The strongest player in history

Chapter 2212 Meeting the Elf King

Chen Yang thought to himself, this is not surprising.This elf king is also an extraordinary figure, it is impossible to be inferior to a Shang Wudao.That Shang Wudao is just a chief of the Purple Mansion!

"See Your Highness, I have met Mr. Dongfang!" Chen Yang then slightly saluted the two of them.

Since you are here to pay respects, you still have to have the proper etiquette.Not to mention the other party's noble status and profound cultivation.Even ordinary people, Chen Yang, as a guest, should have such respect and courtesy.

Aserati said: "I don't know what your name is? Why do you speak the language of our elves?"

It turned out that Chen Yang used the language of the elves.

Chen Yang said: "I have learned the language of the elves during the spiritual shooting, and I hope that Your Highness will not blame me!"

Arthur suddenly realized, and said, "So that's how it is!"

The Eastern God said, "How do you address Mr.? I heard His Highness say that Mr. claims to be not a human being on our planet Danube?"

Chen Yang reported his name, and then said: "I am indeed from a distant planet, and the name of my planet is Earth. I wonder if you have heard of it?"

He didn't want to say the name of the earth at first, but after thinking about it, if the other party hadn't heard of it, then the earth was just a name.If you have heard of it, it doesn't matter if you say it or not.

"Earth?" Dongfang Shen and Aserati were surprised at the same time.

Seeing the expressions of these two people, Chen Yang knew that they knew about the earth.

The Elf King Aserati said: "According to the legend, the earth is the spirit of all things. The earth is the birthplace of Dharma practice and the cradle of civilization in the Dharma world. On the earth, everyone is a fairy, and there is a pawn at random. The power to turn clouds and rain, to overthrow mountains and seas."

When Aserati said this, there was actually yearning in his eyes.

Chen Yang looked at Dongfang God again, and Dongfang God also had longing in his eyes.

He coughed dryly and said: "Your Highness, Mr. Dongfang, this may be a rumor. There are indeed many masters of Dharma cultivation on our earth, and there are also splendid Dharma cultivation civilizations. But it is absolutely impossible to reach the point where even a small pawn can turn the clouds and rain upside down. .”

Aserati said: "Your Excellency's cultivation, doesn't it just confirm this point?"

Chen Yang laughed, and he didn't want to defend too much.

On Earth, China is the mother country.

Among aliens, the earth is the cue ball!Alien planets think our earth is so powerful and beautiful, so he can't be too self-effacing.

Afterwards, everyone turned positive again.

The Eastern God said: "Mr. Chen Yang, you said that the humans on our planet Danube will perish?"

Chen Yang said: "The thing is like this. I traveled in outer space this time. Along the way, I saw that many planets are dead stars. Later, I met a human with purple hair and blue eyes on one of the dead stars."

"Is it the Purple Star Clan?" Dongfang Shen and Aserati asked in surprise at the same time.

Chen Yang said: "She belongs to the Purple Star Clan, but she seems to have betrayed the Purple Star Clan. She didn't agree with me, and then threw a crystal soul of Purple Crystal on me. And the people of the Purple Star Clan I was looking for this amethyst, and they chased after me based on the crystal soul."

"Which one chased and killed Mr.?" Dongfang God asked.

Obviously, Dongfang God didn't really believe in Chen Yang, he hoped to verify the truth of what he said from Chen Yang's words.

"The first time they came was a few masters from the Shenbing Division, but I killed them all. The second time, it was Shangyu, the young master of the Shenbing Division. He took it. Unexpectedly, he had a star dragon scepter. The star dragon scepter blocked me for a moment, and let Shangyu escape. The third time, Shangyu brought a girl named Xian Yuxue, and another It's Xian Zhengyun!"

"They are all the leaders of the younger generation of Zifu. Sir, have you defeated them?" Dongfang God looked even more suspicious, and he pressed Chen Yang.

Chen Yang felt Dongfang God's suspicion, and he didn't blame Dongfang God either.After all, people's situation is sensitive and dangerous. At this time, whoever is the God of the East has to be careful!

Chen Yang said immediately: "I arrested Shangyu again, and beat Shangyu severely. In the end, I asked them to remove the crystal soul from my body."

"Under the siege of these three masters, your Excellency can still seize the goodwill. The name of the earth is indeed well-deserved!" Arthur said.

Chen Yang coughed dryly and refused to answer.He didn't explain too much because he didn't need to explain much.Now that he has the strength to do this, there is actually no problem.

After Chen Yang spoke again, Shang Wudao chased after him again.

Dongfang Shen and Aserati were even more surprised, Dongfang Shen turned pale and said: "Shang Wudao also failed to do anything to Mr.?"

Chen Yang still didn't brag about it, and said, "It's a critical moment, but there has been a change..."

Chen Yang told about the birth of the Yuan Dynasty.He then told about the little girl Mo Yu, Yuan Ling and Zijing.

"The current situation is like this. The Zifu has been chasing Zijing for the purpose of forcing out the Yuanling in Mo Yu's body. It is said that this can make the Zixing tribe and humans more integrated, and make them stronger. Once they completely control the If Yuan Ling is lost, wouldn't there be no chance for human beings to stand up?" Chen Yang said.

"We haven't heard of this matter!" Aserati said frankly.

Dongfang Shen said: "I have never heard of it."

Chen Yang couldn't help feeling a headache.

Although they only said this sentence, the meaning was clearly expressed.

That is, I haven't heard of it.Maybe you are an undercover agent of the Purple Star Clan, deliberately doing this kind of thing to lure us into being fooled.

Because now, the Purple Star Clan really wants to kill the resistance force of the Eastern God.It was only because of the protection of the elf king Aserati that they stopped taking action for the time being.

They thought that this might be the Zifu's move.

"What do you need to believe?" Chen Yang also felt helpless and said.

The Eastern God remained silent.

Aserati said: "This matter should not have much to do with your Excellency, right? Why bother, sir?"

Chen Yang said: "My life was saved by Mo Yu's mother. After receiving such a great kindness, I have to come and repay it!"

Aserati said: "Then, does this king have reason to suspect that your excellency came up with this reason to prevaricate us because of your lack of strength. You only made this threat purely to save Mo Yu's little girl. Actually, nothing to do with humans, right?"

His suspicion was not without reason.

Chen Yang spread his hands, and said: "Your Highness' suspicions, Mr. Dongfang's suspicions are all reasonable. I am a stranger, and it is really unrealistic for you to just believe me. However, what I say is the truth, and I will do my best. .Failed, it doesn’t matter too much, at most it’s because I’m sorry for Mo Yu’s mother, but..."

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