The strongest player in history

Chapter 1992 Rote Memorization

The inside of the cave is not flat, it looks like a steep mountain, some places are steep, and some places are like natural dangers.Chen Yang and Dom Demon King soon arrived in front of the dark abyss.

The dark abyss is actually not real, it looks like a huge lake surrounded by countless black poisonous gas.

Chen Yang's gaze was like lightning, and he saw a huge monument in the middle of the abyss!

The monument was floating in mid-air, and there were countless runes on the monument.The runes are twisted and twisted, but there is a wonderful power surrounding them.

It was this sacred tablet that suppressed the two ancient demon kings.

Chen Yang was far away, but he could faintly feel a force pulling his mana.

"Sure enough, it can absorb people's mana, but there must be an incision to absorb it. I can't be absorbed by it because I don't have such an information incision. The reason why the devils are sucked away is because the devil There is such an information cutout on the gentleman. But now, this divine monument can no longer absorb the power of the demon king."

In this brief moment, Chen Yang has captured a lot of information.

At this moment, two wisps of black smoke floated out of the abyss, and two primordial spirits were formed in an instant.

To be precise, they are the two demon kings!

The one on the left is the Eternal Demon Lord, and the one on the right is the Great Compassionate Demon Lord.The Eternal Demon Lord is tall, wearing a purple robe, his hair is also very long, but his face is handsome.He looked like a young man in his thirties.His eyes are warm and moist, not like a demon, but... He gives people the feeling of warmth and trust from the bottom of his heart.It seems that the origin of all living beings is him.

As for the Great Compassionate Demon Monarch, he is an old man with a skinny face and a skinny figure.

There is evil spirit and magic flame in his eyes, as if he wants to choose someone to devour.

These are two extremes.

But no one knows why the two of them are trapped here together.

"See the two Demon Kings!" The Demon Emperor Dom immediately knelt down, showing great respect.

Chen Yang also bowed deeply, and said, "This junior has seen the two demon kings!"

"Outsiders, human beings?" The Eternal Demon Lord looked at Chen Yang, and he seemed to have completely seen through Chen Yang in an instant.

The Great Compassionate Demon Lord said coldly: "A human being, came to see us? Are you from Yuqingmen?"

Chen Yang immediately said: "Report to the two seniors, the junior is indeed a human being. But it is definitely not from Yuqingmen. Yuqingmen is my enemy."

"Enemy?" The Eternal Demon Lord smiled slightly and said, "With your cultivation, you are not qualified to offend Yuqingmen, right?"

Chen Yang said: "You don't need qualifications to offend Yuqingmen. You are not guilty, but you are guilty. My wife and friend accidentally killed someone. Then, they arrested my wife and friend."

"Who did you kill?" the Eternal Demon Lord asked.

Chen Yang's psychological quality is extremely good, and he is not at all confused when facing the devil's questioning. "There is a man named Xiang Yang. It is said that this man is a descendant of the fairy world and has the blood of the fairy world. But this man is promiscuous, so he insulted my friend and wife. Then he was killed, but this time he broke into the world. Disaster. The Yuqingmen arrested them without saying a word."

As for Xiang Yang being killed by Mingyue Xianzun, it was only after Chen Yang came to Yuqingmen that he learned about it.

Naturally, Chen Yang would not talk about the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley, because the Demon King also came from the fairy world.Maybe they will deal with themselves because of the Xuanhuang God Valley seeds.

Chen Yang's mind was very clear.He naturally knows what to say and what not to say.

"I'm still not sure where my wife and friends are being held. Or if they were murdered. That's why I sneaked in with Nalan Yunxue and the others. Unexpectedly, when I came in, I met The four demon emperors made a move." Chen Yang continued.

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "How do I know if you are from Yuqingmen? Now it's just a trick to gain our trust and find a way out?"

The Great Compassionate Demon Lord said: "Maybe you want to escape and warn Yuqingmen!"

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "Your one-sided words are not enough to convince us. Killing you is the most correct way."

The Great Compassionate Demon Lord said: "If you have no better words, then today and here will be your death day!"

Chen Yang calmly said, "Sealing the barrier to death is not a good idea. Now only Nalan Yunxue and I are alive. You started to set up the barrier because you are afraid that those who come in will escape. But now, the living It has been made clear. I am here, and Nalan Yunxue is in the cave of Dom Demon Emperor. Your enchantment will let the people of Yuqingmen know that there are still masters who are comparable to the realm of creation. They will think of Many things, if they are well prepared, can the two demon kings be sure to win? There is only one chance, what will happen if you miss it?"

Chen Yang continued: "But the barrier still needs to be set up, but there can't be the breath of the two demon lords. They will definitely send some more powerful masters down. At that time, the two demon lords will take action and catch him. In this way Come on, the masters of Taishang Zunlou will naturally be unable to sit still. Moreover, it is extremely good that Nalan Yunxue is still alive. Her master, Fairy Zhenyuan, is said to be a master of creation. At that time, if the four demon kings who come down If you can handle it, it is best not to leak the news of the two seniors, and to let Fairy Zhenyuan know that the apprentice has been captured by the four demon emperors. As long as Fairy Zhenyuan comes, wouldn't the two seniors be sure to win? "

After hearing what Chen Yang said, the Eternal Demon Lord and the Great Compassionate Demon Lord couldn't help but look at each other.

The Eternal Demon Monarch nodded and said, "The little brother's thoughts are indeed thorough."

The Great Compassionate Demon Lord said: "But this can't be the little guy's escape plan, right?"

Chen Yang said: "The two seniors are here, does this junior have the ability to escape?"

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "That's not necessarily true. We have experienced a long time, and we know that things in this world are never fixed, and everything is possible. You may have some hidden methods that we don't know about."

The Great Compassionate Demon Lord said: "That's right!"

The Eternal Demon Lord continued: "If you really want us to believe you, it's very simple. I'll put a mark in your brain to control your life and death, that's all! After we break into Yuqingmen, In return, we will help you get your wife and friends back."

"This..." Chen Yang's heart sank.

He actually thought of that.

However, he still had luck in his heart.

He felt that if he could gain the trust of the two demon kings, it would be more convenient and easier for him to save Qiao Ning and Xianzun.

However, entrusting life and death to others is too cruel!

"Why, you don't want to?" Eternal Demon Lord said lightly.

The Great Compassionate Demon Lord said: "Could it be that you have ghosts in your heart?"

Dom Demon King also looked at Chen Yang. She felt that this man's origin was a mystery, and she also wanted to know how he could solve it.

Chen Yang smiled lightly, and said: "Hesitation is normal. No one can be free and easy when leaving life and death in the hands of others. If I can freely agree, I will be a ghost." He paused, and said: "I suddenly thought of something What if the two seniors fail? Am I going to die with them too?"

"No!" Eternal Demon Lord said: "As long as I don't detonate the imprint, you will not die. If I die, this silk imprint will gradually disappear. But the premise is that you have to use actions to obtain my trust."

Chen Yang said: "Well, I agree. Anyway, if I don't agree, I will die faster!"

The Eternal Demon Lord smiled slightly and said, "Young man, you are very smart!"

Chen Yang said: "In front of the two seniors, my intelligence is just a joke!"

Then, the Eternal Demon Lord flicked his finger.

Chen Yang immediately felt something like a spiritual imprint appearing in his brain.He didn't have the consciousness of resistance and resistance at all.

This silk mark is purple, which is extremely unique.It just stood in the middle of Chen Yang's brain.Chen Yang can feel that this imprint is like a dazzling star in the torrent of history. No matter how hard he tries, it is impossible to refine this imprint in history.Like what has happened, how can you change it?

Chen Yang took a deep look at the Eternal Demon Lord.

He understands that the demon king, the heavenly king, and those with great supernatural powers are able to soar between heaven and earth.It's not because their magic power is countless times higher than their own, but because of their understanding of the world, their understanding of the rules, and the formation of that kind of precipitation.

Just like a century-old wise man looking at a seven-year-old child, the two people's understanding of the world is incomparable.

"Okay, now you have proved your identity!" Eternal Demon Lord said: "What's your name?"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "Chen Yang!" He then tore off the polymer mask on his face and said, "This is my real face!"

Dom Demon King looked at Chen Yang.

The previous Chen Yang, wearing a polymer mask, always made Dom Demon King feel a little disharmonious.But now, she felt natural.Very clean youth, firm and wise.This is Chen Yang's feeling for Dom Demon King.

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "Why do you want to hide your traces?"

Chen Yang said: "The Yuqing Gate is extremely powerful. Of course, they may not be that powerful compared to the two seniors. But they are an insurmountable mountain to the younger generation. I have hidden the traces for the sake of caution. First sneaked into the Yuqing Gate. After that, I planned to attack Nalan Yunxue, and then quietly entered this hell world, and then I was trapped here!"

The Eternal Demon Lord and the Great Compassionate Demon Lord looked at Chen Yang, probably thinking about the truth of his words.

As powerful as the Eternal Demon Lord and the Great Compassionate Demon Lord, they could not read Chen Yang's memory.The information that Chen Yang obtained every time he shot with his divine sense was obtained from some people whose cultivation level was not too high.At the peak of the imaginary fairyland, a sense of heaven is born.Its memory cannot be stolen by others.Unless it is to start spiritual practice!

The Eternal Demon Lord said, "Okay, tell me about your plan in detail!"

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