The strongest player in history

Chapter 2265 Wormhole Jump

Chen Yang also introduced Linger to Chen Ling.

Here, Chen Ling had never seen Ling'er.This is the first time the two have met.

"This is my wife, Situ Linger!" Chen Yang said.

Chen Ling looked at Ling'er. He was also attracted by Ling'er's cool beauty, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.Afterwards, he laughed and said, "Little guy, you are really lucky. Besides, strictly speaking, Miss Ling'er is still my junior junior sister. Our seniority is messed up."

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and then thought that both Linger and Senior Ling's masters were god emperors, so Linger was really Senior Ling's junior sister.He suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and immediately said: "Senior, our seniority is still different, and we have different opinions."

Chen Ling smiled and said, "Of course, everyone has their own opinions. Could it be that you still call me brother and brother?" Ling'er was on the sidelines and didn't say much.

Chen Ling then patted Xuan Zhenghao on the shoulder, and said, "Zhenghao, it seems that we can't accept our old age! The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and we are about to be shot to death on the beach."

Xuan Zhenghao also smiled wryly, and said, "Master, let's not talk about this first, I would like to solemnly introduce a senior to you." He solemnly introduced Hei Yi Suzhen to Chen Ling, and said, "This senior is The famous Bai Suzhen, Senior White!"

Chen Ling looked at Hei Yi Suzhen.

And Hei Yi Suzhen was also looking at Chen Ling.

Chen Ling suddenly thought of the Buzhou Divine Mountain that he had been to. In the Buzhou Divine Mountain, there were spirit clans. Among the spirit clan demons were Monkey King and Bai Suzhen.

But the Bai Suzhen in front of her eyes is completely different from what she saw in Buzhou Shenshan.Its cultivation is also not the same.

There is such a coincidence in the world.

Chen Ling was surprised.

Seeing Chen Ling's expression was different, Hei Yi Suzhen couldn't help asking, "What? We've met before?"

Everyone looked at Chen Ling and Hei Yi Suzhen.

Chen Ling smiled faintly and said, "No." Then, he cupped his fists and said, "Miss Bai, please be polite."

When Xuan Zhenghao first met Hei Yi Suzhen, it was based on Hei Yi Suzhen's strength.And Chen Ling's current cultivation base and Hei Yi Suzhen were brothers, so he would only meet as equals.

Hei Yi Suzhen is certainly not arrogant, everyone is not an outsider.She also cupped her fists and said, "I have admired your name for a long time."

Chen Ling said: "Ashamed, ashamed!" He paused, and said: "I have met a person before, also named Bai Suzhen. So I was a little surprised to see Miss Bai today."

Hei Yi Suzhen didn't think it was different, smiled lightly, and said: "In the universe, there are all kinds of wonders, and there is nothing strange about having the same name, the same surname, and the same fate."

Chen Ling said, "That's right!"

After exchanging pleasantries here, Luo Feng also bowed heavily to Xuan Zhenghao.

After greeting each other, Chen Yang said, "Senior Ling, aren't you with Aunt Dongfang?"

Chen Ling said: "She felt bored here, so she went out. We are not inseparable. Anyway, Zhenghao's side is safe these days, and we have nothing to do. I plan to leave in a few days."

Chen Yang immediately said: "Do you have time to accompany me for a walk, I may have something to trouble you."

Chen Ling was slightly surprised, then smiled and said, "What's the matter, tell me, I don't have anything else to do recently."

Chen Yang immediately talked about the Danube planet, and he hoped that Chen Ling could go there together.

Chen Ling felt refreshed after hearing this, and said, "Okay, how can I lose my share in such a meaningful matter. I will accompany you for a walk!"

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, senior!"

Chen Ling said, "Don't meet me, you kid."

Xuan Zhenghao said enviously at the side: "I really want to go with you, but unfortunately, I can't get away from here."

Chen Ling said, "Don't join us in the fun."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It seems that I am really the one who guards the family. I used to guard the house for you in Hong Kong."

Chen Ling laughed, and then said: "But now you are guarding the house for yourself, so the meaning is different."

Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said, "That's true."

Chen Yang also said: "Now we need to arrange the formation, and I buried an exquisite formation over there." After he finished speaking, he took out a formation spar.This spar is to connect with the teleportation array of the Danube planet.

In the scene, Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao were the most powerful in studying the formation.

Xuan Zhenghao stretched out his hand and said, "Let me see."

Chen Yang handed over the formation spar, and said: "It is also the first time for me to try to build this kind of ultra-long-distance formation. I have stayed in the wormhole for a long time, so I put the The principle of hole jumping is built in. Everything is based on my imagination, and it should be done."

Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly and said: "Your idea is too simple. This kind of long-distance jump cannot be completed. But you are very lucky, because there is such a ready-made formation in my one-yuan boat, I can Use this spar to help you locate, establish contact, and complete the jump. But the jump requires 500 billion pure yang pills."

"500 billion?" Chen Yang suddenly felt a headache and said, "I don't have so many pills."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Don't worry about it, this elixir is nothing. Last time, Dixuan's River of Pure Yang was still a little more, and I also found a way. Every day, the Babu Buddha of Tianlong can create one billion pure Yang Rivers. Here comes the elixir."

Chen Ling said: "That's right, don't worry about the pills, I have a lot of reserves!"

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and said, "Your Majesty, I owe you another favor."

Xuan Zhenghao said with a smile: "All of us, unknowingly, have a common destiny, so there is no need to say such polite words."

Chen Yang is also a straightforward person, so he didn't say anything more at the moment.

Immediately afterwards, Xuan Zhenghao concentrated mana in his hands, and a strange light flickered at his fingertips... Afterwards, everyone saw that the end of the bridge of unity was no longer nothingness, but connected to the boat of unity.

Chen Yang had seen the one-yuan boat before, and Chen Ling had also been on it.None of the others had ever officially met.

At this time, Hei Yi Suzhen, Linger, Luo Feng and others saw the one-yuan boat.

They have seen countless miracles and seen many worlds.But at this time, when they saw the boat of one yuan, they were still shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

Shock, shock!

The boat of one yuan is as long as hundreds of millions of miles, as if it is endless.

This million miles is a feeling.

Because in the Tianlong Babu Stupa, it is impossible to really have a cosmic sky.

Facing this magnificent and magical one-yuan boat, even Hei Yi Suzhen couldn't help sighing: "It is rumored that there is a gate of eternal life in the universe. And this one-yuan boat is passed down from the gate of eternal life." Yes, seeing you today really deserves your reputation."

Xuan Zhenghao gave a long laugh, and said: "In the boat of one yuan, there are infinite mysteries. I, the universe of Tianlongbabutu, realized it from the boat of one yuan. But even I can't penetrate the boat of one yuan. Now, at most, I have only comprehended one ten-thousandth of it, and the more I get in touch with this boat of Yuan, the more I feel how vast and unattainable the universe is."

While he was speaking, he waved his sleeve robe, and the gate of the one yuan boat opened.

With a flash, everyone boarded the one-yuan boat.

In the boat of one yuan, in all directions, within thousands of miles, there are all shining crystal walls.Just like a huge library, the difference is that there are not books in it, but various crystal walls.

Chen Yang didn't quite understand it when he first came to the One Yuan Ship, but when he saw these crystal walls again today, he immediately understood it.

These crystal walls are exactly the same as the ones he saw in the extremely cold wormhole.

"If the universe is extremely large, this is an information model of the universe." Chen Yang said directly: "As long as you find the right information model, you can achieve soul travel and reach any place you want to go in the universe."

Everyone was still confused at first, but when Chen Yang said this, everyone was also a smart person, and immediately understood the key point.

Chen Ling praised and said: "I came here before, but I couldn't understand it. Chen Yang, you have explained the truth in one word, and you really deserve to be a genius comparable to Zhenghao."

Chen Yang was praised by Chen Ling, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and said, "Senior Ling, this is my second time coming in."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It's pretty good that I can see through this the second time I come in."

After he finished speaking, he began to set up the formation.

Flying directly from Tianzhou, it is impossible to leave the real earth, but the teleportation array is different...

When Xuan Zhenghao set up the formation, the crystal walls in all directions began to move, and a huge gossip quickly appeared under his feet.The surrounding crystal walls refracted white crystal light, and finally formed a small one-yuan boat on the eight trigrams array.

Xuan Zhenghao's knowledge of formation was even deeper than that of Chen Yang, and then he threw the formation spar into the boat of one yuan.

At the same time, Xuan Zhenghao began to mobilize the pure yang elixir.There are enough pure yang elixirs stored in the boat of one yuan, and countless pure yang dragons appeared in all directions, gathering to form a sea.

This sea of ​​pure yang wrapped the small boat of unity and poured into it.

Driven by Xuan Zhenghao's mana, a dazzling brilliance burst out from the small one-yuan boat that made it hard to keep one's eyes open.The concealed teleportation array on the Danube planet appeared in the center of Guanghua.

Chen Yang couldn't help being very excited when he saw the teleportation array he had set up.

"All of you go in, I'm going to send you there." Xuan Zhenghao shouted and said.

In the dazzling brilliance, a golden gate appeared.

Everyone flashed into it immediately.

After entering the Golden Light Gate, the Golden Light Gate disappeared immediately.

Looking inside from the outside, the brilliance is shining, but after entering the inside, it is a real ship of energy.The material of the hull is extremely strong. This ship is about a hundred square meters, and the inside is pitch black. In the pitch black, the surging and majestic sea of ​​pure yang is stirring inside.

The gossip array violently absorbs the light from the crystal wall, and finally forms a huge energy pile.In this energy pile, the light is getting more and more dazzling, and the one-yuan boat is inside the energy pile.


In the end, the boat of one yuan disappeared completely in the light...

Everyone felt the violent vibration inside, and also felt that the one-yuan boat was moving forward rapidly in a mysterious energy channel.Its speed surpassed the speed of light, and brilliant sparks appeared outside the boat of one yuan.

The terrifying speed is destroying the energy shield!

When Chen Yang saw this, he couldn't help being taken aback. He quickly used his mana to repair the energy shield.Seeing this, other people also took action one after another.

This kind of change was unexpected by everyone, including Xuan Zhenghao when he was setting up the formation.

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