The strongest player in history

Chapter 2245 Creation Divine Weapon

Among the four continents, Zifu's history is the shallowest.And in the long struggle, the founder of Zifu, the generation of Mengjia, was very worn out.The previous masters either died at the hands of the human race or were consumed by internal fighting.So later, in order to consolidate his position, Meng Qingchen carried out a brutal bloodbath on the Meng Family.Her father died at the hands of her uncle Meng Huashan, and she hated the Meng family.

And in this way, although Meng Qingchen stabilized his position.But Mengjia seemed to be weak in this Zifu.Over the years, she has frightened the rest of the world with the Loulan Heaven.She practiced hard and exhausted all means.She has firmly controlled the Eighth Division, and let the four elders obey.As long as the three mansions are subdued, the entire Zi mansion can be completely controlled by her.

Unfortunately, at this moment, a Chen Yang from Earth completely destroyed her plan and forced her to this point.

During the bloodbath of the Meng family, a senior of the Meng family once escaped.This senior of the Meng family is Meng Huashan's father.Meng Huashan is Meng Qingchen's uncle.And Meng Huashan's father and Meng Qingchen's grandfather are brothers.

Meng Qingchen's grandfather died early in internal fighting.

Therefore, Meng Qingchen also hated Meng Huashan's father to the bone.

Meng Huashan's father is called Meng Wanshan.

Meng Wanshan escaped from the Danube planet, but has been in the nearby star field of the Danube planet.

Meng Qingchen left the Danube planet overnight, and went to look for Meng Wanshan.

As for the purple mansion, she asked the four elders to guard the Loulan Heavenly Kingdom.

In the Loulan Heavenly Kingdom, there are many formations, and the place where the golden seal is located is even more difficult to approach.The Four Great Elders don't have the ability to rebel.

Meng Qingchen started to make dangerous moves. The road she walked before was all steady and steady without any accidents.

But now, she's starting to take risks.

The former Meng Qingchen was a peerless genius and fearless.

But now Meng Qingchen has too many fetters and shackles on her body.This was the reason for her two failures, and Meng Qingchen herself realized this.

Therefore, she began to show her peerless demeanor that she did not become the Lord.

At this time, leaving the Purple Mansion was absolutely beyond the imagination of the Elf King and the others.All information is sealed, Meng Qingchen is not afraid that the other party will come.

Because only she knows the secret of Meng Wanshan.

In the endless starry sky, Meng Qingchen unfolded her misty and shocking movement technique, like a stream of light traveling through the void, tens of thousands of miles in an instant.

Not long after, Meng Qingchen stopped on a dead star.

The Death Star is surrounded by darkness, it is an absolute vacuum, and it is absolutely icy cold.

On the Death Star, there are rust spots, and there is no life.

"Meng Wanshan, come out!" Meng Qingchen stood on an iron mine and said coldly.

In the darkness, Meng Qingchen was wearing a long snow-white dress and her purple hair was flying in the wind. She was so beautiful and spotless.

Like an iron horse falling into a glacier in a dream, a bunch of red dust in the dark night!

Although Meng Qingchen's voice was very soft, it spread in all directions.

Not long after, fluctuations appeared in the core of the death star, and a moment later, a figure rushed out from the ground.

This figure soon came to Meng Qingchen.

The visitor had purple hair and blue eyes. He looked to be in his sixties, with many wrinkles on his face. He was tall and his eyes were piercing, giving him a sharp look.

Dressed in black, extremely solemn!

This old man is... Meng Wanshan!

Meng Wanshan didn't have any fear when facing Meng Qingchen.

"Young girl, what's the matter? You still want to kill them all?" Meng Wanshan said coldly.There is murderous intent hidden in his eyes!

Meng Qingchen took a look at Meng Wanshan, and said: "You have been cultivating the star core in this planet. You want to absorb the star core and then attack me. Do you think I really don't know? I won't do anything. It’s because you have to wait for you to mature the star core before picking the fruit.”

"Can you? Damn girl!" Meng Wanshan was furious when he heard the words: "You overestimate yourself. If you were on the Danube planet, you have many helpers, and you have such a magical weapon as the Loulan Heavenly Kingdom, I would still be afraid of you A bit. But here, you are courting death!"

Meng Qingchen said: "My time is very tight, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Meng Wanshan, your star core has three years to mature. I can't wait for these three years. Now, I want you to submit to me , I will be loyal to me from now on. If you are obedient, we will cancel all the previous grievances. In the Purple Mansion, I can give you status and dignity. Otherwise, you can only be a dog for me!"

Meng Wanshan was furious when he heard the words: "Stinky girl, what a stinky girl who doesn't know how to be superior or inferior, today I will teach you a good lesson."

Meng Qingchen sneered and said, "It seems that you are going to choose the latter."

At the moment, her figure flickered.

In an instant, Meng Qingchen and Meng Wanshan started fighting.Both of them are extremely clean and tidy.Meng Wanshan didn't dare to underestimate Meng Qingchen, so he used all his strength to make a move.

Meng Wanshan's cultivation base was not weaker than Meng Qingchen back then, but Meng Qingchen had the Loulan Heaven to defeat him.

Today, after these years of training, Meng Wanshan has the confidence to fight against Meng Qingchen.

However, he is still afraid of the Loulan Heavenly Kingdom.

He cultivated the star core here to deal with the Loulan Heavenly Kingdom.

Meng Wanshan directly sacrificed his peerless magic weapon.

"Creation Divine Soldier!"

This Creation Divine Soldier is neither a knife nor a sword, but a strange word.This word is read as soldiers!

The soldier character is made of wonderful meteorite iron, and finally forms this soldier character.

When the Danube planet was formed, there was a chaotic green lotus, and there was a chaotic energy in the chaotic green lotus.The air of chaos created this soldier character, so it is called the God of Creation.

Meng Wanshan stimulated the mana of the Purple Palace of Creation in his body, and the Qi of Creation gushed out, all of which poured into the Creation Divine Weapon.

This soldier character has 36 strokes in total, and 36 strokes form 36 types of arms!

At that moment, the word Bing came to life, forming 36 souls of killing arms.

The spirit of the fierce killer rushed out like a monstrous avenue, and this momentum rushed to the vast starry sky in an instant, making the entire universe seem to be a universe of killing.

36 Dao Yuanshen, representing 36 kinds of ultimate killing soldiers.

Meng Qingchen has nowhere to escape, if she escapes, she will be completely passive.

In an instant, she was surrounded by this kind of killing, and all kinds of fierce killing intentions formed a substantial attack force, beheading towards her body.

At this time, the aura of creation is extremely pale.

It is a dead end for ordinary creation masters to fall to this point.

Even if Chen Yang's black hole vortex appeared, it would be a dead end.Because Chen Yang couldn't swallow, nor could he digest such an overbearing soldier's spiritual power.

The things in the world, the body is mortal, but the spirit can be immortal!

In the earth, the spirit of Laozi and Confucius still persists after thousands of years.

Meng Qingchen's whole body was stimulated with mana, and her power of creation merged with her long purple hair.In an instant, the long purple hair turned into ten thousand purple dragons surging out, and finally formed a huge purple dragon array, trapping Meng Wanshan inside.

She was not resisting the Creation Divine Soldier, but was afraid that Meng Wanshan would escape, so she trapped Meng Wanshan first!

From here, it can be seen how confident Meng Qingchen is in facing Meng Wanshan.

At the same time, Meng Qingchen sacrificed her magic weapon.

"Mirror of Myriad Arts!"

"What?" Meng Wanshan couldn't help turning pale in shock when he saw the magic mirror.

Of course he knew about the magic mirror.

The Magic Mirror is located in the Supreme Pavilion of the Purple Mansion.

This mirror is a magic weapon produced in the universe, and it is said that it can absorb all dharmas and ways.

However, this mirror is extremely mysterious, and no one in the Purple Mansion can understand its mystery, nor can it make the Myriad Magic Mirror recognize its master.Therefore, the magic mirror has always been collected in the Supreme Pavilion.

But now, Meng Qingchen actually displayed the Magic Mirror of Myriad Arts.

The magical mirror of ten thousand magics changed in her hands, bursting out with colorful light instantly, and infinite mysterious laws flashed in the light.

In the next second, the radiance was like five-color divine light, and it swept countless divine soldiers and primordial spirits, and then absorbed them into the magic mirror.

Suddenly, the killing turned into calm!

Meng Wanshan was surprised again, he wanted to take back the magic weapon, and desperately turned his energy.He felt that the magic soldier was in a chaos, and there was infinite space in the chaos.

Meng Wanshan's mana urged him to move.

Meng Qingchen's mana was also activated.

In the chaos of the magic mirror, countless strange golden characters appeared, turning into countless truths, and the laws entangled the Creation Warrior.

These golden characters made a sound, like Sanskrit singing.It's like thousands of monks are transforming this magical weapon.

Of course Meng Wanshan refused to accept and kept struggling.Meng Qingchen also kept suppressing.

The two stalemate for about half an hour. After half an hour, those reasons gradually suppressed Shenbing.Meng Wanshan felt that he and Shenbing were beginning to lose continuity.

In the next second, Meng Qingchen subdued all the magic soldiers.

Then, her eyes burst into light.

"Mirror of ten thousand magic tricks, the magic weapon will strike back!" Meng Qingchen shouted loudly.

The magic soldier rushed out immediately, his whole body was dyed with golden light, and the killing was full of holiness.

The previous magic soldiers were fierce and fierce.

The current magic soldier has become a righteous army!

Rumble! The 36 god soldiers all killed Menghua Mountain with terrifying momentum and strength.

Meng Wanshan lost his magical weapon and was extremely passive. He flickered in the air continuously, and launched a counterattack with a powerful Taoist fist.

After several consecutive crashes, the starry sky shook!

In the end, the magic soldier was repelled by Meng Wanshan.But Meng Qingchen's Myriad Magic Mirror once again bloomed with countless golden characters.Those golden characters entangled Meng Wanshan, just like countless bees entangled.

Meng Wanshan continued to kill, mana was stimulated violently, and the spirit of creation was also violently released.But the golden characters seem to absorb energy, digesting all the power of Meng Wanshan.

Going on like this, Meng Wanshan became more and more passive.

At this time, Meng Wanshan fell into despair.

He knew that today he was definitely not Meng Qingchen's opponent.He never dreamed that Meng Qingchen would subdue the magic mirror.This magic mirror is a god in the universe!

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