The Dragon King was in awe of Shen Murong.

Not to mention Shen Mo Nong's own supernatural powers, but Shen Mo Nong's level of identity has already frightened the Dragon King.The background of the Dragon King was not clean in his early years. If Guoan wanted him to perish and trouble him, it was just a matter of thought.Therefore, the Dragon King especially wanted to curry favor with Shen Mo Nong and do things for Shen Mo Nong.

Shen Mo Nong was able to let the Dragon King do things, and the Dragon King was already very happy, because it was a compliment to the Dragon King!

At this time, the Dragon King said: "But Miss Shen, this is not just spreading rumors!"

Shen Monong said: "Even if our events of the day were captured on video and posted on the Internet, most people would think that it was a special effect made by a certain genius. What's more, no video has been released yet. So, you don't need to have anything Worry. If you were not the person involved, and you heard these rumors, would you take it seriously?"

"No!" The Dragon King said with a wry smile.

Shen Murong smiled slightly and said, "So, that's it."

The Dragon King said: "Okay, Ms. Shen, I know what to do. Ms. Shen, if you are free, you should come to Binhai to play more, so that I can do my best as a landlord."

Shen Monong said: "Okay, if I have time, I will definitely come to bother you." She paused, and said: "Dragon King..."

The Dragon King immediately said: "Hey, Miss Shen, if you have something to say, I'll listen."

Shen Mo Nong smiled, and said: "I can't talk about orders. You can take care of Su Qing's ghost bar on the other side of the sea. If you have any troubles that can't be solved, please feel free to contact me."

The Dragon King said: "Okay, Miss Shen, I will take care of it."

Shen Mo Nong understood Chen Yang's thoughts, knowing that although Su Qing broke up with Chen Yang.But Chen Yang also hoped that Su Qing would be safe and sound, and Shen Mo Nong naturally wanted to solve Chen Yang's worries.She has no feelings for Su Qing, but because of Chen Yang's reasons, she will not sit idly by.

Shen Monong said: "Also, Dragon King, I am concerned about your affairs. Although the things you did in the past were illegal, we will not pursue historical issues. You should do more good deeds yourself and give back to the society , we'll see."

"Definitely!" The Dragon King said hurriedly.It was only at this moment that the big stone in his heart was truly let go.

"You are Chen Yang's friend, so I will give this face no matter what." Shen Mo Nong continued.

The Dragon King immediately understood that all the reasons were based on his acquaintance with Chen Yang.

The reckless young man at the time has now grown to an unbelievable height. Even his wife has to make himself respectful. Compared with other people, this person is really different.

Shen Monong then ended the call with the Dragon King.

The reason why she emphasized Chen Yang was to highlight Chen Yang's status.She wants the Dragon King to know that everything is based on Chen Yang, so there is humanity.

She wants everyone to know how important and dazzling her husband is.

It is human nature for a man to want to return home and be proud.

Women expect their sons and men to be the dragon among men, which is also a kind of human nature.

In the end, Jiang Churan did not go to the banquet on the luxury boat.In the past few days, her best friend Xie Xiaohan is always hesitant to speak, wanting to say something, but dare not say it.

And Ye Fan never came to class.

Jiang Churan heard the teacher say that Ye Fan probably won't come here in the future.

After the evening self-study, Xie Xiaohan pulled Jiang Churan and said, "I'll take you to a place."

"Where are you going?" Jiang Churan couldn't help asking.

"You'll know when you go, the classmates are waiting for you there." Xie Xiaohan said.

"Mysterious, I don't understand you. Also, you people, since you went to that yacht, you have been talking about it since you came back. If you ask you anything, you don't say anything. You hit a ghost that day Huh?" Jiang Churan said with some dissatisfaction.

After leaving the school gate, a Cadillac parked in front of him.Xie Xiaohan said to Jiang Churan seriously: "Of course, let me ask you a question first."

"Huh? What's the problem?" Jiang Churan said.

Xie Xiaohan said, "Why do you react so strongly to Ye Fan's matter?"

"Because he's full of lies, and because he doesn't want to make progress." Jiang Churan said.

"But what does that have to do with you?" Xie Xiaohan said, "You like him in your heart, don't you?"

"How can I like him." Jiang Churan said: "Stop talking about such naive words, we haven't graduated from high school yet, liking is too heavy, we can't bear it. What's more, his family is poor, at least I know , Miss Qianjin and Poor Scholar are only found in dramas. In reality, this kind of misfit brings about a difference in values. Also, I admired him before because although he was stubborn, he had a lot of backbone. But now, he doesn’t even have that one thing.”

"Maybe, he didn't lie." Xie Xiaohan said.

"He said his master could fly, and he said he didn't rely on Miss Ji's family. Isn't he lying? Do you think anyone can fly? Do you think that because he is a poor boy, without Miss Ji, he can take everyone there Are you chic on the yacht?" Jiang Churan insisted that he was right.

"Of course, you are just as stubborn." Xie Xiaohan said.

Jiang Churan said: "I'm not being stubborn, I just believe in my own judgment."

Xie Xiaohan said: "Okay, I won't tell you this anymore. Promise me, next time, you don't say a word, don't be surprised when you see anyone, and come with me, okay? There are some things you believe Your judgment. But...we always believe what we see."

"What?" Jiang Churan said.

At this moment, the door of the Cadillac in front opened, and afterward, Ji Qing, the eldest daughter of the Ji family, got out of the car.She was wearing a dark aristocratic red dress, which looked extraordinarily dignified and elegant, but the skirt was not long, and the bow tie on her chest added a touch of playfulness.

"Squad Leader Jiang, get in the car!" Ji Qing said with a sweet smile.

She opened the car door by the way.

Jiang Churan's face suddenly turned ugly, and she turned around to leave.

"Of course, don't do this." Xie Xiaohan pulled Jiang Churan back.

"Are you still my friend?" Jiang Churan asked Xie Xiaohan angrily.

"Of course I'm your friend. I'm your friend, so I don't want you to leave any regrets." Xie Xiaohan said.

"What regrets do I have?" Jiang Churan said.

Ji Qing stepped forward and said, "Squad Leader Jiang, you think you are smart and mature. But in fact, you are very naive."

"What's none of your business?" Jiang Churan said angrily.

Ji Qing shrugged, spread her hands, and said, "Why do you keep thinking of me as an enemy and Ye Fan as relying on me? Please be more mature, if Ye Fan and I are just friends, my family Will resources be mobilized for him?"

Jiang Churan sneered, and said to himself, of course you are not just friends.

"Don't be smart." Ji Qing said: "If Ye Fan is really my boyfriend, then my family will not mobilize resources for him, but will beat him to death. My parents, my grandpa Long will allow me to be so young Is age falling in love with a poor boy? Move your stupid head that has been rotted by books."

Jiang Churan was stunned.

She seemed to be enlightened for a moment.


She didn't know what to say.

"Everything is Ye Fan's own ability. Maybe you think he is lying, but he has never lied to you." Ji Qing said: "What is the truth, come with us, you will know Ye Fan What kind of person is he?"

Jiang Churan finally got into Ji Qing's car.

Xie Xiaohan accompanied Jiang Churan, Ji Qing sat in the co-pilot, and Uncle Zhang drove.

Jiang Churan had many doubts in her heart, she thought it was impossible, but everything in front of her seemed weird.

She knew that her best friend Xie Xiaohan had always hated Ye Fan, why did she speak for Ye Fan again today?

Xie Xiaohan and Ji Qing took Jiang Churan to the beach, and the luxury boat was still waiting by the beach.

"Going up there? What are you doing?" Jiang Churan asked puzzled.

"Ask so many what to do, if you go, you will know, will we sell you?" Ji Qing said.

Jiang Churan couldn't help being speechless, she felt extremely depressed, so she didn't say anything right now.

Afterwards, Jiang Churan followed them onto the luxury boat.

This is also the first time that Jiang Churan has seen such a luxury yacht up close. It is more luxurious, spectacular and beautiful than the luxury yacht she imagined.

And Ji Qing and Xie Xiaohan brought Jiang Churan to the top floor of the luxury boat, which was an open-air balcony.There is also a swimming pool on it!

All the students in the class were there, which made Jiang Churan even more puzzled.

All the students stood on two sides, and they looked at Jiang Churan, as if Jiang Churan was the heroine.It's also like at the end of the Titanic, when the heroine walked towards the hero, everyone was applauding and smiling at her.

To Jiang Churan, she found this extremely weird.

Just then, the music started.

Soft, but full of a touch of sadness, melancholy.

Jiang Churan immediately recognized that it was the love of his life in Journey to the West.

The past is now the past and never come again

The red leaves are buried in the dust

The beginning and the end are always the same

You in the sky are drifting outside the white clouds

The bitter sea turns love and hate

There is no escape from fate in this world

Blind date is inaccessible

Or should I believe it is fate

Once the music sounded, Jiang Churan's eyes immediately turned red.

She will never forget how obsessed she was with this song, this movie, and the golden-armored hero riding the colorful auspicious clouds.

She remembered that she had joked with Ye Fan that her ideal person was a hero in golden armor who came to pick her up on colorful clouds.

At that time, she was still young, only in junior high school, full of childishness.

Ye Fan said, how is that possible.

She said, you are a fool, you don't understand at all.Girls nowadays are no longer that prince charming in their hearts. They all have a dream, that is to be a hero in golden armor, and the colorful auspicious clouds will come to pick them up.

She also remembered that not long ago, Ye Fan came to say goodbye, and he said that one day, I would come to pick you up on a colorful auspicious cloud and wearing an unrivaled armor.Even then, you won't necessarily come with me.But that's the only thing I can do for you.

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