The strongest player in history

Chapter 2121 Heaven and Man

Chen Yang didn't know this woman.

But this woman had a deep relationship with Chen Yang in another life.Because her name is Evel, she was Chen Tianya's decent wife in that life.She is also Chen Yihan's biological mother.

At this time, Ai Ruixuesi was the leader, and she said coldly: "Su Jianxue, you are doing very well!" She spoke English, but Chen Yang's English was also very good.So it is not very difficult for everyone to communicate.Ai Ruixuesi said: "Master treats you with great kindness. Now that the enemy has said a few more words in front of your eyes, you actually doubt Master? Are you worthy of Master?"

Su Jianxue took a deep breath and said, "Elder Sister, what he said is not unreasonable. I didn't doubt Master, but the reasoning became clearer and clearer. It wouldn't hurt if I listened more and went to see more." .”

"Since he has such an idea, he must have forged the evidence long ago!" Arixes said: "You are betraying the master."

Su Jianxue said: "I respect Master in my heart, but this is a big matter, I must figure it out!"

"Jianxue!" Evel also spoke, and she said, "You let us down so much. You don't think about it, if that's the case, will we let you come to meet him?"

Su Jianxue's delicate body trembled.

Gandalf said in a deep voice, "Jianxue, step aside, we are going to kill this man today!"

The ten people who came here are all current masters, and all of them are at least in the realm of transforming gods.

In this world, after cultivating true qi, after transforming into a god state, it is not a supernatural power state!The cultivation of true qi creates a terrifying sea of ​​qi in the body.

After transforming into a god state, there is a Tiangang state, turning Qi into a Tiangang, invincible!

The peak of Tiangang Realm is a mysterious realm that few people can understand.

None of the people present reached the peak of the Tiangang Realm!

Chen Yang had already reached the peak of Tiangang Realm without any suspense, and even surpassed Tiangang Realm.Regarding the cultivation here, Chen Yang's concept is not very strong, but for a top student like him to do such a question, it is not difficult in itself.

True qi is inferior to mana, but the operation of true qi and mana has the same effect.

Mana is more than a hundred times more complicated than true qi, and Chen Yang knows everything about true qi.

At this time, everyone was about to make a move. Chen Yang knew in his heart that his daughter might not believe in him.But no matter what she was thinking now, he hoped that she would stay out of it.He couldn't bear to fight with his daughter!At that moment, he also said: "Girl, go outside and wait for me."

Su Jianxue immediately said: "No, I will deal with it together with you!" She then said to everyone: "I must find out the truth of this matter, I hope senior sister, elder, you can raise your hands today first!"

"Are you kidding me!" Evel said, "It's hard to get such an opportunity. He has been poisoned now. How can we let this opportunity pass?"

Gandalf also said, "That's right!"

Su Jianxue said: "Then I will live and die with him!"

She seemed very determined.

Chen Yang secretly sighed, he knew at this moment that his daughter was completely acting, and she was looking for the right opportunity to make a move.

Although Chen Yang would go offline in the face of his daughter's IQ, but at this time, his IQ is all online.

Chen Yang took a deep breath, turned to Gandalf, and said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency attacked from behind and killed Chen Ling, the God of War, didn't you?"

Gandalf said coldly: "Yes, do you want to avenge him?"

"Yes!" Chen Yang was straightforward.

Gandalf laughed and said, "Well, today is up to you."

"Do it!" Arixes roared.

In an instant, the battle on the scene finally broke out.

From calm to earth-shattering, it was a matter of an instant.It was like a monstrous monster suddenly appeared in a calm lake.

The waves of air are rolling, the true energy is vertical and horizontal, and the energy of the sky is bursting!

Evel was the first to strike, her swordsmanship was unparalleled in the world, and she flew up and down in an instant, cutting out seven magical sword lights and true energy.

Seven sharp sword lights slashed at Chen Yang's whole body!

Gandalf also made a quick move, and the air knife cut out in an instant!

This qi knife is fierce and unparalleled!

This is how he once beheaded Chen Ling, the god of war.The rest of the people also shot together, and instantly intertwined into a terrifying net of air knives, bombarding Chen Yang indiscriminately like ten thousand arrows piercing the heart.

With such an attacking power, so many masters attack together.

In the scene, Ai Ruixue's cultivation was the highest, but she and Su Jianxue were the only ones who didn't make a move.These two are behind!

Such an attacking force is unprecedented!

Even a master like the God of War back then would be wiped out in an instant if he fell into such a siege and faced with such an attack.

Chen Yang fell into such a siege, in their eyes, he was actually no different from a dead person.To encircle such a master like this is actually an impossible thing at all.

But... Chen Yang was surrounded simply like that.

And at this time, would Chen Yang really die?

The answer is of course not!

Chen Ling, the god of war, and the leader of Dutian, although they are all outstanding people in the world, they are restricted by the times.

If Chen Ling and others from the Great Thousand World came here, they would be able to quickly invincible them!

Chen Yang has experience in the mana world, so at this moment, Army God Chen Ling and others cannot be compared with him!At the most dangerous moment, Chen Yang let out a roar, and at the same time, infinite ice zhenqi gushed out.

Almost in an instant, a thousand streaks of ice interweaved into a sword net, slashing fiercely in all directions. 360 degrees without dead ends!

The fierce icy true energy froze everything, and everyone's attacks were broken, only Gandalf's air knife broke through Chen Yang's sword net and slashed in.

The rest of the people retreated one after another to resist Chen Yang's sword attack.

At the same time, Chen Yang tilted his body to avoid Gandalf's air knife.He grabbed it with his big hand again, and all the ice swords formed an ice dragon. He grabbed the ice dragon with his big hand, and punched out again.The Ice Divine Dragon rushed out with lightning, and it was madly rolling towards the crowd.

Chen Yang took the initiative to attack and kill a group of people alone.

The ice dragon roared and roared, its power was infinitely fierce, everyone quickly avoided it, and struck out countless zhenqi knives.

Again, boom!

The ice dragon shattered, and countless ice slags burst out like countless bullets!

Chen Yang circulated his zhenqi to the point of being miraculous.

These few outbursts and the circulation of true qi gave these masters the feeling that there is someone beyond human beings, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

"Hey!" At this moment, Arixes finally made a move.

She was waiting for this moment.

Chen Yang's cultivation is against the sky, but he is still human after all.With the outbreak just now, his strength also needs a time conversion.Ai Ruixuesi saw this, and with a flash of her figure, she was in front of Chen Yang in an instant, and then, she pressed her palm on Chen Yang's chest.

The power of the palm is frantic, and the true energy surges wildly!

This palm, logically, could shatter Chen Yang's internal organs into pieces.

Chen Yang smiled strangely, and Ai Ruixues felt that the other party's chest was sunken.

"He's taking a breath!" Arixes was taken aback. "Exchange air so fast? Can you still breathe like this?"


Chen Yang's chest bulged, and a burst of powerful true energy gushed out.Ai Ruixie's figure flashed, and she immediately backed out.

"Hahaha..." Chen Yang laughed wildly: "If you were more courageous, I would be injured this time, but unfortunately, you actually retreated."

"Damn it!" Arixes blushed and then turned blue.

She had heard of Chen Yang's reputation for a long time, and before Chen Yang appeared, she knew that he was an enemy that even Master feared.In addition, the hand he showed just now was too……

Chen Yang laughed wildly, fighting against the demons alone.He repelled the group of demons, but he would not give them another chance to encircle him. With a flash, he grabbed Su Jianxue's hand and said, "Follow me!"

Su Jianxue said: "Okay!" The two of them fled away directly, and the rest came to stop them. Chen Yang waved his big hand, and pushed the two of them away with ice true energy.


But at this moment, Su Jianxue finally made a move, and she grabbed Chen Yang's big hand instead.Then, true energy shot into Chen Yang's wrist like a steel needle.

Chen Yang moved his big hand quickly, bursting out with true energy, directly dissolving Su Jianxue's frost steel needle.

The palms of the two collided twice in a row, and after that, Chen Yang was already outside the bar.

Su Jianxue felt a burning pain in her wrist, and she was horrified in her heart: "This guy, why is he so powerful?"

"Girl, I know you never believed me." Chen Yang's voice came from outside. "But I will prove it to you."

When everyone chased out of the bar, there was no trace of Chen Yang outside.

Outside the bar, the beach is beautiful and the sun is shining...

The crowd fell into silence.

Su Jianxue was slightly annoyed, and said, "Master, I failed. I attacked him secretly, but he reacted faster."

Ai Ruixues patted Su Jianxue's shoulder lightly, and said, "Don't blame yourself, this guy, no one in the world can sneak attack him!"

Gandalf and Elder Evel also had chills in their backs.

Elder Evel said: "Over the years, Your Majesty has been cautious, and he has always been afraid of this person. I thought that Your Majesty made a fuss out of a molehill. Now it seems that His Majesty's worries are not unreasonable. Next, there are still opponents there!"

"How did he achieve his cultivation?" Gandalf murmured.

"Now, what should we do?" Su Jianxue asked Ai Ruixuesi.

Ai Ruixues said in a deep voice: "Cancele all attack plans first. No one can kill this person. If he doesn't die, everything else is meaningless. Let's go back to Los Angeles!"

In the afternoon of that day, Chen Yang and his party returned to Yanjing.

At the same time, Chen Yang received a call from Shen Mo Nong. "All the personnel of the Holy See stationed in Yanjing have been evacuated!"

Chen Yang sneered when he heard this, and said, "Forget them to be acquainted!"

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