The strongest player in history

Chapter 2136 The Real Truth

In the distant wormhole, Chen Yang's body also felt the pain from Yuanshen.This real pain of suffocation and the fear of facing the threat of death were all truly conveyed to his brain.

However, these hardships were nothing to him.

In the dense forest of the Amazon River in the parallel world, before the ice pool, three days and three nights have passed.Su Jianxue and the others have been watching the monitor, watching Chen Yang in the deep pool struggle, despair, and finally give up slowly.

"His oxygen can only last three days!" Gandalf said, looking at the screen.

"That's right, the latest technology can only support this helmet for three days, and it's full of poison. It's a miracle that he can survive until now," Elder Evel said.

Ai Ruixues said: "This person should not be underestimated, we still can't be careless. Beware of him cheating death, we can't open the door easily."

Gandalf said in a deep voice: "Of course we can't open the door. Once he opens the door, if he runs out, all our previous efforts will be wasted. This person cannot be treated with common sense!"

Elder Longian also thinks so.

Su Jianxue was at the side and remained silent.

She seemed very silent.

And whether Gao Jin would care about her, but she didn't pay much attention to Gao Jin.

Ai Ruixues suddenly looked at Gao Jin and said, "Now, it's time to experiment."

Gao Jin was in awe of Ai Ruixuesi, and said, "Master, what do you mean..."

Erixes said: "That's right, let's use the laser robot we prepared before to cut it. If he can escape now, it proves that he is pretending. If he is really dead, then cut him into pieces. Cut him into pieces." After being broken into pieces, if he can still live, then we deserve our failure."

"Shards? Laser robots?" Su Jianxue turned pale with shock.

"Why have I never heard you say it?" Su Jianxue questioned Ai Ruixuesi.

Ai Ruixues glanced at Su Jianxue coldly. The relationship between her and Su Jianxue had eased.But because of the incident where Su Jianxue clenched her fist, Ai Ruixuesi's dissatisfaction with this little junior sister climbed to the extreme again.She said coldly: "Why, we have to report to you for everything? Or do you really regard yourself as his daughter?"

Su Jianxue was speechless.

Gao Jin immediately comforted him softly, and said, "Junior Junior Sister, don't get too involved in the drama. The real Chen Yinuo was already dead back then, and you were specially recruited by Master, and you were disguised by plastic surgery to deceive Chen Yang." .Chen Yang is the number one enemy of my teaching. Now that he is dead, you are the number one hero. After returning, the master will definitely reward you a lot. You should be happy!"

Su Jianxue nodded, and said: "Yes, yes!" She seemed a little bewildered: "I should be happy, I was never Chen Yinuo."

Ai Ruixues didn't bother to pay attention to Su Jianxue, and said, "Gao Jin, activate the laser robot!"

Gao Jin nodded.

Then he signaled.

In that deep pool, four red lights suddenly appeared.

The four red lights were emitted by four small robots. The robots looked very pocket-sized, and they looked like the size of a biscuit, and they were not much thicker than a biscuit.But they have small propellers on the bottom plate, and after starting together, the speed is very fast.

The four little robots directly found Chen Yang in the deep pool.

The corpse floated under the refined steel nano gate.

Four laser beams were emitted at the same time, cutting the corpse into eight pieces in just an instant.It's real chopping!

The bright red blood gushed out like a spring, dyeing the surrounding pool red, and the pieces of flesh from the corpses scattered around...

At this moment, everyone was finally determined.

This Chen Yang is really dead, he can't die anymore.

Everyone is very excited!

At this moment, Elder Gandalf's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Xiaoxue!" Gandalf looked at Su Jianxue and said, "Tell me, in the end, what did Chen Yang tell you? Also, what exactly are you hiding?"

Right now, it's the real picture!

A trace of fear flashed in Su Jianxue's eyes.

At this moment, at this moment, how could she not understand all this.The reason why Elder Gandalf didn't pursue it before... was because he wasn't sure whether Chen Yang would die.If Chen Yang didn't die, then she, Su Jianxue, would still be useful.If Chen Yang died, then Gandalf would not have any hesitation.Because Su Jianxue has lost its use value.

"Elder Gandalf, what do you mean?" Su Jianxue couldn't help but backed away.

Elder Gandalf waved his hand, and Elder Longian, Elder Evel, and Arixes blocked Su Jianxue's retreat.

Gao Jin was stunned at the side.

Gandalf said coldly: "Xiaoxue, it seems that you understand something in your heart."

Su Jianxue's expression changed drastically, and she said, "I don't understand what you mean."

Gandalf said: "But it doesn't matter, because that person is dead. We don't need to continue to hide it from you."

"What are you hiding from me?" Su Jianxue's delicate body trembled slightly.

Ai Ruixues said coldly at the side: "Your memory, the memory before the age of seven is fake. We invited the most brilliant hypnotist to plant the memory for you. In your memory, it has always been very clear. Fake. You are not the Chen Yinuo we found to pretend to be. Because no one can pretend, because you are the real Chen Yinuo. Chen Yang is your real father. All along, silly The person is not Chen Yang, but... you!"

Su Jianxue's eyes turned red immediately, and she said sharply, "No... no, it's impossible! How could the memory be false? I remember, I always remember, I was an orphan. When I was three years old, it was Master who was living in a world of ice and snow. Later, you kept telling me that the Holy See would have a big enemy. I am very similar to the daughter of that big enemy. Master treats me with great kindness. The Holy See is the warmest home for me. All of this can't be fake. How could I be his daughter? "

"Silly girl!" Evel giggled from the side, and then said: "We have done so much, just to make you believe that everything you think is what you think. How could we not know that in this world, No one can fool that Chen Yang. All along, you are the most stupid!"

"You killed your father with your own hands!" Erixes said with a sneer.

These words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Su Jianxue's heart hard.

Su Jianxue's face was pale, and she suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

Everything in front of her was so unreal to her.

She felt that her life was like a scam, all fake, fake.

Since she was a child, she is extremely talented and extremely intelligent!She has no doubts about her origin, because, to her, she is a person with memory, and there is no memory gap.

Just like an ordinary person, he clearly remembers where he was born and what happened.

At this time, when she was 20 years old, someone came to her and told her that she had undergone drastic changes when she was seven years old, how could she believe it?

But Master gave her a perfect explanation, she just wanted to pretend to be that special person.Then come to deal with the enemies of the Holy See!

She has a sense of belonging to the Holy See, which is her home.

She has no hesitation...

At this time, except for Gao Jin, no one else would care about Su Jianxue's life or death.

"Everything is true. The poison in you needs the teeth of the ice dragon snake, my blood, and your identity. All are true,

Not really, how can your father be fooled? "Arexes continued: "In this world, only you think that what we designed is fake.You said you, isn't it extremely ridiculous?Junior sister, do you still think that you are the smartest person in the world?In fact, you are not smart, you just think you are smart, I think you are as stupid as a pig! "

After Ai Ruixusi finished speaking coldly, he continued: "Elder Evel, Elder Gandalf, Elder Longian, Gao Jin, this person is of no use to the Holy See. She is the daughter of the number one enemy of the Holy See. If her talent survives today, in time, she will become our second enemy. Therefore, I am under the order of my master, and I ask you to kill this person!"

Elder Gandalf nodded, and said: "To cut grass, we must get rid of the roots. Today, it's time to get rid of the roots."

Everyone was about to attack, at this moment, Gao Jin suddenly stopped in front of Su Jianxue.

"Elders, big sisters, what are you doing?" Gao Jin didn't know why, so he panicked to the extreme.But no matter what, he must protect the little junior sister he loves the most and cares about the most!

Ai Ruixuesi said coldly: "Gao Jin, get out of here immediately!"

"I won't go away, senior sister, I want to take my junior sister to see the master. I don't believe what you said, I understand. You don't want my junior sister to make such a great contribution. Unless, you get my body from my body Step on it, otherwise, I will never let you hurt my junior sister!"

Gao Jin seemed very determined.

"Take Gao Jin down!" Ai Ruixues gave the order coldly!

In fact, today's picture is not what Ai Ruixue wants to see.She would have done it when she was ready.But the furtiveness between Su Jianxue and Chen Yang at the end made her very uneasy.

So, let's get started.

Elder Evel gave Gao Jin a coquettish smile, and said: "Silly boy, everything today is dominated by your master. There is no grass anywhere in the world. Are you going to rebel against the Holy See and your master for this enemy's girl? No! Destroy your future!"

Gao Jin said firmly: "I won't let you hurt my junior sister!"

"Damn it for being obsessed with obsession!" Ai Ruixuesi said coldly.

Gao Jin didn't look back, and said to Su Jianxue who was behind him: "Little Junior Sister, you protect me every time. You call me an idiot, and I'm not as smart as you. But today, if you die, the truth will be buried forever... ..."

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