"Today is Friday, it seems that you have to go to class too?" Ye Fan said after seeing Ji Qing.

Ji Qing giggled, and said, "I'm skipping class! What's good about the class, it's important to accompany you to do business." Ye Fan couldn't help but smile, and he said: "I can do it alone, or don't Delayed your homework."

"Don't worry, my homework won't be delayed." Ji Qing said, "I've already been recommended to Dongfang Normal University. What are you afraid of? Besides, my grades won't drop."

Ye Fan had no choice but to say, "Okay then!"

Ye Fan and Ji Qing had breakfast nearby, it was just an ordinary breakfast shop, it seemed not clean enough.Ye Fan was worried that Ji Qing would be disgusted, but he didn't know that Ji Qing called the rice noodles here delicious.

"If it wasn't for fear of getting fat, I would have to eat two bowls!" Ji Qing said to Ye Fan after finishing a bowl of spicy screw rice noodles.

Ye Fan said: "You have such a good figure, it's okay to eat an extra bowl. At least, this bowl will keep you from becoming fat."

Ji Qingjiao laughed, and said: "I don't want it anymore, you have to have a degree in everything. People can have desires, but they can't indulge their desires."

Ye Fan was startled, he chewed Ji Qing's words carefully, and felt that there was some philosophy and truth in her words.

"What's the matter, did you suddenly realize that I am a very deep woman?" Ji Qing said seeing Ye Fan in a daze.

Ye Fan nodded and said, "That's right!"

"Then how about I tell you something more in-depth." Ji Qing said.

Ye Fan said: "I would like to hear the details!"

Ji Qing said: "That's good." She paused, and said: "The ancients often said that beauty is a disaster, but in fact it is not a beauty."

"Oh, what do you say?" Ye Fan said.

Ji Qing said: "No one will think that their daughters and sisters are too beautiful, but they are disasters. The reason why they say that beauty is disasters and demons is because his own heart is possessed by demons. The essence of things is the same. It's the heart."

"It makes sense!" Ye Fan gave a thumbs up.

Ji Qing chuckled.

Afterwards, Ye Fan settled the bill, and the two left the breakfast shop.

After getting in the car, Ji Qing said, "Go to school?"

Ye Fan said: "Yes."

Ji Qing said: "Good!"

Right now, she asked Uncle Zhang to drive to Ye Fan's middle school.

The school gates are closed, and life in high school is completely closed.The extracurricular activities of the students are zero to zero, and physical education classes are often preempted by other teachers.Not only the students but also the teachers are fighting hard to bring out some high-achieving students, and then bring credit to themselves and the school.

When Ye Fan entered the school gate, he was blocked outside the school gate.

The guard didn't let Ye Fan in at all.

Ye Fan took out his student ID card, and the guard agreed to let Ye Fan in.However, the doorman was pretty decent and didn't let Ji Qing in.

Ye Fan explained several times in words, but the guard insisted not to let Ji Qing in.

Ji Qing was helpless, and said to Ye Fan: "Why don't I wait for you outside?"

"No need!" Ye Fan's eyes turned cold suddenly, and a sharp breath burst out.He said coldly to the guard: "Go away!"

The guard was shocked, he was completely intimidated by Ye Fan's eyes.This kind of look made him feel frightened from the bottom of his heart, and the trace of arrogance and even superiority he faced with the students disappeared.

The doorman obviously came in through his relationship, and how many students made mistakes, came late and left early, etc., would give him some benefits.That's why he was so proud of Ye Fan.

But now, Ye Fan didn't want to be angry with such a small person anymore.

Master's teaching is not to use the strong to bully the weak.But this does not mean that he can be angry with such a small person.

This is his dignity as a master!

Afterwards, Ye Fan dragged Ji Qing straight into the school gate.

"Wow!" After entering the campus, Ji Qing's eyes were full of little stars, and she said, "Ye Fan, you are too domineering."

Only then did Ye Fan let go of Ji Qing's little hand, Ji Qing suddenly realized that Ye Fan had held her hand just now, and her face flushed slightly.

"Nothing!" Ye Fan didn't care.

Ji Qing said: "Hey, you said that some people, who obviously have nothing, still like to look down on others. It's really strange."

Ye Fan smiled and said, "Because dogs can't see the vastness of the world. They think that the land in front of them is all the world."

"Haha, what you said is also very philosophical!" Ji Qing said, "Why don't we publish a collection of philosophical essays together?"

Ye Fan said: "Then pay for it yourself, publish it yourself, buy it yourself?"

Ji Qing laughed and said, "Your joke is really cold."

Ye Fan said: "Let's go, there is my class over there. Maybe today is the last time I come to this school. After tomorrow, regardless of success or failure, I should never stay in Binhai again."

Ji Qing was taken aback and said, "Where are you going?"

Ye Fan said: "The end of the world, the corner of the sea, the starry sky, go everywhere, go everywhere."

"Ah, wouldn't it be difficult for me to see you in the future?" Ji Qing suddenly felt lost and sad.

Ye Fan said: "If there is a destiny, we will meet each other!"

"That won't work. If you get anywhere, you have to contact me. Also send me a postcard. When I'm free, I'll go and play with you." Ji Qing said.

Ye Fan thought for a while and said, "That's fine!"

"Lagou, don't lie to me!" Ji Qing said, "You are a real man, you can't count your words."

She appeared devout and earnest.

Ye Fan had no choice but to stretch out his hand to hook Ji Qing.

"Which class do you belong to?" At this moment, a man came over and shouted at Ye Fan and Ji Qing.

Ji Qing was taken aback, Ye Fan looked over indifferently.

The person who came was Wang Jianxing, the teaching director.

Director Wang stepped forward, frowning and asked, "Which class are you in? It's class time, and you don't have a good time in class, and you come out to fall in love? Come with me to the principal's office. I think the students in your class are getting more and more It's outrageous."

Ji Qing frowned, but she didn't speak.She knew that with Ye Fan around, Ye Fan would take care of it.

Ye Fan said, "Director Wang, hello."

"Don't get close to me!" Director Wang said coldly.

Ye Fan said: "..."

"In your class?" Director Wang continued.

Ye Fan ignored Director Wang, he took out his mobile phone and called Dragon King.

What Ye Fan relies on is his own ability and cultivation, but outsiders don't know it, especially ordinary people.He also didn't want to use force to deter him every time, so he just used resources.

So soon, the Dragon King called the principal of the school.

The principal of the school immediately called Director Wang again.After Director Wang answered the phone, his face immediately changed.When he looked at Chen Yang and Ji Qing's eyes again, he was a completely different person.

After hanging up the phone, Director Wang said cautiously: "I'm sorry, Xiaoye, it seems that I misunderstood just now."

"Well, Director Wang, it's all trivial!" Ye Fan said, "Miss Ji and I are going to invite our classmates to a party on the yacht tomorrow. Can you go to class with us? With you, it is also very important." Be more formal."

Director Wang hurriedly said, "Of course it's no problem."

Ye Fan wisely took out two VIP invitation cards and said, "This is for you and the principal."

Director Wang was overjoyed immediately, and he also knew that the yacht had something to do with the Dragon King.If he can get on the line of a big shot, maybe his career can go to a higher level!

Ever since, Director Wang's attitude towards Ye Fan and Ji Qing became even more considerate.

Sure enough, this era is such a reality.

If you have no power or power, then in the eyes of powerful people, you are worthless.

When Ye Fan has a little relationship, Director Wang, the iron face, can also twitch his fingers.

Ye Fan's class was taking English class at this time.

When Ye Fan and his party arrived, the students were listening carefully, and the English teacher was spitting and berating Fang Qiu on the podium.

At this time, teacher Feng, the head teacher, and Director Wang, the teaching director, all came.

"Mr. Zhao, and the students, I might disturb you for a while." Mr. Feng said first.

English teacher Zhao Xing didn't even dare to object when he saw this posture.He hurried forward and said with an apologetic smile: "Director Wang, Teacher Feng, why are you here?"

He looked at Ye Fan and Ji Qing, not understanding what was going on.

On the seat under the stage, when Jiang Churan saw Ye Fan and Ji Qing together, she clenched her fists and her nails dug into the flesh of her palm.

At that moment, for some reason, she felt very sad, even a little sour.She knew that she didn't like Ye Fan, she just felt uncomfortable for no reason.

"Sure enough, it's quite different. After meeting Miss Ji's family, I look like a nobleman in clothes." Jiang Churan thought to himself: "But none of this belongs to you, Ye Fan. I look down on you."

In Jiang Churan's heart, Ye Fan's image was extremely bad.

She felt sick when she saw Ye Fan.

"Students, we are here today to tell you a good news. Ye Fan decided to invite everyone to go on a luxury yacht at sea tomorrow. This is an invitation card. You can take the invitation card to go tomorrow." Director Wang said first.

The class immediately boiled.

Ye Fan is now a man of the class, firstly, after Liu Qiang and the others told him that Ye Fan is very good at fighting now.The second reason is that Ye Fan has a good relationship with a rich young lady.The third is that it is as common for this guy to be absent from school as it is to eat.

But right now, it seems that Ye Fan hooked up with the rich young lady, so he didn't run away.

Everyone can't help talking about it, some are disdainful, some are envious.But everyone also wants to play on a luxury yacht.

This is a very lively scene.

Ji Qing, teacher Feng, and Director Wang sent out invitation cards in person.

And Ye Fan took the invitation card that belonged to Jiang Churan, and came to Jiang Churan.

"Squad leader..." Ye Fan presented the exquisite pure gold invitation card to Jiang Churan.

Jiang Churan looked at Ye Fan with a hint of disdain and a sneer in her eyes.

After a long time, she took the invitation card and tore it into pieces in front of Ye Fan.

"Ye Fan, I look down on you!" After Jiang Churan finished speaking, she got up and left the classroom.

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