The strongest player in history

Chapter 2211 Eastern Clan 1

Chen Yang's divine sense shot at more places, and shot at many ordinary elves on this continent.

There are not many elves, about [-] million.Most of the Western Xinjiang continent is covered with mountains and forests, so there are no other countries competing with them for territory in this area.

Among the elves, the whole country is good at archery!

In the depths of the Western Border Continent, there is a forbidden forest, called the Misty Forest!In the Misty Forest is the place where the Elven King and the Elven Royal Family live.

Elves are born with red eyes and pointed ears.They look like humans, and the men are handsome and the women are beautiful.But their characteristics are also easy to distinguish, that is, pointed ears and red eyes.

There are also several races in elves, such as dark elves, blood elves... and the most noble is the sea elves!The elves yearn for peace, but the dark elves have greater inner desires.

Later, the elf king among the sea elves unified the entire western border continent.The dark elves also surrendered to the elves king.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Yang also learned an important piece of information.

That is, in the eastern border continent, it was originally occupied by humans.But later, the mysterious Purple Star tribe invaded, and human beings have been in dire straits ever since.Human beings have completely become the physical body suppliers of the Purple Star Clan.

Among humans, the former king of humans is called Dongfang Yi!

The Dongfang Clan controls humans, and under such circumstances, Meng Jiuyou, the first-generation master of the Purple Star Clan, cultivated a human form from the insect body of the Purple Star Clan, and was a genius who killed Dongfang Yi directly. .After that, Meng Jiuyou began to lead the Purple Star Clan to occupy people's bodies and practice gradually.For a long time, after nearly 500 years of reproduction, the dream family founded the Zifu, pressing against human beings step by step.

The power of the Eastern clan is getting weaker and weaker day by day.

The human regime completely collapsed 200 years ago, and the Eastern clan was almost wiped out.

However, the Dongfang Clan was not actually wiped out.And in this generation, there is also a peerless genius called Dongfang God!The Eastern Gods gathered many human masters and fled to the Western Border Continent.The elf king Aserati took in Dongfang Shen and others, and let them enter the foggy forest.

This is all the information Chen Yang knows.

It's very general, but Chen Yang has an outline in his mind.He needs to use the Dongfang Shenyi to deal with the masters of the Zifu!

Chen Yang had made up his mind, and locked on the location of the foggy forest.He moved and came directly outside the foggy forest.

The front convenience is the foggy forest!

But under Chen Yang's feet was the vast snowfield, and the foggy forest in front of him didn't look far away, but there was an enchantment and a space formation in the middle.If it is not allowed, even if you walk for three days, three months, or three years, you will not be able to reach it.

Chen Yang was not afraid of these formations, but he didn't come here to make enemies, so it was inconvenient to force his way in.

At this time, the wind and snow were blowing, and it was five o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky gradually began to darken.Fortunately, the snow is white, so the sky is not so dark.

Twilight is sinking!

Chen Yang looked up at the sky, the lead clouds were hanging down, and the heavy snow was still falling.

He took a deep breath, and then his divine sense began to break through the space in front of him, and penetrated into the barrier of the foggy forest.In the midst of his divine sense, he sent out a thought.

"Your Majesty, Chen Yang, comes from a distant galaxy and is also a human being. I am here to visit His Royal Highness the Elf King today, and please allow His Royal Highness the Elf King!"

Chen Yang's thoughts hit the barrier continuously, but he didn't use all his strength, but kept releasing the thoughts.

Chen Yang believed that the people who arranged the enchantment were close subjects of the Elf King, and they would be able to convey this idea to the Elf King.

At this time, in the depths of the misty forest, there are huge waterfalls and exquisite palaces where the elves live.There is also a Sunshine God Bead inside to provide sunlight. The misty forest is beautiful and very suitable for living.

There are three palaces in total, the largest of which is the residence of the sea elves and the residence of the elf king.

The interior of the gorgeous palace is resplendent and swaying with light.

The elven king, Aserati, was extremely handsome. He had waist-length blond hair and a pair of blue eyes.

Most elves have red eyes!

But Aserati has blue eyes, he is different.

Aserati was meditating in his golden palace, but at this moment, the barrier's intrusion alarmed him.

Aserati was a thousand years old, but he looked to be in his twenties.He opened his eyes and pondered slightly.

Afterwards, Arthur also sent out a thought.

It is a full three hundred kilometers away from the enchantment, but under the magic of mana, he and Chen Yang started a mind exchange.

"This king is the king of elves, Aserati!" Aserati said bluntly, and then said: "Your Excellency came here rashly, and broke into the enchantment again, what is your intention?"

Of course, Aserati has seen that the cultivation of the human beings here is not trivial!

Chen Yang was overjoyed when he saw that the Elf King actually answered in person. He said: "Right now, the humans on the Danube planet are in dire straits. I found out that the Eastern Clan has a genius, the Eastern God, who led masters to be taken in by Your Highness. Come, I have something important to discuss with Brother Eastern God, because human beings have reached the point of life and death."

Aserati pondered for a while, and then said: "Where did you hear the news? Who told you that the Eastern God is with me?"

Chen Yang said: "I'm shooting in all directions with my spiritual thoughts, and I got this news by chance!"

Aserati said: "It seems that this is really not a secret. Just wait, this king will discuss with the Eastern God. If he is willing to see you, he will let you in. If he is not willing, you will Leave on your own!"

Chen Yang hurriedly said, "Thank you, Your Highness!"

Aserati withdrew his thoughts in the Golden Palace, and then asked his attendants to invite the Eastern God.

Dongfang God led his masters and practiced in a low-key manner.

Among the elves, many elves disagreed with the elf king's acceptance of these humans.They think these humans are going to cause big trouble.

But no matter what, Aserati insisted on taking in Dongfang Shen's masters.

Aserati's prestige was too high, so Dongfang God and his party finally stayed.

The attendant quickly brought the Eastern God here.

Dongfang Shen looked to be in his forties, and his age was obviously much younger than Serrati.But looking at it this way, Dongfang Shen looked like Arthur Lati's uncle.

The Oriental God is elegant and calm, like a scribe or scholar.

He wore a white robe and was spotless.

The Eastern God came to the Golden Palace, and he saw Aserati sitting cross-legged without wearing a crown.

"See Your Highness!" The Eastern God bowed to Aserati.

Aserati smiled slightly and said, "There's no need to be too polite, Mr. Dongfang! Please sit down!"

Dongfang Shen sat down first, and said: "Thank you, Your Highness!"

Aserati said seriously: "Sir, have you always wondered why this king would go against all odds and keep you?"

Dongfang Shen was slightly taken aback, but he didn't expect Aserati to ask such a question.He pondered for a moment, and said: "Because Your Highness knows that the ambitions of those bugs in the Purple Mansion are much greater than what we imagined. If we stay still, if we wait until the bugs in the Purple Mansion launch an attack, it will be too late The tragic situation of our human beings today is a living example!"

Aserati praised and said: "Mr. is really a smart person." After a pause, he said: "It's just a pity that now my people are all in a dream. There are also giant dragons and half-orcs. They haven't seen them all." Clear the doorway. The Zifu will not let it go, their goal is to conquer the entire Danube planet, and this king can feel the desire of the Zifu."

The Eastern God sighed slightly, and said: "Perhaps, it's not that everyone can't feel it. It's just that before the incident happened, everyone was willing to believe that the Purple Mansion would not take action so early. At least, it will not be so soon, and bad luck will come. to them."

Aserati said: "Although I am the king of elves now, I can't do it my own way. I hope you can understand this point!"

Dongfang God immediately said: "It's our good fortune that Your Highness is willing to take us in. There is nothing but gratitude in our hearts."

"Then, do you have any plans for the future?" Aserati said, "This king may as well be blunt. If we can't unite the giant dragon clan and the half-beast clan to conquer the Purple Mansion, I won't be able to stay with you sir."

The Eastern God said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, I understand what you mean. You must be constantly rebellious, either resist or obey. Neither resist nor obey, that is the worst. In the past few days, we have Planning to leave!"

Aserati said: "This is really not the king's original intention, but why..."

Dongfang God said: "I understand!"

Aserati said, "By the way, there is one more thing."

Dongfang God immediately said: "Please speak, Your Highness!"

Aserati said: "Just now, a human came from outside the barrier. This person's cultivation is unfathomable. He claimed to be a human from another galaxy, and said he wanted to see this king. And he knew that you are here. Here, the king, it is also said that human beings have reached the point of life and death. This matter is so important that this king called you over immediately."

The Eastern God was slightly startled, and then said: "Since he is a human being, Your Highness, I want to meet this person!"

Aserati nodded and said, "Okay, I will introduce you to you!"

Then, with a wave of his hand, he opened a door in the void.And said to Chen Yang: "Your Excellency, come in!"

Chen Yang also saw a gate appearing at the barrier.

He didn't say much, and stepped into the gate with a flash of his figure.

In the next second, Chen Yang appeared directly in the Golden Palace.

Then he saw the Eastern God, and the elf king Aserati.

Chen Yang's eyes swept away, and he was immediately shocked.Because he felt that the cultivation of the Eastern God was not inferior to him, and the aura of the elf king Aserati was so powerful that it was unimaginable.

"The absolute master of creation is still above that Shang Wudao!" Chen Yang immediately came to such a conclusion in his mind.

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