The strongest player in history

Chapter 2045 Linger Visits

Huo Hongjin couldn't help turning pale when she saw this, she was both surprised and delighted.The joy is that the crisis has been lifted, and she doesn't need to worry about the situation over there.What's surprising is that she and her uncle have always underestimated Xiao Jiu's ability.Unexpectedly, this guy is really hiding his secrets!Huo Hongjin has a little idea of ​​the strength of the blue bird beast, she feels that she may not be able to win against the blue bird beast.

At this time, Huo Hongjin was determined, and concentrated her mind to deal with Xuangui.At the same time, Luo Feng also broke out.The reason why he can come out is also ashamed to say.This is because the blue bird beast can no longer control the cave, so he got the chance to come out.Luo Feng teamed up with Huo Hongjin, and he directly unleashed the Absolute Immortal Sword.The Absolute Immortal Sword, a highly poisonous technique.Coupled with Huo Hongjin's attack, Xuan Gui was also completely defeated!

The blue bird beast was frozen by Xiao Jiu.

So far, the four great beasts have all been caught in the bag.Luo Feng was also taken aback when he saw how powerful Xiao Jiu was.But he didn't say much.

He is very curious, but curiosity does not necessarily mean asking.The most precious thing between people is knowing how to respect the privacy of others.

Three people and one dragon quickly returned to Tianzhou.

In Yuqing World, Fu Zhichen once again held an emergency high-level meeting in Yunding Tiangong.

The elders, deputy head teachers, including Nalan Yunxue, outstanding disciples all participated.

Elder Wu Yun said in a deep voice: "That's the way it is. The Tianzhou has not calmed down. According to our information, the Emperor Dakang of today's continent is very high-profile. And there is Najialan Lady on the side to assist. The masters have come to participate in Tianzhou Dakang. They sacrificed the map of mountains and rivers and the country above the imperial city of Dakang, as well as the terrifying River of Pure Yang. According to our personnel's report, the elixir in the River of Pure Yang There are a hundred trillion. Now, the three thousand worlds are already boiling. The Emperor Dakang acted recklessly and spoke out, willing to use the river of Chunyang as a guide to gather the heroes of the world to attack our Yuqingmen. After the event is completed, everyone Give away one billion pure Yang pills!"

"One billion pure yang pills?" Wang Zhan, one of the deputy head teachers, couldn't help being speechless when he heard the words, and said, "In other worlds, there is a shortage of pills. How many famous sects don't have [-] million pure yang pills in their entire stockpile. His shot, but How generous it is!"

"But people do have the qualifications to say this. How many pills are there in our entire Yuqing world?" Ouyang Duoqing said immediately.

Elder Da Mo said: "This Emperor Dakang, where did you get so many pills?"

Elder Wu Yun immediately said: "Emperor Dakang and Emperor Changsheng have been cooperating, and the River of Pure Yang belongs to Emperor Changsheng."

Ouyang said affectionately: "That is to say, the Emperor Changsheng will also fully participate this time, otherwise, he would not hand over such an important thing."

Nalan Yunxue was silently stunned when she heard it.

It was hard for her to imagine that in the outside world, in order to save Chen Yang, such earth-shattering things were actually done.

There was a lot of discussion.

Fu Zhichen sat at the head.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered what Qiao Ning had said before.

There was a cold smile on the corner of Fu Zhichen's mouth. "Restless? Can a Chen Yang really disturb my Yuqingmen? These people are crazy, so desperate for a person in a fairyland?"

Fu Zhichen couldn't understand.

He took a deep breath, faced the crowd, and said, "Does anyone know how the Immortal Emperor's cultivation is?"

Elder Wu Yun said: "Returning to the Supreme, our intelligence system can't get in touch with the Emperor Changsheng. But back then, the Emperor Changsheng was already at the second stage of the Creation Realm. We don't know what state it is now."

Fu Zhichen said: "That is to say, besides the Garan female monarch, we have another enemy who is a master of the realm of creation?"

Elder Wu Yun said: "This is still the most optimistic idea. We have also investigated the Emperor Dakang. He rose suddenly in just a few decades. It is a small vassal country. But now its strength is so strong that it has faintly surpassed Yuntianzong, Yuhuamen and even the Protoss. This person is meticulous and scheming. He has never failed in so many years. Since he made a move this time, he must have a certain purpose sure."

"Are you sure?" At this time, another deputy head teacher, Duo Lain, spoke.Doline sneered, and said: "Mortal, mortal! He is just a mortal after all, does he understand what his enemy represents? He understands the Supreme Tower, what does our Hunyuan Taiji diagram represent? Three thousand worlds, As long as Yuanjue doesn't make a move, who can do anything to our Yuqing world? In the entire earth, only Yuanjue, the god, has the power of the world and is still on the earth. The rest are expelled from the earth. And Yu The Qing world is the extrajudicial rules of the fairy world and Yuanjue Ding. Our Hunyuan Tai Chi diagram controls the power of the world in the Yuqing world, fulfilling the rules. Don’t say we have the power of the world, even if we don’t, with a long life Great Emperor Xuan, with a Jialan female monarch, with a mob, can we deal with our Yuqing world?"

Dolein looked a little excited.

But what he said is basically correct, Yuqing World does have the strength to be proud of the world.

"That's right!" Others also echoed Dolein's statement.

Fu Zhichen suppressed his hand, but he turned his attention to Duan Xueren and Nalan Yunxue who were also attending the meeting.

"Duan Xueren, Yunxue, what about you? What do you think?"

Fu Zhichen asked.

Duan Xueren took a deep breath and said: "Back to the Supreme, in the eyes of my disciples, the words of Deputy Headmaster Duo Laiyin are not wrong. However, it takes all our strength to fight a lion against a rabbit. Perhaps, the enemy still has unexpected means." Now, just like this time, the four underground demon kings made a sudden move. It seems that they have no chance at all. But the existence of the demon king is dormant in the dark, which almost made us end up with hatred. The disciple believes that this matter must not be careless, and should be taken seriously !"

Duan Xueren's words were well-founded, which made Duo Lain blush a little.The others nodded, thinking that Duan Xueren was a good disciple, thoughtful and insightful.

Fu Zhichen also nodded, looked at Nalan Yunxue again, and said, "Yunxue, what about you?"

Nalan Yunxue immediately said: "This disciple also holds the same opinion as Senior Brother Duan."

Fu Zhichen said: "Okay, okay! That's right, we must not be careless about this matter. The other party is not an uninformed person. Although Yuqingmen is tyrannical, it is not an immortal existence. This matter must continue to be thoroughly investigated. At the same time , this deity is also going to report to the patriarchs of the Taishang Zunlou."

Fu Zhichen is very conservative now, and has to report everything to the patriarch.

This is not because he is timid, but because he is not blindly arrogant.

But at this moment, there was a sudden movement outside.Soon, a disciple came in and reported: "Report to Your Honor, a woman came outside, claiming to be the wife of the thief Chen Yang."

"Qiao Ning?" Fu Zhichen thought to himself. "What is this woman here for?"

"Let her in!" Fu Zhichen pondered for a moment, before deciding to meet Qiao Ning.

But after the woman came in, Fu Zhichen and the others were surprised.Because the person who came was not Qiao Ning, but an extremely beautiful girl in plain clothes.

It was Ling'er who came!

Ling'er's icy coldness is out of this world, which makes people dare not look at it too much.Ling'er's beauty is to make even a beauty like Nalan Yunxue feel ashamed.

Even a peerless person like Fu Zhichen trembled slightly the moment he saw Ling'er.

"In the world, there is such a beautiful woman!" Fu Zhichen said inwardly.

Ling'er came in and soon reached the middle of the hall.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by Ling'er.

Fu Zhichen looked at Ling'er, and was also shocked by Ling'er's cultivation. "Looking at her aura, I'm afraid her actual age is less than 30 years old, but she has such a cultivation level. This girl..."

Fu Zhichen quickly dispelled all the messy thoughts, he looked at Ling'er, and said, "Who is here?"

Ling'er looked at Fu Zhichen, her eyes were extremely clear, without any impurities. "My name is Situ Linger, and I am Chen Yang's first wife."

"Find a wife?" Fu Zhichen is an old fox, he immediately said: "He seems to have a lot of wives, before he gave up his life to save a wife named Qiao Ning."

Ling'er's eyes didn't fluctuate in the slightest.

She still looked at Fu Zhichen.

Fu Zhichen was surprised, he wanted to investigate Ling'er's true intentions through words.Fu Zhichen used this trick to draw out all of Chen Yang's cards.He is a top expert, no matter how deep he deals with the city, he can still detect the small waves in his heart.

But right now, he found that Ling'er's heart really didn't shake at all.

"I know!" Ling'er answered Fu Zhichen's question.

"So you're coming?" Fu Zhichen asked.

Linger said: "I hope that my husband can be rescued peacefully."

"Oh, how do you want to save?" Fu Zhichen asked with interest.

Ling'er said: "My husband has many close friends. This is because he is a good man. If you really kill him, even if nothing happens today, you can't take precautions every day. In the future, the Yuqing Sect will have no peace." .”

Ling'er is not used to talking so much, but today, for Chen Yang, she has to learn to do something.

Fu Zhichen nodded and said, "Indeed, your husband surprised us. He has many friends, but we still can't let him go. Unless..."

Ling'er said: "I know, unless he surrenders the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji!"

Fu Zhichen said: "It's good that you know that anyone and everything has a bottom line. Yuqingmen is not afraid of any challenge, but it is also unwilling to make enemies for no reason. Our bottom line is to control the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji. It can't be satisfied There is no need for us to discuss this point.”

Ling'er said: "In fact, he can't hand over the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji."

"I probably guessed it." Fu Zhichen said.

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