Meng Wanshan is entangled by golden characters, and those golden characters are thousands of truths hidden in the universe, thousands of mysteries, and covering ten thousand dharmas.Coupled with the suppression of Meng Qingchen's surging magic power, Meng Wanshan couldn't break free no matter what.

But Meng Wanshan's will was fading, and his mana was also frantically passing away.

One is to attack and kill downstream, and the other is to resist upstream.So even if the mana is equal, Meng Wanshan is far from being able to resist.What's more, Meng Qingchen's mana is still above Meng Wanshan.

Meng Qingchen is holding the magic mirror, and her purple hair covers the starry sky of the universe!

Her face is so beautiful and delicate, her temperament is sharp but spotless.

At this time, she was suppressing Meng Wanshan, her eyes were extremely indifferent, without a trace of emotional fluctuations!


Finally, Meng Wanshan couldn't hold on anymore, he knelt down and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Meng Qingchen sneered, and said: "Meng Wanshan, you want to deceive me? While I'm reaping the benefits, then use your blood escape technique to escape? Is it possible?"

Meng Wanshan loses color again.

Once again, he really felt the horror of Meng Qingchen.

But everything, there is no room for regret.

Meng Qingchen pinched Meng Wanshan's body with her big handprint, and she exerted the power of ten thousand magic through the magic mirror of ten thousand magic.

The big handprints are all galloping out of the magic mirror.

Meng Wanshan felt the bondage of Wanfa!

He couldn't break free at all, his whole body was like being in an oven.

He could feel that as long as he disobeyed, he would be reduced to ashes by this oven.

"Meng Wanshan, open your mind, and obey me from now on, listen to my orders! Otherwise, choose to die!" Meng Qingchen said coldly.

Meng Wanshan's forehead was dripping with sweat.

His son died at the hands of Meng Qingchen, and he hated Meng Qingchen to the bone.

But at this moment, in the face of life and death, what can he do?

Can you choose to die generously?

Obviously not!

An old guy like him who has lived for so many years values ​​his life more than anything else.

What kind of family affection seems extremely pale in the passage of time.

Meng Wanshan didn't hesitate too long, he chose to obey.

Thus, Meng Qingchen successfully controlled Meng Wanshan.

Afterwards, Meng Qingchen brought Meng Wanshan back to the planet Danube.

Meng Wanshan completely resigned to his fate, lowered his eyebrows in front of Meng Qingchen, and let him drive.

After returning to Zifu, Meng Qingchen didn't stop.

She still asked the four elders to guard Loulan Heaven.

When the four elders saw that Meng Wanshan was obedient, they were stunned.

Meng Qingchen said coldly: "Next, this deity is going to conquer Tianshan Mansion and Ziyue Mansion. In this Loulan Heavenly Kingdom, there is a channel that this deity has built. If there is an irreversible change, this deity can come back at any time. You master it well." Righteous gods from all walks of life, just control the formation."

The four elders should be.

Afterwards, Meng Qingchen left with Meng Wanshan.

Before, Meng Qingchen was afraid that after going out, he would fall into the trap of the Elf King, afraid that the main body would be trapped.But now, Meng Qingchen was fearless, and she chose to take the initiative.

When she gave up the shackles in her heart, she was truly peerless.

Meng Qingchen and Meng Wanshan directly came to the sky above Ziyue Mansion.

"Like smoke and dust, get out!" Meng Qingchen yelled outside the Ziyue Mansion.

At the same time, she asked Meng Wanshan to cover the entire Ziyue Mansion with his power and law.

Ziyue Mansion is located in the icy and snowy land, and it is an incomparably exquisite palace.

Ru Yanchen, an intellectual beauty, was startled when she heard Meng Qingchen's shout, and immediately led all the experts to welcome her out.

At the same time, Ru Yanchen had already summoned Gou Chen.Gou Chen also immediately sent a message to Moshan Cangqiong.

"Let's all move!" In the elves, Aserati and the others immediately dispatched.

"The plan begins!" Chen Yang also said to Xian Zhengyun.

The mighty drama officially kicked off.

Ru Yanchen and his group came to welcome Meng Qingchen.

"See my lord!" Ru Yanchen saluted anyway.

"Hmph!" Meng Qingchen snorted coldly and said, "Ru Yanchen, what should you do?"

There are four masters behind Ru Yanchen, all of whom are at the level of the Purple Mansion of Creation.This is her trump card!

Ru Yanchen looked at Meng Qingchen, she sneered, and said: "It seems that the Lord came today to Xingshi to question the crime."

"Otherwise, what do you think? Condolences to you?" Meng Qingchen said.

Meng Qingchen has always been very gentle.Except when she showed her sharpness in the battle for the throne, she was so gentle at other times.

But at this moment, Meng Qingchen's sharpness showed again.

Like the number one expert behind Yanchen, Qiu Suyan immediately said: "My lord, what are we guilty of?"

"The magic mountain rebelled, you stand by and watch, this crime is the same crime as treason!" Meng Qingchen said: "Ru Yanchen, you can be arrested now, and this deity can still give you a way out."

Ru Yanchen sneered again and again, and said: "Meng Qingchen, I am afraid that you, the master, are already stupid. Why did the magic mountain and the sky rebel? Don't you know? You have already regarded our three houses as enemies, you I and Gouchen were trapped because we were afraid that we would rescue the Demon Mountain and Cangqiong. This led to the Demon Mountain and Cangqiong being captured by the Elf King. All of this was in your calculation. The life and death of the Demon Mountain and Cangqiong were threatened, so you betrayed Zifu. I and other cultivators have seen everything clearly. Is it you Meng Qingchen? Could it be that you didn’t save your life when the knife rested on your neck? So, you don’t need to sing any high-profile things here. "

"It seems that you are going to turn against me..." Meng Qingchen's eyes were stern.

Ru Yanchen said: "If it's the other way around, you forced it."

At this time, Ru Yanchen also showed her fierceness.

At this time, Meng Wanshan said: "My lord, this girl is arrogant and arrogant, and my servants request to go to war, so teach this girl a lesson."

"Hmph!" Meng Qingchen snorted coldly.Afterwards, she said to Ru Yanchen: "Ru Yanchen, you are here, so confident, don't you know what your plan is? You must have notified the elf king Aserati, right? But , since the deity dared to come today, if there is no means, wouldn't the word Meng Qingchen become a joke!"

Afterwards, Meng Qingchen sacrificed the Magic Mirror of Myriad Arts.

Then, a mirror world appeared in the sky above Ziyue Mansion.

All directions are controlled by the magic mirror!

It was like countless snow-white mirrors covering the world.

Such as smoke can not help but lose color.

Meng Qingchen completely revealed her hideousness.

At this time, the body of the magic mirror is still in Meng Qingchen's hands.At this time, all the masters including Arthur Arati arrived, and Gou Chen also led all the masters here.

When everyone came, they found that Ziyue Mansion was no longer visible.But around the original Ziyue Mansion, there are countless mirrors.With a snow-white and transparent mirror, everyone can clearly see their own appearance in the mirror.

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