The strongest player in history

Chapter 1766 Invitation Card

Shen Monong's face flushed immediately, she handed the phone to Chen Yang, and said, "I'm definitely looking for you."

Chen Yang took the phone, but didn't connect it. Instead, he smiled at Shen Mo Nong and said, "Why are you blushing, could it be that Ye Fan's great celestial eye can see us here?"

"I always feel a little ridiculous!" Shen Mo Nong said.

Chen Yang said: "The matter of husband and wife, the joy of fish and water, there will be absurdity. This is an important step forward for mankind!"

After he finished speaking, he answered the phone with a smile.

Shen Murong looked at Chen Yang's profile, and she could feel his growth.When she first met Chen Yang, in her eyes, Chen Yang was just a kid.In the past few years, Shen Mo Nong clearly felt Chen Yang's growth.

Today's Chen Yang made Shen Mo Nong feel like looking up from a high mountain.

Chen Yang's every move is calm and general.

She can be his little wife who is behind him and protected by him with much peace of mind.

Here, Chen Yang connected Ye Fan's call.

"Master..." Ye Fan shouted over there.

Chen Yang coughed dryly.

Ye Fan immediately said: "Master!"

Chen Yang hummed and said, "Is there something wrong?"

Ye Fan said: "Master, let me arrange the yacht for you?"

"Are you arranging for me?" Chen Yang smiled and said, "I'm pretty good now!"

Ye Fan said: "Now the disciples still have some contacts."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, if you want to arrange it, then it's up to you to arrange it. That's it?"

Ye Fan said: "I want to invite some of my classmates to watch the battle, do you think it's okay?"

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and he immediately understood Ye Fan's thoughts.

He also came from a poor family, how could he not understand what Ye Fan meant.

"Do you want to say goodbye?" Chen Yang said.

Ye Fan was silent for a moment, and said, "Yes, Master!"

Chen Yang said, "After that, what are your plans?"

Ye Fan said: "If I am lucky enough to win this battle, I would like to travel to various countries in the future to increase my knowledge and knowledge. I have always kept your teachings in mind and should study more. But later I also figured it out. I want to learn knowledge, not For qualifications, there is also a diploma. Why should you stick to the classroom? It’s better to read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles!”

Chen Yang said: "Okay, as long as you decide what you want to do, I will support you as a teacher."

Ye Fan couldn't help sobbing, and said, "Master, thank you."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Okay, silly boy, you and I are also destined to be master and apprentice. I won't say much about anything else."

"Yeah!" Ye Fan said.

Then, the two hung up the phone.

Shen Monong sat up from the bed, her chest was white.

As soon as Chen Yang turned his head, he saw such a wonderful scenery.Shen Mo Nong was calm, grabbed the black bra on the head of the bed and put it on.

"Why, haven't you seen enough?" Shen Mo Nong smiled and said, "Didn't you touch and see everything last night?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I can never get enough of it."

"Glib!" Shen Mo Nong said.

Chen Yang said: "How can this be called glib, this is telling the truth. Glib is only for little girls, and there are those who are glib for their own wives."

"Okay, you don't have to be poor with me." Shen Mo Nong said, "What's the matter with Ye Fan calling?"

Chen Yang explained Ye Fan's thoughts.

Shen Monong was already dressed at this time. She was dressed casually at home, with a white sweater on top, mainly to make the child feel comfortable when holding the child.

But even so, the woolen sweater still set off Shen Mo Nong's figure exquisitely.

Shen Mo Nong thought for a while, and said, "That's good, he has his own way, and no one can show him. It's not a bad thing to jump out of that small city by the sea!"

Chen Yang said: "That's right! Originally, I thought about throwing him into Tianzhou, or somewhere else to practice. But now that he has his own ideas, I won't interfere. He has his opportunity!"

Shen Mo Nong said, "Yes."

Chen Yang said: "After all, his foundation is too shallow. His cultivation and basic experience are too mismatched. It will be very dangerous to suddenly enter the world of cultivating immortals."

Shen Monong said: "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's go out to accompany our son. He likes swimming now. After we have breakfast, we will take him to an indoor heated swimming pool."

Chen Yang said: "Good!"

Chen Yang never tires of being with his son.

It is worth mentioning that Lin Qingxue slept with little Nianci last night, and the little guy loved this little aunt very much.

Chen Yang thought about it, and told Lin Qingxue about the three competitions.Because Ye Fan called his classmates over together, so he didn't keep any secrets.

This is what Chen Yang said during the meal.

Then Mama Liu and Mama Zhao were also very interested.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Okay, since we all want to go, let's all go together."

Lin Qingxue and others were overjoyed upon hearing this.

For Chen Yang and others, this is more like a big event.

But for Ye Fan, it was the most significant test in life.

If you pass the exam, you will have a new life.If you fail the test, you will die!

Three duels, all together.Therefore, Ye Fan didn't know the battle between Master and Mistress.He was afraid that when success or failure was on his own, he would lose the battle and make Master kneel down.

That was absolutely unacceptable to Ye Fan.

Afterwards, Ye Fan contacted the Dragon King.

The Dragon King hadn't seen Ye Fan for a long time, and he was very happy when he suddenly received a call from Ye Fan.Let's talk about it later!

Ye Fan also knew that this matter was unclear on the phone, so he readily agreed.

Afterwards, the Dragon King sent a driver to pick up Ye Fan.

After meeting with the Dragon King, Ye Fan talked about going to sea.Hope Dragon King can arrange a luxury yacht.

The Dragon King readily agreed, and said, "It's no problem at all. I just bought a yacht the year before last."

Ye Fan was overjoyed, and then said: "As for the cost..."

The Dragon King straightened his face immediately, and said, "Little brother, I treat you like a brother, but you don't seem to regard your big brother as your big brother anymore. You have a car, and I'll lend you a car. Do you still want to count the money with me? "

"It's not about the car!" Ye Fan said: "This yacht has a market price. If you go out to sea, I'm afraid you won't be able to get off without a million dollars. I don’t even know the basics of common sense.”

The Dragon King waved his hand and said, "Since I can afford a yacht, I don't care about the expense. If you want to talk about this again, then let's stop being brothers."

Ye Fan had no choice but to say, "Then it's up to you, big brother."

Only then did the Dragon King smile happily, and said, "This is more or less the same."

Ye Fan said: "In addition, I will invite some students to go on the yacht."

The Dragon King was taken aback, but immediately he said: "That's no problem, how about this, to show a little grandeur. I'll make another batch of invitation cards. Just give me the list!"

Ye Fan said: "That would be the best."

After discussing and deciding, Ye Fan left.The Dragon King asked the driver to take Ye Fan off, but Ye Fan even said no, and wanted to walk alone.

Seeing that Ye Fan really didn't want it, the Dragon King gave up.

"When the invitation card is ready, I'll ask Xiaoqing to send it to you." Dragon King said.

"Thank you, big brother!" Ye Fan said sincerely.

The Dragon King thought of something, and said again: "When the time comes, your master will come too, right?"

Ye Fan said: "That's right, my master also has a decisive battle going on."

The Dragon King couldn't help but yearn for it, and said: "To be able to train such a master as you, little brother, I really want to see your master soon, and see what kind of master your master is, with such uncanny skills!"

Ye Fan smiled slightly and said, "You will not be disappointed, Big Brother, after seeing my master."

After Ye Fan left, he went home first.

He still has a lot to think about, to comprehend.

In two days, it will be the decisive battle date.He needs to think clearly, what important medicine is missing in his sword skills and boxing skills.

Ye Fan was going to call his classmates and teachers, but he didn't intend to tell his mother.He saves mother from worrying!

He wants his classmates and teachers to see his brilliance, that's because they never think highly of him, Ye Fan.He didn't let his mother see it because, in his mother's heart, he had always been glorious.

Ye Fan was under a lot of pressure. Fortunately, he was used to this pressure and was not overwhelmed.When he decided to call Jiang Churan and the others to watch the battle, he no longer had the slightest retreat.

He hopes that he can become that dazzling hero in golden armor.

That was his dream, and he hoped that Jiang Churan could truly realize Ye Fan's ability.

Ye Fan thought hard at home for two days, but he couldn't figure out why.

In desperation, Ye Fan could only take a deep breath and start to work.

He was not discouraged because of this, Master's words helped him a lot.Never give up, until the end, never give up the hope of life.Maybe, if I didn't figure it out now, I figured it out during the decisive battle?

A lot of inspiration is figured out at the most dangerous time.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Ji Qing called Ye Fan.

"Ye Fan!" Ji Qing looked very happy over there, her voice was so sweet.

"Miss Ji!" Ye Fan said.

Ji Qing immediately became upset, and said, "When did we become so divided? You can call me Xiaoqing or Qinger, but you are not allowed to be called Miss Ji. She is still a student, and you call me old-fashioned."

"Xiao Qing!" Ye Fan shouted with a smile.

Only then did Ji Qing turn anger into joy, and said, "It's more or less the same."

She then said, "I'll send you an invitation card, are you at home?"

"Yes!" Ye Fan said.

"Okay, when I arrive, you have to treat me to breakfast!" Ji Qing said.

Ye Fan said: "No problem!"

Ji Qing arrived in 15 minutes, still driven by Uncle Zhang.Uncle Zhang is more polite and respectful to Ye Fan now, because he knows that Ye Fan is an absolute fierce person.He saw Ye Fan's fierceness with his own eyes, and the Dragon King also valued Ye Fan extremely.

Ji Qing was wearing a small red coat, her whole body was like a ball of fire, full of youthful vitality, but without losing her upbringing and elegance.

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