The strongest player in history

Chapter 2216 The Power of One Fist

A Ron, cultivation level is in the heaven realm!

An old lady Andersenne, her cultivation has reached the first level of the Creation Realm!

It's not that there are as many elves as dogs, there are only a few races in the Danube planet.The elves accounted for a quarter, and there were some masters among him.Andersenne is a figure in the elves who can lift weights lightly.Ron is the captain of the law enforcement team!

As the head of law enforcement, how can his cultivation be mediocre!

Ron came to the middle, saluted and said, "Master, the prisoner Chen Yang has been brought here."

"Prisoner?" Chen Yang's voice suddenly increased, and he said, "Ron, right? I ask you to pay attention to your wording. Who is the prisoner? Before the facts came out, you had already pinned the crime on me." .What do you rely on?"

Ron glanced at Chen Yang, and said coldly: "When you enter the Palace of Law, you are a prisoner. What you need to do is how to clear up your grievances. Instead of fighting with me as a prisoner here."

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "I have always treated each other with courtesy when I came to the Elf Palace. Even today, if you want to conduct an investigation, I will bear my temper and cooperate with your investigation! However, your arrogance really makes me unbearable."

Afterwards, Chen Yang sent his thoughts to all directions of the Elf Palace.

"Your Highness, is this how you treat guests? I know, since you have come to this point, you must already know all of this." Chen Yang said: "If you don't show up again, then I have no choice but to leave. Since If you don't want to believe me, then I don't want to have anything to do with you any more."

Arthur Rati and the Oriental God are in the Golden Palace.

Both Aserati and Dongfang Shen heard what Chen Yang said.

Chen Yang's words had already spread in all directions.

"Your Highness?" Dongfang God hesitated.

Aserati said: "Ignore him, the Palace of Law has the means of the Palace of Law!"

Dongfang Shen said: "But, is he really an enemy?"

Aserati said: "I'm not sure, so I need to distinguish."

In the Palace of Law, Chen Yang did not wait for Aserati's response.

He glanced coldly at everyone in the field, then turned around and was about to leave.

Ron immediately blocked Chen Yang's way, and he said coldly: "You must never leave this palace without our permission."

"Go away!" Chen Yang said two words through his teeth.

The old lady Andersenne sat at the head, watching all this with cold eyes.She didn't say a word!

And she didn't speak, and the other five elf elders didn't speak either.

Ron was angry, never had anyone been so rude to him.

Ron's eyes were bloodshot, and he said, "You're courting death!"

Chen Yang smiled coldly and said, "I'm looking for death? Is it up to you?"

"That's right, it's up to me!" Chen Yang was not allowed to be presumptuous with Ron's cultivation level.He could see that Chen Yangxiu was not weaker than him, but Ron was a famous god of war with fierce punches.He was not afraid of Chen Yang at all.

Afterwards, Ron took a deep breath, and punched Chen Yang.

What Ron absorbed was the heavenly power of the Danube planet, and he formed a connection with the world power of the planet.I am everything, and everything is me.

At this moment, his power was majestic and violent, and the mana in his brain was overwhelming.

In the end, all of them were condensed into one point through the law, and with his aura, he rushed towards Chen Yang like this.

Ron didn't hold back the slightest shot.Because he knew that Chen Yang was no weaker than him.

There are array protections in this law palace, several elders, and the magic power protection of the old lady Andersenne.

The law palace can absorb all energy substances.

So Ron is not afraid that such power will damage the Palace of Law.

Chen Yang felt the strength of Ron's punch as soon as the punch was released.

Grand, violent, containing infinite energy.

The power of this punch is majestic and magnificent, enough to turn the waters of the world upside down.

This kind of power is all accumulated in one punch.

Chen Yang didn't blink, he didn't even use the power of the black hole spar, but directly punched.

His magic power rolled and galloped in his body, forming a vortex in an instant, just like a black hole in the universe.


Chen Yang also punched out!

The punches of the two quickly collided with each other, rumbling!

The earth-shaking power, this wave of energy, swept across the world.The energy wave shattered, the formation space in the law palace was activated, and thousands of spaces were directly shattered.

The violent power bombarded Anderson and other elders, and Anderson didn't blink. These forces gradually calmed down as the space digested them.At last it reached them, like a breeze blowing over a hill.

At the same time, after the punch, Ron stepped back three steps.His fists trembled slightly. In this punch competition, he clearly felt that he was no match for the opponent's strength, and the mana in his body was about to lose control.

At this moment, Ron was completely pale.

Chen Yang snorted coldly and said, "Proud elf, don't be too self-righteous. If I want to kill you, I can do it with one finger. If I didn't hold back just now, you are already a dead elf."

"You..." Ron was furious.

"Ron!" At this moment, Anderson spoke.She said: "Ron, he did hold back just now. You are far from his opponent. Now, you apologize to him!"

Ron suddenly blushed and said, "I..."

At this time, Chen Yang's heart was much refreshed.

This moment of venting made him extremely happy.

He wasn't glad he punched Ron back.

Instead, he actually knocked back the master of the Celestial Realm with one punch.

Celestial Realm!

What concept?

He will always remember how a master of Taixu Nine Heavens covered the sky with one hand.He was like an ant in front of him.Later, he walked over step by step.He has arrived at Nine Heavens, he has arrived at Xuxian...

But the master of that day's status was always high and insurmountable!

He is still an ant!

But now, with the power of one punch, he can defeat the Celestial Realm.

Traveling all over the starry sky and universe, he is no longer an ant-like figure.

In the history of this universe, he will no longer be dust.

The anger in Chen Yang's heart gradually disappeared.

Anderson had spoken, and Ron had to listen.But he was so proud that he was unwilling to bow his head to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also got angry, waved his hand, and said, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you."

"Ron, step back!" Anderson also said.

Ron nodded immediately, then backed out.

Afterwards, Chen Yang faced Anderson and other elders.

Anderson's eyes were extremely deep, she looked at Chen Yang, without the slightest wave in her eyes.

Chen Yang was about to speak.Anderson said, "Sir, is he willing to stay?"

Chen Yang said: "At first I wanted to leave, but I suddenly thought, if I leave, wouldn't I harm little girl Jones?"

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