The strongest player in history

Chapter 1832 Michael is humiliated

Elder Keir looked up and saw Michael.After they saw Mikaye, their expressions changed slightly.

Elder Kiel smiled slightly, and said, "President Mi, the Hall of Elders does not see any visitors today. It is against the rules for you to force your way in, right? Could it be that President Mi no longer cares about the Hall of Elders?"

Elder Yin Buxu snorted coldly, and said: "Mikaye, this is not your law school. The Elder Hall will not allow you to act wild!"

Mikaye glanced at Yin Buxu, his eyes fell on Elder Kiel's face, and asked, "Where is Leng Yun?"

Elder Keir said: "Elder Leng Yun is retreating, President Mi, I think you should come back."

Anger flashed in Mikaye's eyes, and he said: "I'll compare you to your mother, a bunch of trash, until now, they are still looking like dogs in front of me. Let me ask you, is the Destiny Tower destroyed? Tianbu Is Venerable Lu dead already? Are Hongkun and Hongfei missing and in danger? Now, they still have to put on airs with Lao Tzu."

Elder Keir and the others suddenly changed their expressions, and their faces were blue and red for a while.

"Who did you listen to?" Elder Donglin was the first to react, and a coldness flashed in his eyes. "Food can be messed up, but words can't be messed up. Michael, who told you to hand over this person?"

"Chen Yang said it." Michael said.

"So you colluded with him!" Elder Tianyi said sharply.

"Collude with your mother!" Mikaye said: "Just because there is a human bastard who tells you, can't he tell me?"

"Where is he now?" Elder Keel asked sharply.

Mikaye said: "He was summoned. Even if he is in Lao Tzu's hands, Lao Tzu will not hand it over to you trash. Keel, you just stand here and say, what Chen Yang said, is it true? False? If it is false, I have nothing to say, and I will apologize to you in the future."

Elder Keir could not refute.

Yin Buxu, Elder Donglin and Elder Tianyi were also silent.

Mikaye said: "Needless to say, I already have the answer in my heart. I will definitely record this matter in the file and let the ancestors take a good look. In the future, the emperor will come and present himself to the emperor. Look at how capable this always domineering Presbyterian Church is, to do such a stupid thing and cause the empire to suffer such a heavy loss."

"Michaye, you are enough!" Elder Kiel said angrily. "This is the Presbyterian Church, it's not your turn to speak out and criticize."

"Really?" Mikaye laughed sharply, and said, "It seems that it has been a long time, and your elders really think that you are the master of this chalk world. How did you just speak up about Luo Xue before?" Accusing me of the Law Society? How come you have made such a heinous mistake yourself, but this seat can't even blame me?"

"You..." Elder Kiel was at a loss for words.

Mikaye said: "Luo Xue is in your hands, and you can't research anything. Hand it over immediately. If not, I will immediately join forces with the King of Heavenly Capital to impeach your elders together. I Let's see if the ancestors will just favor you like this. I'm afraid that the ancestors will know that you will destroy the destiny, and he will tear your hearts."

"Michaye, you came here to take this Luo Xue away, right?" Elder Donglin said in a deep voice.

"That's right!" Mikaye said, "How can Luo Xue's value be researched by you idiots. Because of your stupidity, half of the strength of the empire was lost overnight. Are you still going to waste everything?"

Elder Donglin was also at a loss for words.

He and Elder Keir are also smart spiritual masters, and every time they want to find some attack points to refute Michael.But this Mikaye is also powerful enough to admit directly every time.This left Elder Donglin and Elder Kiel somewhat speechless.

"Human, it's impossible to give it to you!" Elder Yin Buxu said coldly.

Mikaye looked at Yin Buxu, his eyes flashed Senhan, and he said, "Are you sure?"

Yin Buxu was still very stubborn at first, but as soon as he met Mikaye's eyes, he immediately felt shuddering.That kind of confidence disappeared in an instant, and he lowered his eyes involuntarily, but he didn't dare to say a word.

Mikaye sneered again and again, and said, "If you insist on not paying, that's fine. I see everyone here, just go to our Law Society as a guest."

"What do you mean?"

"you dare!"

The faces of the elders suddenly changed drastically.

The meaning of Mikaye's words was too obvious, and he actually wanted to arrest all of their elders.


"That's what you think, the prison will not come out to discipline you for making such a big mistake. I will discipline you for him!" Michael said with a grin.

This Mikaye is in charge of the Law Society, and he has always been gentle and hides his ferocity.Because of the big mistake made by the law society before, he was always bullied by the elders.Under the circumstances, Mikaye could only endure it.

And right now, the elders will do such stupid things.And several generals are all dead.At this time, Michael still has nothing to worry about.

Mikaye shot immediately, and saw that he suddenly cast the law of heaven.In an instant, the bright crystal wall space completely filled the main hall.

The elders were trapped in the crystal wall space, and no one was able to break through this space.

Mikaye didn't deal with them, so he shrunk the crystal wall space into a shiny sphere, about the size of a fist.He grabbed it in his hand, then turned and walked away.

Among the elders present, the highest is only the middle stage of Tianyu Realm.And Mikaye has already cultivated to the mid-stage of the Celestial Realm.It is still above the elders such as Tianbulu, Hongkun, Hongfei and so on.

He belongs to the younger generation, so there is no need to hide in the depths of time and space.Tian Bulu has not been hiding in the depths of time and space.

The two elders, Hongkun and Hongfei, are so old that it is already difficult to move forward.

The previous Presbyterian Church was full of talents.There is the elder of the prison, and there is also the elder Leng Yun, a master who has just reached the heavenly realm.Coupled with the existence of Venerable Tianbulu, the existence of these elders really squeezed Mikaye's Dharma Society into a temper.

In addition, Mikaye still has elders Hongkun and Hongfei who have scruples in the depths of time and space.

But now, today is different from the past.

Mikaye immediately showed his sharpness.

Elder Keir, a group of elders from the Celestial Realm and the Cave Wonderland, could not move at all under the heavenly law of Mikaye.

In this way, he was caught by Mikaye.

Afterwards, Michael was about to leave.

"Brother Kasyapa, it's not good to just leave like this!"

At this moment, ripples rose in the void.Afterwards, two Lingzun elders walked out of the void.

One of those who came was Elder Leng Yun, who was somewhat sluggish.

The other one is... the great elder of the Presbyterian Church... the elder of the prison.

The elder of the prison is tall and mighty, extremely majestic.He is full of energy, and his eyes seem to be full of heaven and earth, but they are also sharp and ruthless.

This is definitely a heroic figure.

Elder Leng Yun was very low-key in front of the prison elders, standing behind him like a younger brother.

The prison elder looked at Mikaye, smiled heartily, and said, "Brother Kaye, I haven't seen you for a long time. But if you meet like this, you will take my brothers away. That's not good."

Mikaye couldn't help but feel a surge in his heart. He took a deep breath and said, "Prison Elder, I didn't expect you to improve your cultivation again."

The prison elder smiled lightly and said: "With no distractions, you can naturally see the true meaning of the Dao. The Presbyterian Church and the Law Society are brothers in the same robe. Brother Kaye put his mind on conflicts between brothers, and his cultivation will inevitably be affected. .”

Mikaye couldn't help cursing inwardly, damn it, your elders have been oppressing the Fa Institute, of course you can practice with peace of mind.

Michael did not argue with the prison elders, he said: "I don't know, do you understand what happened?"

The elder of the prison said: "I understand what I should understand and what I should not understand."

Mikaye said: "Oh, is that so? Then I'm going to take Luo Xue away now. I don't know what your opinion is."

"No!" The elder of the prison said very directly.

"You..." Mikaye couldn't help being furious.

The elder of the prison said: "These are all internal affairs of the Presbyterian Church. How to deal with them will be resolved by the Presbyterian Council. As for the matter of Luo Xue, we caught it from the outside. It is not in your Law Society. Take it out, so there is no reason for us to hand Luo Xue to you. You want to take it away, it is impossible. If you must ask me why, then, just rely on my fist. If you can beat me, All of this is of course up to you. If you can’t, release all my brothers, and then please leave. As for whether you want to contact Tiandu, complain to your ancestors, or save the future In front of His Majesty the Emperor, this is all your freedom."

Mikaye couldn't help clenching his fists.

At this moment, he hated to the extreme.

He felt that his fist was not hard enough!So no matter how reasonable he is, if the elder of the prison wants to fight, he still can't do anything.

This is the first time that Michael is really tough.

But the prison elder smashed Michael's toughness with his tougher attitude.

For the first time, Michael felt the humiliation, and even the urgency for power.

Mikaye took a deep breath and released the elders from the law of heaven.

"No!" The prison elder said coldly.

Mikaye nodded, he suddenly smiled and said: "Prison, the green hills will not change, and the green water will flow forever."

The elder of the prison said lightly: "When you have this strength, let's talk about it. The verbal dispute is extremely meaningless!"

"Okay!" Mikaye clenched his fists, his body trembling slightly, and he left the main hall like this, and then left the council of elders.

At this moment, Mikaye desperately wanted to see Monk Linghui, wanted to break the rules of Monk Linghui, he kill the elder of the prison.

At this time, in the main hall.

Facing the indifferent eyes of the prison elders, all the elders lowered their heads in shame.

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