The strongest player in history

Chapter 1774 One Secret Move

Chen Yang said: "That's true, then you continue to talk."

Monk Linghui said: "There is indeed a master's spirit sealed inside this peach tree."

"Oh?" Chen Yang was slightly surprised.

Monk Linghui said: "However, you don't have to worry. This master can't be resurrected like the Panhuang you said. Because the soul of this master was completely refined into a puppet by using the great puppet technique. Inside this puppet, There is also a big change technique in it. Although it cannot change forever, it can become your appearance as long as it is fused with your breath. Both the big change technique and the big puppet technique are techniques in the Three Thousand Ways. It is wonderful without being poor. Seng Duo said, fellow Taoist, you should also know. After this puppet takes on your appearance, even Miss Qiao comes, and it is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake. Of course, once you do it, she is familiar with you, and she can still figure it out. .”

When Chen Yang heard this, he was immediately satisfied.He went on to say: "But this chaos, how to start it?"

Monk Linghui said: "Why is this difficult? For others, it is a difficult problem. For you, fellow Taoist, it is easy. You put it into the seed of the Xuanhuang God Valley and explore it with the energy of Hunyuan, and you will soon understand it. Mysterious."

"Good idea!" Chen Yang was overjoyed.

Afterwards, Monk Linghui also returned to the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley.

The seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley were in Chen Yang's hands, and they didn't seem to have much use for a long time.But it helped Chen Yang escape the catastrophe of life and death countless times when it was not showing the mountains and not showing the water.For example, when Lan Ziyi played against Zeus, Chen Yang and the others would have been wiped out long ago without the Xuanhuang God Valley Seed making a remarkable contribution.

For example, when fighting against the Youming son Xiang Yang and Mrs. Honglian, it was all the miraculous effects of the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley.

And not to mention the Chaos Fruit of the Xuanhuang God Valley seed, and the fact that it helped Chen Yang enter the Yuhua Gate several times, and deciphered some of the mysteries of the magic circle.

When Chen Yang first owned the Xuanhuang God Valley seed, he was still a little confused about it.It seems that it is not so good, because Mao Tianzun Wen Tianzhun valued this thing so much.

And with the passage of time, Chen Yang already knew that this seed was a peerless treasure.

At this time, Chen Yang used the energy of Hunyuan to probe into the inside of the Wushi God Puppet.The inner magic circle of the beginningless puppet is mysterious, it was originally like clouds and mist, making it difficult for people to see clearly.But after Hunyuan Qi entered, it was like glass covered with mist, wiped off with a dry towel.

Suddenly, Chen Yang could see everything inside clearly.

The internal space of the Beginless God Puppet is not that big, and there are many runes inside, and these runes produce countless silk threads, just like the meridians of the human body.In the center, there is a spar.Inside the spar is the soul!

Chen Yang subdued the beginningless puppet, and he immediately penetrated in with his magic power.

There is no spiritual imprint of other masters in Wushi Puppet, so Chen Yang has successfully controlled Wushi Puppet.He also came into contact with the spirit.The power of the spirit is very strong, and it is actually in the realm of imaginary immortals!

His cultivation was not below Chen Yang's.

However, this spirit is not all of Xu Xian's power.It can only be said that its rank has reached Xuxian.But the actual power is only one-tenth of that of the Xuxian master.Even in the early days of Tenth Heaven, he was no longer his opponent.

Chen Yang sat cross-legged on the sea, extremely dignified.He quickly communicated with this beginningless god, fused, and mastered the magic circle.

After a while, Chen Yang left a large amount of his mana essence in the Wushi God Puppet.At the same time, countless pure yang elixirs were also refined to guide the pure yang qi into them.

As a result, the power of the god puppet began to grow stronger.

The spirit in the puppet was already extremely weak, but now it was irrigated by Chen Yang, and its strength immediately doubled.

This is already the limit, and it can no longer continue to increase.

That is to say, this puppet has three tenths of Chen Yang's power.At the same time, Chen Yang and the magic puppet were well integrated, and he suddenly shouted softly: "Change!"

The great change spell talisman in the beginningless puppet immediately changed, and many essences fused with the peach tree, changing according to Chen Yang's body.

"The Great Transformation Technique is so miraculous?" Chen Yang was very pleasantly surprised when he saw this.

"It's a pity that there is only a ray of spiritual sense of the Great Transformation Technique, which is incomplete, and it was formed for the mahogany tree. I can't learn the Great Transformation Technique based on this strand of spiritual consciousness, otherwise, I will use this technique in the future It will be safer if you can't walk in the rivers and lakes." Chen Yang felt a little pity.I also understand that the expert who made this puppet just didn't want others to learn his supernatural powers from the puppet.

The beginningless puppet is based on the great puppet technique, and the great change technique is the driving force, thus forming this beginningless puppet.

When no one is using the Beginless God Puppet, the beginningless God Puppet will be self-sealed inside.Because if it is not sealed, the power of the spirit in it will gradually weaken until it is gone.But once a master uses it, it can provide it with a steady stream of energy.

The beginningless puppet quickly changed into Chen Yang's appearance, its temperament, demeanor, and subtle expressions were all exactly the same as Chen Yang's.

Chen Yang realized carefully that an invisible bridge had been formed between him and the idol.Because each other's mana was completely fused, Chen Yang was able to communicate with the puppet even after thousands of miles away, and even display his own magical powers through the puppet.It can also provide energy support for gods.

"Go!" Chen Yang snorted lightly.

Wushi God Puppet immediately displayed the Great Golden Elixir.On the big golden elixir, Kunpeng spread its wings.The God Puppet stood on it and quickly flew towards the sky.

In an instant, it flew dozens of miles away.

Everything that the puppet saw was clearly in Chen Yang's mind.

This is a very wonderful feeling, like using your fingers.Whatever action he wants to do in his head, the puppet can do it immediately.It's like the god puppet and him have become one.

"This is similar to the Yuanshen, but it is more powerful than the Yuanshen, and it is real." Chen Yang secretly said: "I once promised Xiaolong that I would no longer practice the Yuanshen."

Thinking of Xiaolong, he couldn't help feeling sad.

At that time, Xiaolong was created on a whim.After that, so many things happened with Xiaolong.Xiaolong treats himself like his own father. After losing Xiaolong, Chen Yang also feels the pain of bereavement.

It loses its life in order to save itself.

"Supernatural powers are no match for karma, karma cannot escape reincarnation, and reincarnation needs a death to end!"

Chen Yang thought of Lan Ziyi, and before going to sleep, Lan Ziyi told himself that she taught Xiaolong to blew himself up.

But even so, Chen Yang couldn't blame Lan Ziyi.Because that's the only way to save everyone.

At best, Chen Yang could only hate himself for his incompetence.

"Xiaolong, I know that there is no spring. Therefore, I can't even say that I will let the spring know and rest in peace. I promised you that I will not refine the primordial spirit anymore. I will do it. There is no beginningless god. Any thought is like a puppet, not a primordial spirit. But it makes up for my lack of primordial spirit, so, that's fine, that's fine!"

"However, this puppet also has flaws. His body is not as strong as mine. If he is strangled by the enemy, once he dies, I will lose this puppet. But the most wonderful part of the puppet is The place is that it can change into my appearance. Therefore, I can't use it easily, and I have to keep this secret. I want to make Wushi God Puppet my trump card. Well, there is another advantage, once the spirit is sealed, it will not be leaked Vitality. I have stored enough vitality to condense a tyrannical big soul thunder sword, so that at the most critical moment, he can have a miraculous effect!"

Chen Yang's eyes lit up.

At this time, Chen Yang was not in a hurry to go to Tianzhou.

He decided to condense the beginningless god first, and sort out the supernatural powers.He entered the Immortal Realm too hastily, so he had to take care of it.In this way, if you enter the world of chalk again, you will have a better chance of winning.

It is worth mentioning that when Chen Yang's strength was at the peak of the tenth heaven, he had the power of 20 billion galloping horses.

And when Lan Ziyi was at the peak of the virtual fairyland, he only had the power of 30 billion galloping horses.

However, after Chen Yang broke through the realm and reached Xuxian, his strength did not increase.It is still the power of 20 billion galloping horses!

It's just that although the strength has not increased, it has become much thicker.If Chen Yang used all his strength before, he would be able to overwhelm mountains and seas if he killed them with the power of 20 billion galloping horses.But with one palm strike, his mana was almost exhausted.Therefore, Chen Yang never dared to use all his strength to strike a palm.

With a palm like that, it's okay to destroy the city.It doesn't do much to deal with masters.Just like a tsunami, the tsunami destroys the city fiercely, but the master is in the tsunami, but because the force is too wide, it is too easy for the master to be alone.

Therefore, Chen Yang put all his energy on the big soul thunder sword and other moves.

How to use power is the key skill in the competition of equal masters.

Right now, Chen Yang's strength is unparalleled, although it has not increased.But he can use ten palms with the power of galloping 20 billion galloping horses.

The breath is long to a terrifying level!

The Great Soul Thunder Sword can be used ten times!

This is a qualitative leap!

Chen Yang could swallow the vitality of the fairy world just by breathing, which also made Chen Yang no longer rely on pure yang pills so much.The aura on his body began to become more and more pure, and even the fireworks in the world would become less and less.

Three days later, Chen Yang understood everything.Afterwards, he went to Tianzhou to join Qin Keqing.

But in the Great Thousand World, the battle of the gods on the luxury boat has not been spread.After the banquet that day, the Dragon King and the teachers specially explained to the students.Today's events cannot be disseminated to the outside world.You can't talk to your parents.

Dragon King mentioned the national government, and the national security department has already intervened, but he was not joking.

These teenagers also realized the seriousness of the situation, and after going out, they really didn't dare to talk nonsense.

Shen Mo Nong communicated with the Dragon King afterwards. On the phone, the Dragon King was still worried that someone would speak out.Shen Mo Nong said: "It's okay, I never thought about completely eradicating it. No one will really believe something that is spread around the world."

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