The strongest player in history

Chapter 2306 Fighting the Demons

"Chen Yang, don't talk nonsense with me. I will give you a clear choice, which is to exchange your life for Qin Keqing's. You let go of your brain and let me control your brain. After that, I will Qin Keqing let go." Tang Yin said.

"You're fucking crazy." Chen Yang immediately cursed. "Even if my wife is threatened by you, I can't let go of my brain to you. If it were you, would you? If you don't have any sincerity in talking about it, then why should I cherish Qin Keqing?" Life? I will treat her as dead, and then come to avenge her. I, Chen Yang, have been in the rivers and lakes for many years, and I still have this courage and determination."

Chen Yang was not joking.

Not to mention Qin Keqing, even if Nian Ci was captured by Tang Yin, it would be impossible for Chen Yang to hand over the initiative of his life to Tang Yin.It's not that Chen Yang is afraid of death, death is possible, but it can't be meaningless.If he dies, nothing will be guaranteed.

Tang Yin stared at Chen Yang firmly.

Chen Yang gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "Qin Keqing, I know you are conscious now. I intended to save you today, but my ability is limited. But don't worry, if you die today, I will definitely avenge you. This is my only What I can do for you, I will count from one to three, if he does not let you go, I will treat you as dead. Then I will leave, and I will avenge you later!"


Chen Yang threw the floor loudly, and he wasn't just playing with Tang Yin.

Everything but to be worthy of heart.

He was persecuting Tang Yin, and he was also seeking a chance for Qin Keqing and himself.

Of course, people's emotional balance will still be tilted.If Nian Ci or Ling'er and Mo Nong were caught by Tang Yin, although Chen Yang knew that this choice was right, he was destined not to be so free and easy.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Tang Yin spoke.

Chen Yang looked at Tang Yin.

Tang Yin said in a deep voice: "I can let Qin Keqing go, but I want you to kowtow to me three times and admit that you are a bastard!"

"As long as I knock him down, will you let him go?" Chen Yang didn't blink.

"That's right!" Tang Yin said.

Chen Yang said: "Good!"

Without the slightest hesitation, he knelt down and kowtowed three times to Tang Yin.Then, he said loudly: "I, Chen Yang, am a bastard!"

"Go ahead, your wife is a bitch!" Tang Yin said.

"You can insult me, but you can't insult my wife!" Chen Yang stood up and said.He continued: "I did everything you asked me to do. Man, can you let me go?"

Tang Yin sneered and said, "Okay, here you are!"

Afterwards, he really let Qin Keqing go.As soon as he pushed in the air, Qin Keqing flew towards Chen Yang.Without batting an eye, Chen Yang swung Qin Keqing into the black hole crystal with a wave of his hand.Chen Yang separated Qin Keqing from Xiao Ai.It was because he was afraid that there might be some secrets about Qin Keqing that he didn't know about.What if Qin Keqing rebelled, what if Qin Keqing was controlled by Tang Yin, etc...

Chen Yang's habit is to be cautious, not to give the enemy a chance to take advantage of it.

This time Chen Yang had captured Qin Keqing, and his mana also penetrated into Qin Keqing's body.Qin Keqing's delicate body trembled, and in the next second, she opened her eyes.

She obviously knew everything just now.At the same time, she also completely devoured the primordial bomb planted.

Qin Keqing also recovered her combat effectiveness.Her cultivation has reached the Cave Wonderland!

"Thank you, Chen Yang!" Inside the black hole spar, Qin Keqing said with complicated eyes.

"You're welcome, but now is not the time for us to reminisce about the past." Chen Yang said.

"I'll give you a helping hand." Qin Keqing said.

"No need!" Chen Yang felt that Qin Keqing could not be of much help, and if she was captured again, then he would be in trouble.

At this time, Chen Yang had already confirmed that Qin Keqing was fine.Only then did Qin Keqing be transferred to the Prajna Bell.

In the Prajna Bell, Qin Keqing met Xiaoai.

Chen Yang could then face the challenge with peace of mind.

"Never die, Chen Yang, remember your oath." Tang Yin said coldly.

Chen Yang sneered, and said, "Don't worry, I won't run away, but I won't run away."

"Kill!" Tang Yin roared loudly, and his samsara magic eyes once again emitted samsara magic light, completely covering Chen Yang.

All the masters also shot together.

Chen Yang was still wearing the black hole armor, like a demon god holding the sky.

The magic light of reincarnation rippled heavily, like the water of the underworld submerged Chen Yang in it.These waters of magic light contained the meaning of primordial fetus, and invaded Chen Yang's body.

Fortunately, the black hole armor protected Chen Yang's body, otherwise, the damage would have been huge.

All the masters erupted, and the energy burst was unparalleled, and the darkness between the heaven and the earth was unparalleled.

Chen Yang was full of pride and laughed out loud.His figure was interspersed in this reincarnation, and everyone's palm force exploded and killed him.His body twisted, smashing and devouring these forces with the light thunder god scissors.

Afterwards, he absorbed the energy and struck out with both left and right palms.

With one palm, he killed two masters at the peak of Xuxian.

The power of the palm contains the law of the universe, carrying the power of tens of billions of galloping horses.



The two masters almost didn't even hum, and they were directly killed by Chen Yang and smashed to pieces.

With one palm, a peak Xuxian master.It's like cutting melons and vegetables!

In the past, Chen Yang faced Xuxian masters as if he was facing a god.

At that time, he was an ant!

But now, he is a demon god.

What virtual immortals and cave immortals are all ants in his eyes.He could crush it to death with his fingers.

Inside the Prajna Bell, both Qin Keqing and Xiao Ai could see the outside scene.Qin Keqing couldn't help being stunned when she saw Chen Yang's supernatural power.

The feeling in her heart is more complicated.

The person she loves is walking fast ahead, but she will never catch up.

I really miss the days when we fought together!

Time... gone forever.

Chen Yang laughed bitterly, and then he faced the Tantai Mirror.

Tan Taijing met Chen Yang's blood-red eyes. At this moment, his heart was broken, and he turned and ran away.

"Take your life!" Chen Yang grabbed it with his big hand and smashed his brain with one palm.With such a powerful force, Tan Taijing couldn't resist at all.

"Jing'er!" Tantai Zongyuan burst into tears when he saw his son being killed.He slashed his sword at Chen Yang with anger.

The ferocious sword power is unparalleled in the world.

Landslide and tsunami, light cold Kyushu!

Facing Tantai Zongyuan's full-strength sword, Chen Yang didn't blink, just flipped his palm over, grasping Tantai Zongyuan's sword force forcefully in his hand, and crushed it with one palm.Then he hit Tantai Zongyuan's chest with a backhand palm.

In an instant, Tantai Zongyuan's chest and abdomen were shattered, he spurted blood and died.

Chen Yang went berserk on the spot, his mana was surging and passing away crazily.But he is also constantly absorbing attacks and transforming energy...

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