The strongest player in history

Chapter 2220 Before Action

"You don't need to say, this king is watching the whole process." Aserati said.

Chen Yang was not surprised when he heard the words, and said, "That's good."

"You came back to talk about this?" Aserati said.

Chen Yang said: "Of course not, I just want to tell you that little girl Jones is not a spy. I don't even have any plans for the Elf Palace. That night..."

He then told the reason why little girl Jones came to him.

Aserati believed Jones' words even more in his heart.But he immediately said, "Why do you want to hide the room?"

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and then said: "I was going to open the door, but Jones said that she would be punished if she was discovered. To protect her, I blocked the room."

"Is it that simple?" Aserati said.

Chen Yang said: "Human nature is sometimes very complicated, and sometimes it is very simple. And this matter, it was originally that simple. Forget it, I have finished what I want to say, and your Highness does not need to worry about my plans anymore. it's time to go."

"Wait!" Arthur said immediately.

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and said, "Your Highness still wants to trouble me?"

"Come in, this king believes in your innocence." Aserati said.

Chen Yang was silent for a moment, then said, "Okay!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang directly penetrated into the Golden Palace from the barrier.

Aserati looked up and saw Chen Yang.

Aserati looked at Chen Yang and said, "You are not afraid, this king coaxed you in and then arrested you?"

Chen Yang said: "Your Highness, you don't need to test me. I know that the first time I escaped, I caught you by surprise. If you want to arrest me at this moment, I will die. But, I believe that you are not such a person, Your Highness. In Jones On this matter, my way of handling it is indeed inappropriate. If I have calculated something in my mind, I believe that with my wisdom, I can do it perfectly."

Aserati said, "Okay, please sit down, sir."

Chen Yang sat down immediately.

Aserati said: "From this incident, the king has seen the character and strength of the gentleman. The king is also willing to believe that everything the gentleman said is true. However, the elves are not yet suitable to participate."

Chen Yang said: "I understand this. I came here just to find some helpers. Dongfang God and the others should be good helpers."

Aserati said: "They are the last kindling of mankind."

Chen Yang said: "I understand what Your Highness means, but even if I don't look for them, won't these fires go out? If you don't resist, they will definitely be extinguished. Only by resisting can there be a chance of survival. This is my opinion, I What I did was for their own good, so no matter what the result is, I have no regrets."

Aserati said: "This matter, this king will follow up secretly. When the time is right, this king will also take action. Go out and give it a go, and this king will be your backing."

Chen Yang cupped his fists and said, "Thank you for that."

Arthur Rati then said: "My king will ask Mr. Dongfang to come here first."

Chen Yang said: "Good!"

Afterwards, the Eastern God was invited over.

All misunderstandings were resolved at this moment.

"Mr. Dongfang, I think the rest of the human race should stay in the elves first. Let's go out and find out!" Chen Yang first suggested to Dongfang God.

"This..." Dongfang God hesitated.

Of course he was willing to do this, but he was afraid that Aserati would make things difficult.

Chen Yang also looked at Aserati, and said, "Your Highness, I know this will put you in a difficult situation. However, since you have already reached this point, it will not help to clean it up, don't you think so?"

Aserati also understood what Chen Yang meant, and he immediately said: "Mr. Dongfang, you can rest assured to go out and investigate. The masters of your human race are among the elves like this king, and as long as this king is alive, they will be guaranteed safe. "

Dongfang Shen felt embarrassed and said, "But this will make His Highness even more difficult."

Aserati smiled slightly, and said: "Difficult? Why don't you just do it? Those fools, what do they know? Since I sit in this position, I will have my persistence and determination. The right thing, It’s never for the public to decide.”

What is vulgar is the masses, and the truth is often in the hands of a few.Because the public only looks at the interests in front of them, and those who can see the interests behind them or those who worry about them will always be a minority.

And so, Dongfang God formally thanked Aserati and bid farewell.

Originally, Dongfang God was planning to leave tomorrow, but Chen Yang was in a hurry, so the two left the elves directly.

The cultivation base of the Eastern God is already at the first level of the Creation Realm.

He is a genius of the Dongfang clan, and he is the only spark left in the human race.

Although Chen Yang hadn't reached the realm of creation, his cultivation made Dongfang God admire him.And Chen Yang also felt that the power of the Eastern God is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

Even if he tried his best, he might not be able to win the Eastern God!

Out of the enchantment of the elves, the sea and the sky are bright!

The elves have beautiful mountains and clear waters, warm and sunny.Outside the elves, the wind and snow are freezing, and the ground is freezing cold.

Chen Yang and Dongfang God said, "Go to a place with me first."

Dongfang Shen nodded and said, "Okay!"

Then, Chen Yang escaped into the black hole spar with Dongfang God.Under the urging of Chen Yang, the black hole spar turned into a stream of light and rushed into the sky. After a while, it entered the universe and the stars.

"Brother Chen Yang's magic weapon is really weird and strange." Dongfang Shen felt the mystery of the black hole spar in the spar.He couldn't help but praise.

Chen Yang couldn't help being complacent, and said: "This magic weapon was created by my life. It can be called a magic weapon, but it can't be called a magic weapon at all."

The Eastern God said: "Many earth immortals performed miracles on our Danube planet back then. The name of the earth has left many legends here. Today I can be considered to have seen brother Chen Yang, your ability, the name of the earth. The name is indeed well-deserved!"

Chen Yang said: "Brother Dongfang has won the prize."

Dongfang God smiled and said: "This is really not a compliment, your cultivation is so weird, I have never seen or heard of it in my life!"

Chen Yang laughed dryly.

Although he likes others to praise the earth, he is also proud that he has not fallen into the prestige of the earth.But I don't want to keep talking about it.

Afterwards, Chen Yang found a Death Star to stay.He and the Eastern God are still hidden in the black hole spar.

"Brother Chen Yang, what did you bring me here for?" Dongfang God looked around and asked Chen Yang suspiciously.

Chen Yang quickly said: "Brother Dongfang, don't think too much, I think it's more convenient to talk here. Because I don't know if our whereabouts will be exposed."

The Eastern God suddenly realized.

Chen Yang said: "In this universe, after I rotated the black hole spar, no one will be able to detect you and me without accident. This is how His Highness chased me before and returned in vain."

The Eastern God said, "So that's how it is!"

Chen Yang changed the subject again and said, "Brother Dongfang, first of all thank you for your trust in me. I can also use my personality to assure you that everything I said is true."

Dongfangshen said seriously: "Brother Chen Yang, you don't need to say more, I believe you."

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