The strongest player in history

Chapter 2135 Under Despair

Su Jianxue stood where she was.

Ai Ruixues came to Su Jianxue's side, and she looked at Su Jianxue. "What's the matter, silly girl, have you really moved your feelings?"

Su Jianxue squeezed the capsule tightly, her eyes were already red.But when she raised her head, she smiled brightly and said, "Why, I'm not her daughter at all. Everything he did was for her daughter. Do I still cry when I watch other people's stories?"

Ai Ruixues smiled slightly, and said, "That's good." Her eyes fell on Su Jianxue's fist again. "What are you clenching your fist for?"

Su Jianxue was very calm, she said: "It's nothing." Then she put her hands in her pockets.

Ai Ruixuesi's expression was ugly, she suddenly reached out and grabbed Su Jianxue's pocket.

"What are you doing?" Su Jianxue took a step back subconsciously, looking at Ai Ruixues vigilantly.

Ai Ruixues said in a deep voice, "What's in your pocket?"

Su Jianxue said: "Yes, no, it's all my own business. Senior sister, you are too lenient. Why? I said that our relationship has suddenly become better in the recent period? It turned out to be my illusion , the other party is not dead yet, are you going to reveal your true colors?"

Ai Ruixuesi said in a cold voice: "Did Chen Yang leave something for you?"

Su Jianxue said, "Crazy!"

Ai Ruixusi's face was very ugly.

Elder Gandalf came over at this time, he smiled lightly and said, "What's the matter? Two little princesses?"

Ai Ruixuesi said: "Elder, I suspect that Chen Yang left something for her. It's in her hands!"

Gandalf was slightly taken aback, then looked at Su Jianxue, and said, "Is that so?"

Su Jianxue said, "No."

Gandalf smiled slightly and said, "Since there is no one, let us take a look, shall we?"

Su Jianxue smiled contemptuously, and said, "Even if there is, I won't show it to you. What's the matter? Do you want to see me?"

Gandalf fell silent.

Arexes was about to explode, when Gandalf suddenly laughed, and said, "You two naughty little ones, don't mess around. Let it go!"

After he finished speaking, he pulled Ai Ruixues to walk towards the group.

So he left Su Jianxue alone.

After Su Jianxue was silent for a while, she also came to everyone's side.After Gao Jin saw Su Jianxue, he was very happy. He pointed to the screen and said, "Junior Sister, look quickly..."

Su Jianxue looked into the screen.

She saw that in the depths of the ice pool, Chen Yang was struggling to find the ice pool dragon snake.

The area above the deep pool is small, but the depth inside is very wide.At a depth of [-] meters, Chen Yang had to bear the water pressure all the time, and his true energy was consumed enormously.

Chen Yang knew that this was a dead end, but he still had to do one more thing.That is to hunt down the ice pond dragon snake and extract its teeth.

Chen Yang at least believed that one thing was true, and that was that his daughter's poison really needed the teeth of the ice dragon snake.

The opponent's game this time is very meticulous, and they will not cheat on this issue.

At this moment, Chen Yang saw a cave in front of him.

The cave in the deep pool looked a little weird, the entrance of the cave was not small, it could accommodate ten strong men to enter at the same time.

With a twist, Chen Yang was ten times faster than ordinary people on land.In an instant, we came to the front of the cave!

The inside of the cave was also filled with pool water, he twisted his body and burrowed into the cave.

But not long after entering, Chen Yang stopped his figure.

Because he felt something was wrong, the surrounding water became even colder.

This pool of water is already icy cold, but the icy cold inside is even more extraordinary.

If it wasn't for Chen Yang's cultivation of ice true energy, it would have been a dead end for other masters to come here.

But right now, Chen Yang felt that the dragon snake... the so-called ice pool dragon snake, Chen Yang speculated that it was a dragon snake.

Chen Yang felt that the dragon snake was walking inside.

Moreover, at this time, Chen Yang raised his eyes and found two green lamps in front of him.

If you look closely, there is no lamp inside.It's... the eyes of a dragon and a snake.

One eye is bigger than a washbasin.

"Roar!" The dragon snake suddenly opened its mouth!

Immediately, the water in the cave suddenly surged, like a mountain torrent erupting. Amidst the rumbling sound, the torrent rushed over, overwhelming mountains and seas, terrifying...

Chen Yang's eyes felt cold, and he really stood where he was.

When the torrent rushed in front of him, the torrent washed away in two directions.

Chen Yang stood on the spot, motionless.

Then, the coercion in front of him was even greater, and the Dragon Snake Walking Jiao had rushed over, the speed was extremely fast, the mountains shook and the ground shook...

In front of Chen Yang's eyes, the dragon and snake rushed towards him like a mountain peak.

Facing such a force, such a powerful force, even Chen Yangxiu could hardly resist it.

At this time, Chen Yang was still extremely calm.

The dragon snake stepped forward and opened its mouth directly...

The moment it opened its mouth, Chen Yang rushed in quickly.He rushed forward, then curled up again, this movement was as quick as lightning.

The giant teeth of Zoujiao bit it empty, and Chen Yang was already in its mouth.Fortunately, the passage in the cave is narrow, and it is inconvenient for the walking dragon to move around, so it is not easy to shake its head and bite Chen Yang.

Chen Yang took out the quantum gun and shot Zuo Jiao at the throat.

There are many types of arc-shaped electric bullets for this quantum gun, and this one is for dealing with such large monsters.

Afterwards, Chen Yang quickly took a small part of the dragon snake's teeth.

After doing all this, Chen Yang didn't wait long.Because the interior of the Dragon Snake Walking Jiao has been greatly damaged, its internal organs were burned by the quantum gun, and it died soon.After the dragon snake died, Chen Yang took part of its fist-sized teeth, then opened the dragon snake's mouth, and then left the dragon snake's mouth.

Not long after, Chen Yang came out of the cave.

He fitted the tooth with a prepared kit, which was a compressed material, similar to a balloon.After putting the teeth in, the thing just floated up.

Chen Yang took that thing and soon reached the shallows of the pool.

At this time, the people in the Holy See who were observing above all looked nervous.

One by one, they took out the prepared machine guns.If Chen Yang breaks through the legendary nano-steel gate, they will shoot intensively without any dead ends.

If you don't believe me, I won't kill you!

Of course, it is actually impossible for Chen Yang to break through that door.It's just that Chen Yang's reputation is too great, and there are too many legends, so they dare not be careless.

They saw that Chen Yang kept hitting the door, failing again and again...

They saw Chen Yang in the pool, testing and bumping again and again.Watching Chen Yang gradually exhausted, watching his speed gradually slow down...

They are excited, happy, full of hope...

Under their calculations, this invincible god is finally coming to the end of his life...

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