Dynasty to sink. I will let you live today. If you don't want to fight, you should retreat quickly. If you want to fight, I will take care of myself!"

"Thank you, senior, for your compassion!" At this time, Palace Master Cang Hao said hurriedly, "I dare not make enemies with senior again!"

Afterwards, Cang Hao retreated.

Seeing Cang Hao leave, the rest of the people immediately left together.

Chen Yang glanced at the scene and left immediately.

This time he went straight to the Holy Light Society.

Inside the Holy Light Society, Qin Keqing activated the teleportation array, and then Chen Yang and Qin Keqing quickly left Central World.

The Holy Light Society has as many as ten teleportation arrays, so it doesn't matter if one is destroyed.

After arriving at Tianchi Pavilion in Tianzhou, Chen Yang heaved a long sigh of relief.After letting out this breath, he immediately spit out another mouthful of blood.

Then, Chen Yang tilted his head and passed out.

Qin Keqing and Xiao Ai were shocked when they saw this.

"Godfather?" At this moment, Xiao Ai's tears welled up.

Qin Keqing also had red eyes.

In Tianchi Pavilion, Chen Yang's old acquaintance Su Yanran also came over at this time.She was also surprised to see that Chen Yang was seriously injured.

"What's going on?" Su Yanran couldn't help asking.

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