Anderson's confidence took a big hit.

She actually stopped asking about Jones.When Aserati sent someone to mention Jones, Anderson readily agreed.

In the Golden Palace, Jones knelt down in front of Aserati with a haggard face.

The Oriental God is on the side.

"Jones, do you know what crime you committed?" Aserati asked lightly.

The spiritual scanning can only scan the information at the superficial level of the brain cortex, and cannot gain insight into everything.Even Aserati couldn't directly learn about the conversation between Jones and Chen Yang.

Jones raised his head and looked at Aserati, who then lowered her head.

"Raise your head, look into this king's eyes and speak." Aserati said.

Jones raised her head, her eyes were very clear.

"Speak!" Arthur said.

Jones took a deep breath and said, "Xiaonu is guilty, Xiaonu shouldn't have gone to Mr. Chen Yang's room late at night."

"What did you go to his room for? Who ordered you, for what purpose? What is the plan?" Arthur Rathy asked a series of questions.

Facing the series of charges thrown out by Arthur Rati, Jones was immediately taken aback.She said: "Little slave... No one instructed Xiaonu. Xiaonu is just a humble servant in the elf palace..."

"Although your status is humble, but you are the valet who serves the king, it's perfect to start with you!" Aserati said with a cold snort.

It can be said that the reason why this matter has become so serious is largely due to the sensitivity of Jones' identity.

Wang's valet got involved with a foreign human in the middle of the night, and sealed it with magic to prevent anyone from visiting.

Where is the Elven Palace?Put it in the big world, it is the same place as the White House!

Therefore, Aserati and the others are definitely not a fuss.

It's just that the Elf Palace has always been isolated from the world, and Jones is still too simple.But Chen Yang originally refused, but later he became soft-hearted, thinking that one more thing would be better than one less thing, and used the black hole spar to cut off the contact with the outside world.But I didn't expect that things would become so complicated and serious in the end.

Jones felt extremely terrified, she was so frightened that she shed tears, and said quickly: "Your Highness, I heard that Mr. Chen Yang came from the earth. Grandma has told many stories about the earth before, and I am afraid that Mr. Chen will leave at dawn. Because Xiao Nu heard the conversation between you and Mister Dongfang, and you don’t really want him to stay. So, Xiao Nu couldn’t help but ask many stories about the earth.”

Aserati said, "Is it really that simple?"

Jones said: "Xiao Nu dare not tell a lie."

Aserati was silent for a while, and then said: "Recount all the conversations that night to this king."

Jones said, "Yes, Your Highness."

So, she told Arthur and Dongfang God about everything that night.

She talked for a long time, and some of the customs of the earth also seemed to be true.

So in the end, even Aserati and Dongfang God couldn't help believing it.

Because there are many things that cannot be fabricated by Jones, who has never been out and seen the world.

"You go down first." Aserati said to Jones.He went on to say: "Also, even if what you said is true, what you did still violated the rules of the palace. The Palace of Law will make corresponding judgments and trials on you."

Jones said: "Yes, Your Highness, I know I was wrong."

She also knew that His Highness did not intend to pursue her further.

However, she couldn't help asking, "Your Highness, what about Mr. Chen Yang? It's none of Mr. Chen Yang's business. At first, Mr. Chen Yang didn't let Xiaonu in, but later, he Seeing how pitiful Xiao Nu said, I agreed to let Xiao Nu enter the room."

"Hmph!" Aserati snorted coldly, and said, "This king makes his own decision, you can go down."

Jones was horrified, she quickly bowed her head again, and said: "Your servant is guilty, my servant is guilty, please forgive me, sir, everything is my fault."

"You..." Aserati was so angry, he was angry when he heard that Chen Yang was mentioned.But Jones misunderstood that it was his fault that he wanted to hold Chen Yang accountable.

Dongfang Shen immediately smoothed things over and said: "Jones, go down. Mr. Chen Yang has left the Elf Palace, he is fine."

Jones breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, then saluted, and then left the Golden Palace.

"Do you believe what Jones said?" After Jones left, the Eastern God asked Arthur.

Arthur Rati glanced at Dongfang God and said, "I believe it eighty percent, and doubt it two percent!"

Dongfang Shen said: "Oh, where is the two points of doubt?"

Arthur Rati said: "If that's the case, Chen Yang can open the door and make no cover up to show that he is aboveboard!"

Dongfang Shen was slightly taken aback, and said: "That's right." He then sighed, and said: "But this brother Chen Yang has already left, no matter what, we will not know the follow-up. Although he left, but he We have to pay attention to what you said, Your Highness. Therefore, I have decided to leave the Elf Palace!"

Aserati was slightly startled, and said, "Just leave like this? The people in Zifu have been looking for you all the time."

The Eastern God said: "I

Been thinking about this for a while.But even if I think about it, it can't solve the problems faced by our human race.Moreover, now I have to find out whether what Brother Chen Yang said is true or not.Furthermore, if I stay here, it will only make things extremely difficult for you, Your Highness. "

Aserati sighed slightly.

Even him, there are too many involuntary.

"Mr. Dongfang, when do you plan to leave?" Aserati asked again.

Dongfang God said: "Leave tomorrow morning."

Aserati said, "Tonight, we won't go home until we're drunk!"

Dongfang Shen laughed and said, "Okay!"

What Arthur didn't expect was that three hours later, Chen Yang's thoughts came from outside the enchantment of the Elven Palace.

The Eastern God has already left the Golden Palace.

Arthur Lati snorted coldly, and responded to Chen Yang: "Do you still dare to come back?"

Chen Yang said: "Don't worry, Your Highness, I'm not coming back to show off my might. You don't want me to come in, and I don't want to come in either. It's just that there are some things that need to be explained clearly."

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he continued: "The reason why I fought Anderson today..."

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