The strongest player in history

Chapter 1831 Turmoil in Tianlong Temple

Chen Yang couldn't think of any way to do it, and it didn't make sense to move reinforcements.He knew that everything could only be done by himself.He didn't dare to go to the central world to hunt for treasure by himself, and he couldn't even reach the central world with mana.

Then, Chen Yang decided to find a place to hide it well and save a little mana.It is also tantamount to preserving this beginningless puppet.The Beginning God Puppet has saved Chen Yang several times.This is an absolutely good thing, so Chen Yang felt that he could not lose this puppet.

In the chalk world, the sky is high and the sea is wide, with green mountains and green waters. .

Chen Yang and his party landed in a green hill.In Qin Keqing's body, there was a breath left by a master of the Presbyterian Church.If this aura is not removed, the members of the Presbyterian Church will be able to follow it.Right now, Qin Keqing is still hiding in the soul spar, so the Presbyterian Council can't sense this breath.But once Qin Keqing leaves the soul spar, she will be exposed.

This breath is very mysterious and difficult to detect.But when Chen Yang and Qin Keqing were cultivating both yin and yang, they could clearly feel the presence of this aura.

The Presbyterian Church is really not a little sheep, there are still a lot of preparations, and a few extra hands are reserved.

Chen Yang still had Xuanhuang Liquid on his body, and he used the Xuanhuang Liquid to integrate into the Yin-Yang Primordial Spirit.With a little tempering, this trace of breath will be refined to a clean slate.

Lan Tingyu didn't have any mark or aura on his body, he was the fire of nine flames, no matter how powerful the mark and aura were on him, he could burn him to death.Unless it is the aura of a master like the realm of creation, it will never be extinguished.

But obviously, in the chalk world, the only ancestor of the Creation Realm is not there, so it is impossible to leave a mark on Lan Tingyu.

Surrounded by green mountains, the light rain has stopped, and the sky and the earth are clear.

This land of green hills seems to be a worry-free place, but Chen Yang and the others are not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery in front of them.

Although this time, Chen Yang was very successful in making the elder give up.But it was even more difficult for Chen Yang and others to leave.Moreover, the soul spar was exposed again.

What's more, Chen Yang and others wanted to rescue Luo Xue.This is even more difficult.

In the Presbyterian Church, Elder Keir and others confirmed one thing again.That is, the breath left on Qin Keqing's body completely disappeared.That was Elder Kiel quietly keeping a hand. He is a master of the Sky Realm, and his aura is indelible.

"How could he do so many inconceivable things with just a small imaginary cultivation?" Elder Keel was puzzled.

At the same time, in the afternoon, the eldest grandson quietly went to the hiding place where Chen Yang and others were hiding.

In the big green mountains thousands of miles away from Beijing, the eldest grandson met Chen Yang and his party.

Linghui is related to the eldest grandson, and the reason why the eldest grandson came in a hurry is because he sensed that something happened at the elders' council.But what happened to the elders will definitely not let the Law Society know.So on the other hand, the eldest grandson also wanted to inquire about information.

Chen Yang and others welcomed the eldest grandson into the Xumi Villa.

"There is still such a cave." After the eldest grandson came in, he glanced at it and couldn't help but praise.

"Please sit down!" Chen Yang was still polite to his eldest grandson.

Monk Linghui also came out naturally. To deal with people like the eldest grandson and Mikaye, he had to come out to calm down the situation.

Everyone sits down.

Qin Keqing was also sitting at the side, she would not serve tea to these people.

She is neither a hostess nor a maid, so naturally she can't do these jobs.

Monk Linghui didn't speak at the side, he was slow, as if he didn't care about anything.

Chen Yang didn't rush, and said, "Is there any new news for Mr. Changsun's visit?"

The eldest grandson smiled ingratiatingly, and said: "The president and I are trying to rescue Miss Luo Xue. However, it seems that something has happened at the elders' council. They almost don't show any spiritual venerables to the outside world now."

Chen Yang said, "Really?"

The eldest grandson asked tentatively, "Your Majesty Chen, do you know about this?"

Chen Yang touched his nose, smiled slightly, and said, "Of course I know." The eldest grandson couldn't help being overjoyed, and said, "Is it convenient to reveal it?"

Chen Yang said: "I have rescued Yu Zijin and Tang Wenqing from the Presbyterian Church. At present, they have returned to the Jokhang Mansion, where they originally lived."

"Really?" The eldest grandson was taken aback.He then said: "Will the elders let people go easily, Mr. Chen, how did you do it?"

"It's nothing." Chen Yang continued: "Some major events have happened in the Presbyterian Church. Venerable Tian Bulu is dead this time. Or, Hongkun and Hongfei are almost dead. Their natal golden lamps are extremely weak, and their experience is the same as that of Venerable Tianbulu before. At the same time, the peerless magic weapon in the Presbyterian Church, The Tower of Destiny has been destroyed."

"This... this is impossible." The eldest grandson was terrified.

Chen Yang said: "If you don't believe it, you can question the elders. I think they are embarrassed to lie."

"'s unbelievable." The eldest grandson still couldn't believe it: "It's okay if Venerable Tianbulu and Lingzun have an accident. After all, the rivers and lakes are far away, and there are mountains beyond the mountains. But Elder Hongkun and Elder Hongfei, that's all. He is a master of Heaven Realm. They hold the Tower of Destiny in their hands, even if they meet a master of Creation Realm, they can kill the opponent. Who can have such ability to seriously injure the two of them and destroy the Tower of Destiny? "

Chen Yang said: "Who is this person, I will not tell you. The only thing I can tell you is that what I said is true. There is absolutely no falsehood. Now the elders have revealed It's such a big mess. I believe that President Mikaye can also have the confidence to go to the elders to ask for Luo Xue, right? The cooperation between the two parties requires sincerity. These days, no status or power is as reliable as the strength in your hands. You Do we still need the mysterious law of Linghui?"

Monk Linghui said: "Maybe, Mikaye and the eldest grandson, you must think that you are better than those elders in the Presbyterian Church, so you dare to perfunctory us like this."

The eldest grandson was taken aback, and said, "Senior, how dare we perfunctory you. It's just that the Presbyterian Council took the initiative this time, and we lost the original ice crystal, so the right to speak..."

"Then now, you should be able to take back the right to speak." Monk Linghui said: "I don't have to think of all the solutions for you. The situation has already been created for you. If the next road, you still can't go well .So it looks like we don't need you guys anymore."

"Yes, yes, senior!" said the eldest grandson, "I'll go back and discuss it with the president."

Afterwards, the elder left in fear.

For the eldest grandson, the news Chen Yang gave was too shocking.He couldn't digest it for a while.At the same time, the image of monk Linghui became even more unpredictable in his heart.

Obviously, both the eldest grandson and Mikaye would think that the cause of all this was related to Monk Linghui.They didn't think that this series of things could be done by relying on Chen Yang.

As a result, even if the eldest grandson and Mikaye had other thoughts, they did not dare to act rashly.

For the eldest grandson and Mikaye, one of Chen Yang's words was correct.All power and glory are vain.The most real thing is the strength and cultivation in hand.

The eldest grandson soon returned to the Tianlongdian Law Society.

Mikaye has been meditating in the quiet room recently and has not done other things.The eldest grandson came to the quiet room.Michael immediately let his eldest grandson in.

After experiencing the monk Linghui laying down the rules for them, the eldest grandson felt that the relationship between him and President Michael was much closer.This is probably also because the two share a common secret.

Immediately after the eldest grandson entered the quiet room, he told Michael about what had happened in the Elder Hall.

"Is this really true?" Mikaye's face immediately changed upon hearing this.

The eldest grandson said: "There have indeed been changes in the Elder's Palace. These things are what I heard from Senior Linghui. Whether it is true or not, I will not know."

"If this is true, the Presbyterian Church is committing a crime." Michael was not overly excited, but rather heartbroken.He immediately got up and said, "I'm going to the Presbyterian Church."

The eldest grandson said: "President, are you going to question the Council of Elders? What if they ask where we got the news from?"

Mikaye said: "Just say it came from Chen Yang's side. Could it be that the people from Chen Yang's side can only inform them and not us?"

The eldest grandson was slightly taken aback, and then his eyes lit up.

The eldest grandson did not feel sorry for the tragic experience of the three venerables.He thinks more about himself.As for Michael's side, the eldest grandson also figured out why he would not vote for Michael.Is Mikaye really heartbroken, or does he have other ideas in his heart?

Anyway, the eldest grandson couldn't tell.

"President, do you need to bring some more experts over there?" Changsun asked immediately.

Mikaye said: "No, you have to keep this matter a secret, and don't make a fuss."

Michael was stunned for a while, and he became more and more confused about Michael's thoughts.

Mikaye was wearing a silver robe. He was majestic and silent, and his whole body was calm and majestic. He just walked towards the Elder Hall like this.

The Presbyterian Hall is spacious, magnificent, spectacular and beautiful.

The golden hall is open, it is the style of the elder hall.

Mikaye came to the main hall of the Elder's Hall, and the soldiers of the Lingzun in the Elder's Hall immediately stopped Mikaye.

"Master President, I don't see any outsiders in the Elder Hall today, please forgive me!" said the soldier of the Spirit Venerable.

Mikaye's eyes were cold, he glanced at the soldier of the Spirit Venerable, and only said one word. "roll!"

The two Lingzun soldiers didn't dare to fart immediately.

This is the famous Chairman Michael Leah!

They can stop it there.

Mikaye successfully entered the Elder's Hall, and he soon arrived at the Main Hall.The main hall is the place where the elders meet.

At this time, Elder Keir, Elder Yinbuxu, Elder Donglin, and Elder Tianyi were all present in the main hall.

Elder Leng Yun was not there.

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