Lei Ling and Monk Shanren didn't quite understand, so Chen Yang didn't elaborate.But Duan Lang and Fenghuang already understood everything.

At this moment, Chen Yang's cell phone rang.

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat. He had a premonition that it was his daughter calling.People sometimes have wonderful premonitions, also known as the sixth sense.Chen Yang's sixth sense is extremely accurate.

Chen Yang didn't show it at the moment, but said to Lei Ling: "Master Lei, let's start. Take them back to the Hongmen headquarters."

Lei Ling nodded and said, "Okay!"

Monk Shanren said: "Little benefactor, are you going to fight the group of demons alone?"

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and said: "One person, on the contrary, is more dominant. If there are too many people, it will restrict me."

Monk Shanren said, "That's true."

Afterwards, Lei Ling and his party quickly left.

Chen Yang returned to the room and answered the phone.

This time it was a video call, and Chen Yang saw the picture over there on his phone.

The person who came was indeed Su Jianxue.

Su Jianxue on the phone screen was wearing a floral dress, with long fluttering hair, and it looked like she had just washed her hair.With a touch of charm and indescribable style.

Su Jianxue giggled and said, "Little brother, we meet again."

Chen Yang couldn't help being speechless, what is this damn girl doing to make it like this?But no matter what, he still couldn't harden his heart when facing his daughter.

"No shouting!" Chen Yang said with a straight face.

"Stop!" Su Jianxue couldn't help being annoyed immediately, and said, "If you dare to say that you are my father, I will turn against you."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, don't say it. But you are not allowed to call me little brother."

"Then what are you calling? Brother?" Su Jianxue said angrily.

Chen Yang said: "If you have something to say, just say it."

Su Jianxue then turned to the business and said, "Then... let's meet up. Don't we still have a three-stroke agreement?"

Chen Yang said, "Where are you?"

Su Jianxue said: "Here in San Francisco, I'm back again. Anyway, it's convenient to go back and forth by private plane."

Chen Yang smiled wryly, and said, "If you want to see me, I'm afraid there will be three thousand knives and axes on your side."

Su Jianxue giggled and said, "You really know how to joke."

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "Okay, where will we meet?"

"You really dare to come to see me?" Su Jianxue was slightly surprised.

Chen Yang said, "Why don't you dare?"

Su Jianxue said, "Aren't you afraid of three thousand knives and axes?"

Chen Yang said: "Since you dare to come, don't be afraid."

Su Jianxue said: "I think you are a little strange, you seem to be a little different to me. Tell me, do you like me? Seeing that you are not ugly and have such a good cultivation base, maybe I can think about it."

"Shut up!" Chen Yang scolded, and said, "Don't talk too big or too small."

"You..." Su Jianxue had the urge to vomit blood when chatting with Chen Yang.She felt that this guy really seemed to be substituted into the identity of her father.Is there something wrong with the head!

Chen Yang said again: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you. But, when you talk to me in the future, you are not allowed to say such outrageous things."

"Okay, okay!" Su Jianxue felt that Chen Yang was really a strange person, but she was too lazy to think about it.There is no need to think too much, because today, what she wants is to take this person's life!

She then made an appointment with Chen Yang, and Su Jianxue finally said, "Then... let's see each other."

Then I hung up the phone.

Chen Yang answered the phone, he knew very well that this was the situation of the Holy See.The leaders of the Holy See are very aware of their own weaknesses, so they send their daughters as bait.

Chen Yang had to go, he had to go.

If you don't go, he won't worry.

He was fearless at first, but because of the existence of his daughter, he knew in his heart that there were already many variables.Variables beyond his control.

The agreed place was a bar by the sea.

The bar is close to the beach, but usually there are no people in the morning.The bar will not be open in the morning either.

But Su Jianxue naturally had a way to open the bar.

You can smell the salty smell of sea water in the bar.

Looking forward at the bar counter of the bar, you can see the endless sea in the distance.The sun is very strong today, and the weather at the seaside is always hotter, except for the typhoon season.

When Chen Yang came to the bar, he saw Su Jianxue sitting in the corner of the bar.She is drinking a colorful cocktail by herself.

At the bar counter of the bar, there is a bartender.

Other than that, there was no one else in the bar.

In the bar, except for a beam of sunlight at the door, the rest of the place was still slightly dim, and no lights were turned on.

Chen Yang came across from Su Jianxue and sat down.

Su Jianxue smiled sweetly at Chen Yang, and said, "We meet again, what do you drink, I'll treat you!"

Chen Yang said: "Whatever!"

Su Jianxue snapped her fingers immediately and said, "Have a cup of Colorful Bomb."

The bartender over there should be fine.

Su Jianxue said again: "Three thousand knives and axes are already on the side, and the wine that came is also poisonous. But you still came, why?" She looked at Chen Yang seriously and asked.

Chen Yang also stared at Su Jianxue seriously, and said, "These are not important."

Su Jianxue said with great interest: "Oh, then what's important?"

Chen Yang said, "I have a long story that I want to tell you."

"How long? How about I just talk about it here, anyway, I have nothing else to do today." Su Jianxue said.

Chen Yang said: "That's fine!"

At this moment, a glass of colorful bomb was brought over by the bartender.

It was placed in front of Chen Yang.

"Want to drink? Dare to drink?" Su Jianxue asked.

Chen Yang smiled lightly and said, "You don't have to provoke me, this glass of wine is absolutely poisonous. But it will never be detected! However, if you are willing to listen to my story, it doesn't matter if I drink it."

He grabbed the glass with one hand and drank it down.

The wine entered the abdomen, was transformed into ice power by Chen Yang's mysterious true energy, and then was discharged directly from the soles of his feet.This skill is superb, beyond the imagination of Su Jianxue and the others.

What's more, Chen Yang's icy true energy also has its own speciality, which can be condensed and melted.

Although Su Jianxue could understand Frozen True Qi, she hadn't cultivated to Chen Yang's level yet.

At this time, Su Jianxue saw that Chen Yang drank the wine in the glass without hesitation, and she was extremely happy in her heart.However, she did not show any emotion.She secretly said in her heart: "It is because of your profound skill that you are not afraid of poisonous wine, but you never thought that this poison

It's not as simple as you think.After drinking the poisonous wine, and then fused with the corpse powder in the air, you will lose all sensitivity.When the time comes, you will be in our pocket.Hmph, no matter how high your cultivation level is, I will make you feel sorry for my aunt today! "

"I can smell a strange smell in the air!" Chen Yang said suddenly.

Su Jianxue was startled, and a trace of complexity flashed in her eyes.She has seen many big people, and she has never been timid and unconfident.But the boy in front of her gave her a truly unfathomable feeling.

Su Jianxue's psychological quality is also extremely strong. She smiled and said, "Really? It must be poisonous gas. You'd better leave quickly, lest you fall into the trap of me, a witch!"

"It doesn't matter!" Chen Yang said.

"Then what does it matter?" Su Jianxue asked curiously.

Chen Yang said: "Some words are true, but it's hard for me to convince you."

"You mean to say, are you really my father?" Su Jianxue said.

Chen Yang sighed and said, "This story is very long."

Su Jianxue said, "Okay, tell me!"

Chen Yang said: "The world in front of me is not the only world. The me in front of me is not the real me. You can go and find out about this. My body used to be called Chen Chen. I was suffering from advanced cancer. No wonder. I came down from the wormhole of the universe. The reason why I came here is because I saw some great changes in you in this world. I came here for you. Although you don’t believe it, you are indeed My daughter. Your real name is Chen Yinuo... Your mother's name is Situ Ling'er. The Holy See killed your grandmother, grandfather, and all your relatives at your mother's house, took you away, and accepted you as a disciple. Their purpose Just to use you to contain me."

"You..." Su Jianxue was stunned.

She looked at Chen Yang with complicated eyes. "Sorry, what you said is too much information. Please understand, I can't accept it immediately."

"I don't need you to understand and accept it now." Chen Yang said: "You go with me now, and go back to China with me. I will prove to you that everything I said is true. My current body is not my own , but your grandparents are still there, they can do a dna test with you."

Su Jianxue looked a little confused, she said: "But...it's impossible! That's not what my master said. It's impossible..."

"Impossible, you will know when you follow me." Chen Yang said immediately.

Su Jianxue burst into tears suddenly, and said, "But it's already too late, you've already been poisoned, and they've already surrounded this place. I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, I'll take you away!" Chen Yang said with certainty.He then sneered and said, "Don't worry, child, with your father here, no one in this world can stop your father."

"Su Jianxue!" At this moment, figures flickered around the bar, and these people who had been ambushing for a long time suddenly rushed out.These people ambushed really well, but Chen Yang didn't even notice their existence.

Suddenly, ten people appeared!

These ten people relied on Hundred Corpse Fans to hide their tracks, and because of their peerless cultivation to conceal their aura, they escaped Chen Yang's intuition.

Among the comers, the leader is none other than the elder sister Ai Ruixuesi!

There is also the first general Gandalf!

Chen Yang was startled when he saw Gandalf, because he could tell that this Gandalf was the murderer of his uncle.It was the white-haired old man!

Among them, there is also a glamorous woman.

The glamorous woman held a golden triangular sword...

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