The strongest player in history

Chapter 1993 Great Supernatural Ability

Chen Yang put the polymer mask back on, and said: "My plan is this. The two seniors will withdraw their power from the barrier. Nalan Yunxue and I will escape from the barrier first. Mu Yaohuang opened the way for us. However, as soon as we exit the barrier, the two seniors will immediately take us down. In this way, Nalan Yunxue will be in the hands of the two seniors, and Nalan Yunxue will not doubt it. I'm messing around. Wait until someone comes down from above. If a master of the realm of creation comes, it will be easy to say. If you take action immediately, then we have nothing to do. What we can do is to stand for the two seniors when they attack Yuqingmen. The senior waved the flag and shouted. If the ones who come are not masters of the creation realm, then capture them all. Then put one back and let them know that the disciples were captured by the demon emperors. Let the wind be released to Fairy Zhenyuan, Nalan Yunxue it's here."

"But the premise is that the person who let go can't know the existence of the two seniors. When the time comes, we will play by ear." Chen Yang said.

"The plan is feasible!" The Eternal Demon Lord and the Great Compassionate Demon Lord nodded together.

Chen Yang said: "After saving my wife and friends, can the junior ask the senior to give the junior freedom?"

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "There are many profound meanings in my imprint, which may become your chance in the future. Why do you want to get rid of it? In the future, if necessary, this imprint will be yours and mine."

Chen Yang said: "Senior said the same thing, this junior will resign now."

Afterwards, Chen Yang and Demon King Dom left the dark abyss.

Chen Yang didn't dare to be careless in his heart. After he came into contact with these two demon kings, he felt an unfathomable sense of awe in his heart.

It is difficult for Chen Yang to distinguish whether the words of the Eternal Demon Lord are true or false.

On the way back, Chen Yang was thinking about the mind of the Eternal Demon Lord.The Demon King Dom asked, "Is what you and the two demon kings said true or a conspiracy?"

Chen Yang looked at Demon King Dom.

He suddenly realized the subtlety, thinking that he felt that the Eternal Demon Lord and the others were unpredictable.And the two demon kings and Dom Demon King also felt that it was difficult for them to see the truth.

Chen Yang then said: "Little life is in the hands of the devil, can I still be lying? Besides, tell the devil clearly that Nalan Yunxue and I are going to escape. This means that we have cut off the way out. Can anyone be more sincere than me?"

Dom Demon King said: "You are indeed sincere, otherwise, the Demon Lord would not believe you. But I always feel that you still have something to do!"

Chen Yang chuckled, and said, "You think highly of me too much. Do you think I will be someone who would not even give up my life for Nalan Yunxue?"

Dom Demon King said: "Okay, let's wait and see. What about my sister?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Isn't your sister fine? When I rescue my wife and friends, I will undo the spell in her mind."

The Demon King Dom couldn't help but hate secretly, she said: "Compared with the Demon King, you are not necessarily kind."

Chen Yang said: "Everyone is just following the rules of the game!"

Sure enough, the two demon kings changed the rules of the No.15 hell as agreed.At the same time, Chen Yang and Dom Yaohuang came back to meet Nalan Yunxue.

Chen Yang said to Nalan Yunxue: "I put the soul spar in Dom Demon King's belly, she is now very good. She has successfully persuaded the demon kings to change the rules, and I will hide with you later. Inside her stomach, she sent us out of the barrier in the name of checking the barrier. Once we get out of the barrier, we will immediately go back to Yuqingmen!"

Nalan Yunxue couldn't help being overjoyed when she heard the words, she literally wept with joy.

"Great!" Nalan Yunxue said.She then said to Chen Yang: "Thank you, Lin Feng!"

Chen Yang said: "It's okay, just remember what you promised me. Yuqingmen is your territory, and if you play tricks at that time, I can't do anything against you."

Nalan Yunxue blushed slightly, and said, "Never!"

She actually had her own ideas in her heart, she would compensate Chen Yang, but she would never marry.After getting out of here, without her talking, the elders of Shimen will naturally come to make Chen Yang compromise.

Nalan Yunxue still felt a little guilty in her heart, but she would not show it at this time.

And Chen Yang also had his own calculations.

Dom Demon King also has her own ideas, she wants to find out the reality of Chen Yang.For her, she may not care much about her sister's life.What she wants most is to get out of hell smoothly.Therefore, she is also monitoring Chen Yang.

At this time, it can be said that everyone has their own ghosts.

There is nothing to delay this matter.

After that, Chen Yang and Nalan Yunxue entered the soul spar.Then it went into the belly of Dom Demon Emperor.Chen Yang sometimes felt that he was about to become Monkey King.

At that time, when I saw Journey to the West, I felt yearning.When I was an adult, I thought that was impossible.But now, everything is possible.Relying on space compression, the impossible has been accomplished.

The three thousand worlds are the acme of the three thousand spaces!

Dom Demon Emperor then headed towards No.15 Hell, and soon, she arrived at the barrier of No.15 Hell.

In the middle of the barrier is a huge black spar, which emits a transparent film of light.At the border, there is no one else.Here is a wilderness!

The Dom Demon Emperor took Chen Yang and Nalan Yunxue out of the barrier without making a few changes, and arrived at the No.14 hell.

After that, Dom Demon King released Chen Yang and Nalan Yunxue.

"My sister?" Dom Demon King asked Chen Yang in full play.

Chen Yang said, "Just wait, your sister will be fine."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yang grabbed Nalan Yunxue into the soul spar.Then, the soul spar turned into a black light, and then lightning rushed towards it.Chen Yang didn't do anything fake, he knew that no matter how fast he was, it was impossible for him to escape.

And the two demon kings also held their breath, and they didn't take action until Chen Yang fled to the third floor.Chen Yang was afraid that it would be embarrassing to run away like this.

The two demon kings can only be dealt with if the masters of the realm of creation reach the No.18 floor.On the No.18 floor, their strength is the strongest.However, there was no limit for the two demon kings to catch shrimps like Chen Yang.

At that moment, he was about to flee.Nalan Yunxue felt that what was in front of her was a little unreal.

But at this moment, a huge black handprint enveloped from the sky.In just an instant, Wu Guang, Chen Yang's soul, was grasped in his hands.

Chen Yang quickly cut out the Great Soul Thunder Sword!

He had never thought about acting at all, and he knew that his hard work was fruitless.This is for Nalan Yunxue to feel.

That big soul thunder sword is a sword cut by Chen Yang's strongest power!

However, the black big handprint is like an endless ocean, and the ocean swallows all the power into it.

Chen Yang cut it out in one piece, and all the mana, law, and power were like muddy cows falling into the sea.

At the same time, Chen Yang felt his whole body tense up.The soul spar was changed by the black handprint, and it was actually condensed into a small hard spar, which was no longer liquid.

Moreover, it was as if Chen Yang and Nalan Yunxue were embedded in the rock inside, unable to move anymore!

Chen Yang and Nalan Yunxue were shocked at the same time.Chen Yang was shocked that the power of the demon king was so suppressed, and he had such power just by grabbing it casually.It's just too scary.

Naturally, Nalan Yunxue also terrified those who came with his supernatural powers.

Then, Chen Yang felt the change of time and space, as if walking through a time and space tunnel.Soon, everything around stopped still.

"Oops!" Chen Yang said to Nalan Yunxue in a deep voice, "It was the devil who made the move."

Nalan Yunxue's heart also sank.She also knew that the situation had changed just now, and she was also helpless.Therefore, she would never suspect that Chen Yang had a ghost.

"How could this be?" Nalan Yunxue couldn't help but ask.

Then, without waiting for Chen Yang's answer.There was a change in front of the two of them, and the soul spar was no longer solid.Just in the next second, the soul spar turned into a ray of black light and landed in the palm of the Eternal Demon Lord.

The place in front of him was the dark abyss that Chen Yang had been to before.

And the Great Compassionate Demon Lord also injected a wonderful essence into Nalan Yunxue's body.This essence not only controlled Nalan Yunxue's life and death, but also helped Nalan Yunxue resist the poison of the surrounding black mist.

Even the Four Great Demon Emperors are actually under the control of the Eternal Demon Lord and the Great Compassionate Demon Lord.

"You..." Nalan Yunxue was about to speak, when the Eternal Demon Lord grabbed Nalan Yunxue into the dark abyss.Afterwards, the Eternal Demon Lord said to Chen Yang: "She can't hear our conversation anymore."

Chen Yang said: "Senior's supernatural powers, juniors admire! However, this soul spar is the junior's housekeeping skills, and I hope the seniors will return it!"

The Eternal Demon Lord smiled lightly and said, "Of course!"

He threw the soul spar to Chen Yang, and Chen Yang reached out to grab it.He immediately did a quick check to make sure it was all right, so he felt relieved.

Afterwards, Chen Yang said: "Nalan Yunxue should know a lot about the power distribution of Yuqingmen. Since the two seniors want to attack Yuqingmen, they can interrogate them well."

The Eternal Demon Lord said lightly: "With her cultivation base, she still can't get in touch with the Supreme Tower. Only after we have mastered a master of the creation realm, can we be familiar with the Supreme Tower."

Chen Yang said: "Oh, it seems that the younger generation is still too shallow."

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "Now you can join Dom Demon Emperor and the others. After that, you change your appearance and help them take down the Yuqingmen who came again."

Chen Yang said: "Yes, two seniors!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang entered the soul spar, turned into a black light and quickly left the dark abyss.

After Chen Yang left, the Eternal Demon Lord and the Great Compassionate Demon Lord looked at each other.

The Great Compassionate Demon Lord said coldly: "This kid is a bit confusing, but I killed him, and it's over once and for all."

The Eternal Demon Lord smiled slightly and said: "There are many variables in him. Moreover, his life and death are under my control. It would be a pity to kill such an interesting and wonderful person."

Upon hearing this, the Great Compassionate Demon Lord said, "It's up to you."

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