The tortoise is basking in the sun, the huge tortoise shell covers a radius of hundreds of feet.From a distance, it looks like a weird beach.Its head is like a hill, if you don't look carefully, you will really think it is a rocky mountain.

And the spin turtle's tail is like a huge scorpion, extremely flexible!

Xuangui's cultivation is at the peak of the Tianyu Realm!

It is not difficult to protect the spinning turtle.

Luo Feng still adopted a conservative approach, with Huo Hongjin making the first move while he swept aside.Speaking of which, Luo Feng was also a little depressed.He is Huo Hongjin's uncle, but Huo Hongjin's cultivation level is really high!

This makes him a bit embarrassing as an uncle!

But Luo Feng thought about it again, I am afraid that I will lose face!Her master's cultivation level has never been higher than hers!

Luo Feng hasn't talked with Huo Hongjin much yet, so he doesn't know much about it.

But Huo Hongjin's respectful attitude still made Luo Feng very useful.

"It's you little dolls..." At this moment, there was a sudden storm in the sky, and then, a void door opened, and a divine beast rushed out.

This divine beast is so huge that it covers half of the sky!

It is... the Western Blue Bird!

Although the western blue bird is huge, it is flying in the air, its feathers are transparent, but it is very beautiful, it can even be described as magnificent.

She is like a huge peacock, but even more beautiful than a peacock.

After the blue bird beast came out, it said coldly: "It's just you little dolls who are so daring to act recklessly against the patron saints of the four directions?"

Luo Feng and the others were shocked.

They already know some information, the blue bird beast is the most powerful among the four guardian beasts.Although she is also at the peak of Tianyu Realm, her attack and killing ability is stronger than the other three great beasts.

Right now, the two divine beasts have joined forces.

This really caught Luo Feng and the others by surprise.

"Uncle, what should we do now? I can only deal with one!" Huo Hongjin was startled when she saw this, and said to Luo Feng.

Luo Feng coughed dryly. Although he was conceited, he met a master of this level with his ability.He copes with it, and it is estimated that there is no chance of winning.

"Little dolls..." At this time, the tortoise also spoke.Its mouth didn't move, but its thoughts came out accurately.

"For the sake of the fact that you haven't made a big mistake, you immediately let go of Dongfang Gale and Northern Mirage Dragon." Xuangui's eyes opened, and those eyes were quiet, deep and unfathomable.

Of course, Luo Feng and the others couldn't let go of the Gale Bird of Prey and Mirage Dragon.Luo Feng took a deep breath, clasped his fists and said: "I am waiting to come because I have something to ask the four seniors to go to Dakang Imperial City. I also ask the seniors to calm down the thunder and come with me!"

"You are courting death!" The blue bird beast is female, but she has the strongest killing intent.Hearing this, he snorted coldly!

"Let them go, immediately!" said the blue bird beast, "Otherwise, you will be killed without a place to bury you!"

"Roar!" At this moment, Shenlong Xiaojiu roared suddenly.His body became bigger and turned into a burning nine-flame dragon.

The Nine Flame Dragon flew out directly, and Luo Xue tightly grasped the back of the dragon's fin.She felt that she and Xiao Jiu had become one body, and they were connected with each other.She grasped it tightly, and she could feel the raging fire in Xiao Jiu's body.

Xiao Jiu flew into the sky and roared directly at the blue bird and beast.

Luo Feng and Huo Hongjin were stunned.Luo Feng couldn't help being dazed, what is this guy going to do?

The Blue Bird and Divine Beast would look down on Xiao Jiu. She saw that Xiao Jiu dared to provoke her, how could she bear it. "Little bastard, you are courting death!"

The Blue Bird Divine Beast was furious, and then made a move.

With a roar, she exhaled a green energy!This essence is the power of the mysterious and unpredictable cave, and the cyan hazy breath is like the spirit of the nether world, quickly covering a hundred miles around completely!

At this time, the fiery red scarf also shot quickly, unfolding the Scarlet Flame Cave.The raging flames and the cyan hazy atmosphere intersect and cover, and countless laws of time and space intersect to form countless space and time holes. If you don't pay attention, those with poor cultivation will be trapped in it, unable to use it.

Luo Feng just fell into the chaotic hole of time and space, unable to get out.

Before Luo Feng started exerting his strength, he was trapped.He intuitively felt that the surrounding flames and the cyan haze were burning with each other and fighting each other.The laws of time and the laws of space are entangled with each other!

This is caused by the fighting between the fire red scarf's cave and the blue bird and beast's cave.

At the same time, the Fire Red Scarf also attacked the spin turtle.The spinning turtle was not a simple character either, it directly turned into an iron mountain with its huge back shell and hit the fiery scarf.The Huo Hongjin continued to kill, but they couldn't break the spin turtle's back shell.This back shell was condensed by the tortoise absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon for thousands of years, and it was very strong.

Moreover, the tortoise attacks with its tail from time to time.The huge scorpion tail shot out countless sword lights in an instant, and each sword was fiercer than the other.The Huo Hongjin faced the Spiral Turtle, just like facing a warrior with a shield and a sword.

Both sides are chess match opponents, and Xuan Gui did not unfold the law of the cave.But relying on its own understanding of the laws of time and space, it can move freely in the cave of the fiery red scarf.

For a moment, it was hard to tell the winner between Huohongjin and Xuangui.

Huo Hongjin's heart was anxious at this time, she was not worried about herself, but worried about whether her uncle and Xiao Jiu could deal with the blue bird and beast.Huo Hongjin felt that the uncle and Xiao Jiu had little chance of winning, and if they lost, the mission would be considered a failure.

Although Huo Hongjin is conceited, he also knows that he is not the opponent of these two great beasts.

At that time, everything will be in vain.

Huo Hongjin knew that this was an important part of rescuing Master.So at this moment, Huo Hongjin was very anxious, and just wanted to take down the Xuangui beast as soon as possible.But the more anxious she was, the more disadvantaged she was.

At this time, Luo Feng was trapped in the time chaotic hole, and he was still unable to break through.

He was also in a hurry.

And Shenlong Xiaojiu was directly trapped in that time hole, but Xiaojiu's cracking method was simple and brutal.It opened its mouth to spit out a white soul of ice, and in an instant, all the surrounding holes were covered with a layer of white frost.Afterwards, the Nine Flame Divine Fire spewed out, so the surrounding time molecules and the laws of space were shattered directly.

Although water and fire are ruthless, according to common sense, water and fire cannot deal with time and space.

But the combination of Nine Flame Divine Fire and Ice Soul directly shattered the time and space chaos.

At this moment, Luo Xue felt that the icy soul of her body and the body of Shenlong Xiaojiu had merged together, they were connected by flesh and blood!

Xiao Jiu is a wonderful product conceived by relying on her icy soul.

At this time, Xiao Jiu roared, and the huge dragon body rushed out.It flickered in the air for a moment, and then surrounded the blue bird and beast.In the next second, the Soul of Ice unfolded!

This was a terrifying scene. The icy air spread out, and it actually froze the red flames of the fiery red scarf, and the blue mixed air of the blue bird and beast.

Everything around is surrendered in the soul of ice!

Any molecule, magnetic field, time, space, etc., can't resist under the unfolding of the Soul of Ice.

Luo Xue felt the icy soul in her body rushing like waves, this was a feeling she had never experienced before.She felt that her body was like sea water, a source, and a steady stream of power was dug out.

The blue bird beast couldn't help but feel horrified!

She didn't dare to stay, and quickly took out a green sword!

This Qingmang sword is her magic weapon, which she refined out of feathers.The Blue Bird Divine Beast felt that everything around her was being frozen, she exerted all her mana suddenly, and slashed forward with a sword!

The power of this sword can break mountains and rivers, break five mountains!

This sword is unparalleled!

The power of this sword transcends time, space, and everything...

This sword went out, but it quickly met the Soul of Ice, and the infinite power of ice spread up and quickly froze.The blue bird beast let out a cold snort, and continued to use its strength directly, even the icy soul couldn't stop the Qingmang divine sword from beheading.

But the Qingmang Excalibur was already surrounded by the Soul of Ice, and its whole body was extremely cold. This kind of icy cold penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and even mana could not drive it away.

At this moment, Xiao Jiu suddenly opened his mouth.


The Nine Flame Divine Fire spewed out!

The ferocious Nine Flames Divine Fire enveloped the Qingmang Divine Sword!

At that moment, the Qingmang Excalibur was in the double sky of ice and fire, as if the frozen feet were poured down by a pot of boiling hot water.

Cold shrinks, heat expands!

In the next instant, the Qingmang Excalibur was shattered into pieces!

"Roar!" Xiao Jiu roared at the blue bird and beast again, and the ice soul continued to freeze the blue bird and beast.As long as the ice is frozen to a certain level, Xiao Jiu will cast the Nine Flame Divine Fire again... Then, the fate of the blue bird beast will be the same as that of the green light sword, becoming countless fragments!

At this time, the blue bird and beast felt all the molecules around it, and the magnetic field was frozen.It is difficult to cast any of her spells, the only thing she can do is to break the ice soul in front of her.But even though her magic power is extremely strong, she now finds that the thickness of the Ice Soul is simply beyond imagination.

Gradually, the blue bird beast also felt the cold, the bone-piercing cold, the unstoppable cold.

The magic power in the blue bird and beast surged ferociously, desperately resisting the cold invasion, but it gradually became difficult for her to resist.

Luo Xue herself is endowed with a unique physique, even the bigwigs in the chalk world want her physique.But in the end, not only did not get it, but a piece of ice crystal rough was buried.Luo Xue has fused the ice crystal rough stone, which is tantamount to mastering a huge amount of wealth.But she doesn't know how to use it herself.

But Xiao Jiuhui, Xiao Jiu was conceived by Luo Xue, he and Luo Xue have the same mind, he can easily communicate with Luo Xue's body, and exert Luo Xue's power to the extreme.

At the same time, Xiao Jiu also owns the world's strange fire, Jiuyan Shenhuo, so at this moment, the blue bird beast has been forced by Xiao Jiu to almost be in a desperate situation...

Huohongjin and Xuangui fought inextricably, but at this moment, she saw that Xiaojiu had trapped the blue bird and beast...

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