The strongest player in history

Chapter 2215 The Majesty of the King

Aserati said: "The minister in charge of agriculture, the first thing to do is not to report the matter within the scope of duty. Instead, he first came to question the king's decision, which is strange. Ke En, the king still dare not question your duty Who gave you the courage and wisdom to question this king's decision? Do you think that your talent is superior to this king? Otherwise, how about you take the position of the elf king?"

Cohen was going to refute Aserati, and he had a lot to say.For example, the matter of the Eastern God is not within the responsibilities of the subordinates.But the subordinates are part of the elves, and they are fearless for the survival of the elves.If Your Highness wants to blame the servants, please give them the death penalty! "

Cohen had already practiced countless times below, and he was worried every day, and he went to the hall today to force Aserati.

Unexpectedly, Aserati's words were even more powerful, which immediately made Cohen speechless.Sweat dripped from Ke En's forehead, he knelt down, and said, "I'm going to die!"

Arthur Lardi sneered: "Your place is a capital offense, don't you think in your heart that this king is insane, and you are the first-class smart elf in this world!"

Ke En said: "I dare not!"

Aserati said: "If you don't dare, then never mention this matter again."

Ke En said: "Your Highness, it would be a catastrophe for the Eastern Gods and other human beings to stay in our clan. If the people in the Purple Mansion calm down, they will come to deal with us immediately. At that time, our clan will be devastated, Your Highness Isn’t it the eternal sinner?”

Aserati said: "Then, Ke En, tell this king that if this king does not take in the Eastern Gods and the others, after the Purple Mansion is relieved, will they not be able to deal with the elves? Can you guarantee it? Can you bear the burden?" Consequences?"

Cohen was speechless.

At this moment, Dolores, the leader of the blood elves, said: "Then, Your Highness, do you think you can bear the consequences for what you have done? If my family falls into distress and despair, Your Highness will apologize even if you die. , then what's the use?"

These elves were secretly very dissatisfied with Aserati.This is all based on Aserati's willful will.

Faced with this situation, Aserati felt disheartened at the same time.

Because everyone in the clan is drunk!

Only he clearly saw the cause and effect and situation behind it.

Aserati said: "Dolores, your question is very good. Everyone who stands in the position of this king must take responsibility for the future of the elves. This king is working hard to protect The elves, but of course this king can't guarantee that the elves will not have any problems. If anyone thinks that they can do better than this king, this king welcomes him to sit in this king's position. This king is willing to abdicate to the virtuous!"

All the elves fell silent.

Aserati was not a paper tiger, despite what he said.But right now, no one really dares to stand up and say, I can do it, I will do it!

Aserati was able to unify the elves, and his methods and majesty back then were well understood by these people in the temple.

"Dolores, what do you think?" Aserati looked closely at him.

Dolores lowered her eyes and said, "I dare not!"

Aserati looked at the other ministers again, and the other ministers also lowered their eyes.

Arthur Rati looked at the leader of the dark elves, Jonathan.

"Jonathan, you have always been rebellious, how about it, this king thinks you are quite suitable, do you want to come?" Aserati had a cold light in his eyes.

He was really angry today.

Although he is handsome and harmless to humans and animals, it does not mean that he is really a gentle gentleman.It is impossible for a gentle gentleman to unify the elves.

As long as Jonathan's behavior dissatisfies Arthur, Jonathan will be killed.

Jonathan's face was covered under the black mask, and he felt Arthur's killing intent.At that moment, he bowed and said, "No matter what His Highness wants to do, the servants will support him!"

Only then did Aserati heave a sigh of relief.

When he glanced at the ministers again, no one dared to meet his gaze anymore.

Aserati looked away.

He felt exhausted in his heart, and he knew that everyone dared not speak out now.

If the Eastern God's matter is not resolved, he will be pushed to death by these people sooner or later.Blindly majestic suppression cannot last long.

Aserati began to think.

And at this moment, the old lady Andersenne stepped forward.

Arthur was slightly startled, and the coldness in his eyes was even worse.Others turned against him, he could understand.However, Anderson is his confidant, that is absolutely not allowed.

"Your Highness!" Anderson said.

"Say!" Although he was dissatisfied in his heart, Aserati still maintained a pleasant expression.

Anderson said: "The Law Enforcement Division discovered something last night."

"What is it?" Arthur asked.His face softened slightly.

Anderson said: "Last night, Miss Jones, the maid in your palace, stayed in the room with Chen Yang, a guest from the outside world. I don't know exactly what happened. The matter is serious. It violates the laws and rules of the elf palace."

Although Arthur Rati always thought that Anderson was his confidant.

This is also because Anderson is a master of the sea elves.

But in fact, Andersenne was in charge of the law and had always been impartial.So, on this matter, she didn't say that she would report to Aserati in private first.Instead, he told the matter directly at the morning meeting in front of all the tribes.

Aserati was not a faint-hearted person either, he would not feel displeased about this kind of thing.He just said: "There is such a thing, then, Andersenne, you can act impartially. Afterwards, bring the cause and effect to this king."

Anderson said: "Yes, Your Highness!"

After the morning meeting, Anderson sent someone to arrest Jones.

Arthur Rati originally wanted to ask about this matter privately, but there was nothing he could do now, and everything was in the hands of Anderson.But Arthur Rati will still pay close attention to this matter.

Andersoni also asked Aserati for instructions: "Your Highness, as for the guest Chen Yang, how should we deal with it?"

Aserati said indifferently: "It should be dealt with as it should be. After the crime is confirmed, it will be dealt with according to our laws!"

Anderson said: "Yes, Your Highness!"

Chen Yang, who was resting in the room, didn't know anything about all this.After the morning meeting, he immediately went to see the elf king Aserati.

He really doesn't have much time to spend here.

However, when Chen Yang was about to leave the room, the law enforcement team sent by Anderson had already arrived.

The law enforcement team is led by its captain, Ron. Ron is a male elf with extremely profound cultivation.As the captain of the law enforcement team, of course you have to be capable.His cultivation base is calculated according to the realm of the earth, which is already the cultivation base of the heaven realm.

Ron is a sea elf!

The strength of the sea elves is very strong, and Ron is in charge of the law enforcement team, but he is chosen out of thousands.

Ron has always been ruthless and has no respect for any elves.The elves nicknamed him, Grim Reaper!

Generally, people captured by Ron himself, as long as they are sent to the Criminal Justice Department, very few people come out again.

Today, Ron personally led four members of the law enforcement team.

It was eleven o'clock in the morning and the sun was shining brightly.

The sun in the garden is warm, which makes people feel comfortable for no reason.

The two maids had already served Chen Yang for breakfast. As soon as Chen Yang went out at this time, Ron and a group of elves came in front of Chen Yang.

"Mr. Chen Yang!" Ron said bluntly, "We suspect that your purpose is impure and that you have colluded with His Highness's servants. Now, please come with us, we must investigate this matter thoroughly. If you are proved innocent Yes, we will release you and apologize to you. If you are guilty, then you will be punished!"

Chen Yang couldn't help being taken aback.

He knew right away that what happened yesterday was finally discovered.It's also because I think things are simple. In this elf palace, I should pay attention to every move I make.

However, Chen Yang didn't care too much.

He walked rightly, stood upright, and was fearless.

"Yes!" Chen Yang said lightly.

He then added: "But I'm a little surprised."

Ron said coldly: "What's the accident?"

Chen Yang said: "The truth of what happened yesterday is unknown. I am here with you, but I am a guest of your elf king. You should at least investigate first before arresting me. As soon as you come up, treat me as a prisoner. Is it your way of hospitality?"

Ron said coldly: "I am the captain of the law enforcement team, responsible for law enforcement. As for law enforcement accidents, it is not within my jurisdiction. If you are not satisfied, you can appeal on your own. But now, you must come with me !"

Chen Yang chuckled and said, "You proud elf! I've learned it!"

Ron stopped talking.

Chen Yang didn't bother to say anything.

Afterwards, Ron and the elves took Chen Yang away.

All of this is also under the surveillance of Aserati.

"He didn't resist!" Arthur said to the Eastern God in the Golden Palace.

Dongfang Shen said in a deep voice: "This matter still needs to be investigated more. Your Highness, if he really has the heart to plan, he will not do such a reckless thing, do you think so?"

Aserati didn't speak. After a long silence, he said, "Just wait and see what happens!"

The Eastern God said: "Yes, Your Highness!"

Chen Yang followed behind Ron, and the other masters guarded behind Chen Yang.

Walking all the way, through gardens, corridors, attics, and finally came to a small independent palace.

The surrounding area is very empty, and there is a square in front of it, and there are various criminal law tools on the square.In the distance, there are more than a dozen skulls.I don't know if it's an elf or a human!

This place gives people a feeling of unusual foreboding and fear.

Chen Yang followed Ron into the small palace.

Inside the small palace, the lights were dim and the atmosphere was cold.

At the top of the hall, six elves sat side by side.All of them had cold faces, and the one sitting in the middle was the old lady Andersenne!

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