During the jumping process of the small boat of one yuan, the pressure of speed and energy was too great, which caused the boat of one yuan to be unable to bear it.Chen Yang used mana to help the boat of one yuan resist the oppressive force of the outside world.After his mana was extended, he immediately felt a huge pressure in time and space, like a planet bursting.He couldn't bear it alone.

"Although my magic power is enormous, I am still insignificant in this universe!" Chen Yang secretly said.

At this time, everyone also used their mana to protect the one-yuan boat.In an instant, countless protective shields protected the boat of one yuan.

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief.These few people can be regarded as the elite level figures on the earth.They shot together and finally protected the boat of one yuan.

In the center of the boat of one yuan, the array spar transformed into a teleportation array in the planet Danube!

The signal guides the one-yuan boat to jump non-stop, rushing towards the teleportation array.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened again.

"Oops!" Chen Yang's expression changed immediately when he saw the situation inside the formation spar.Because he saw a force of mana breaking through the cover inside the elves.The concealment formation of the teleportation array was broken... Afterwards, Chen Yang saw a person appearing in the teleportation array.

This person is none other than the long-lost Meng Qingchen!

That Meng Qingchen was dressed in white, with a heroic appearance, her eyes were looking at the running teleportation array.She saw that the energy fluctuations in the teleportation array were fierce and abnormal.

Afterwards, Chen Yang and his group saw a purple light burst out from Meng Qingchen's blue eyes.The purple divine light directly destroyed the teleportation array with a bang.

"Not good!" Chen Yang was shocked.

"All come in!" He quickly sacrificed the black hole spar.

Everyone didn't speak, they all understood and flashed directly into the black hole spar.At this moment, due to the loss of the support of the teleportation array in the distance, the internal formation of the one-yuan boat began to be disordered, and then rumbled...

The violent explosion resounded for hundreds of miles, and the dazzling brilliance was like a planet being destroyed.Chen Yang's black hole vortex unfolded, devouring this explosive energy infinitely.

At the same time, Chen Yang used the great teleportation technique during the absorption process, and after a while, he led everyone away from the scene, thousands of miles away.

Everything around them finally returned to calm again.Everyone officially met in the black hole spar!

At that moment just now, Chen Yang asked everyone to come in, not because he was afraid that everyone would be affected by the explosion of the boat of one yuan.He was afraid that everyone would be separated in the universe because of this. Once separated, it would not be easy to get together again.There are traps and vortexes everywhere in the universe, and even time and space are unstable.

Things got serious.

This is clear to everyone.Because the teleportation array was destroyed, it meant that the elves had been broken by Meng Qingchen.

Chen Yang's heart sank infinitely.

There are a group of friends in the elves who trust him so much, but he is still late after all.

Now that the teleportation array is destroyed halfway, it will take longer to go to the Danube planet.

"Let's hurry over there, do our best and obey the destiny!" Chen Ling said to Chen Yang without expressing too much emotion.

Chen Yang nodded.

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Mr. Chen and I are here to preside over the black hole spar. Chen Yang, please point out the direction."

Chen Yang said: "Good!"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "I'll come first!" She instantly circulated her mana, and the black hole spar formed a black light, which quickly traveled through the universe.Its speed was more than double that of Chen Yang.

It is extremely difficult to discern the direction in the universe. Chen Yang can accurately find the location of the Danube planet only by relying on his own understanding of the universe.

Flying all the way, the wind is fast.Among them, there are many existences such as solar storms and time-space mazes.But Hei Yi Suzhen split him open with the Great Chaos Thunder Sword.This level of domineering made the Chinese emperor Chen Ling feel astonished.

Galloping all the way, non-stop day and night, this group of people has advanced cultivation bases, and the previous teleportation array also brought a part of the distance.So it took them only ten days to reach the sky above the Danube planet.

Chen Yang didn't have time to think about it, he had no scruples now, and immediately took everyone to the Western Xinjiang Continent where the elves were located.

The entire Danube planet is in a frozen state, icy and snowy, beautiful.

Everyone landed in front of the foggy forest, surrounded by deep snow, and the branches were already bent over by the snow.

This place is like a pure forest, with no human beings.

With a flash of Chen Yang's figure, he went directly to the Elf Palace.Everyone followed behind... What Chen Yang first discovered was that the splendor, beauty and grandeur of the Elven Palace had become ruins, a dilapidated scene.

In all directions, there are corpses everywhere, and all of them are the corpses of elves.It was shocking, blood flowed like a river!

The internal formations of the elves were not completely broken, so the snow did not fall in.

Chen Yang walked among them, and Ling'er followed Chen Yang closely, for fear that Chen Yang would be overwhelmed.

Chen Yang walked all the way, and he saw many familiar corpses within a few steps...the Minister of Agriculture, Ke En, and the Minister of Water, Luo Ding!

He also saw... Jones.

Miss Jones was originally so lively, beautiful and lovely.And now, she doesn't look good.The lower half of her body was festered, and there were still some bugs crawling on her face.

Chen Yang's eyes turned red immediately.

"I was wrong, I shouldn't have left." Chen Yang hated himself, he had done so much, but in the end he couldn't change anything.

When he thought of the trusting eyes of the elves and their fate now, Chen Yang's heart was pierced.

"The elves were in peace at first, but I came to lobby His Royal Highness Arthur. I killed His Royal Highness, and now I have killed their whole family. I, Chen Yang, am a sinner!" Chen Yang knelt down.

This feeling is powerless to the extreme.

All the sins are on him, there is no excuse.

However, even if he kills Meng Qingchen, they cannot be resurrected.

Hei Yi Suzhen and the others were relatively calm. Hei Yi Suzhen, Chen Ling, Luo Feng and the others all shot with their spiritual sense.

There are still a lot of fragments of information left in the air.

Hei Yi Suzhen immediately said: "Chen Yang, don't babble here, I saw that most of the elves were captured by Meng Qingchen. Now, we will rush to her immediately and let her pay cost!"

Chen Yang's eyes flashed brightly, and he said, "Okay, let's go!"

At that moment, his figure flashed, he rose from the ground, and flew towards the sky.

Without saying a word, everyone caught up with Chen Yang in a flash.

At this time, Chen Yang didn't want to talk about any more tricks with Meng Qingchen, and no matter how powerful her Loulan Heavenly Kingdom was, he just wanted to force it... because he had the strength.

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