The strongest player in history

Chapter 1761 Chen Yang Returns

The Tianwu Cult has been investigating whether it offended the gods, and soon found a breakthrough from Tan Ming.

After that, they basically locked in Tan Mingnai as the ghost.The Tianwu Sect wanted to catch Tan Ming.

The intelligence organization on Shen Mo Nong's side was also paying attention to the Tianwu Sect. After Shen Mo Nong knew that Tan Ming and Guru Kuzhi were in danger, he brought Tan Ming and Guru Kuzhi to Yanjing.

As for the old man, the Tianwu Sect has no evidence and did not dare to do anything wrong.

Now is a society with a high degree of rule of law. In a civilized society, you can't kill people casually.Especially a big family like the Yang family.

If it was before, the Tianwu Cult would still dare to hold their heads high.But now Wu Jianhong also knows the terror of the state organs, and he no longer feels that God is the first and he is the second.

Time flies by.

The one-month period finally passed, and Chen Yang brought Lin Qingxue back.Chen Yang's first stop was Yanjing. After all, anyone who returns home normally will see his wife and children first.There is no reason to go to see the apprentice first!

It is worth mentioning that Ye Fan's ten-day vacation has passed, but he still hasn't gone back to class.This made teacher Feng helpless, and made Jiang Churan hate iron even more.

And Ji Qing, the niece and granddaughter of the Dragon King, has always wanted to see Ye Fan.

To them, Ye Fan seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

When Chen Yang returned to the Mancheng community, he met Shen Murong and his son. It was a joyous day.

Lin Qingxue also came here on purpose. She knew that Chen Yang had a son, so she wanted to come and see him.Lin Qingxue bought a lot of toys and gifts, all for Xiao Nianci.

Although Xiao Nianci is still young, there are too many people around him who love him.

This made Chen Yang very happy. He himself had never experienced much love since he was a child.Now that his son is surrounded by love, everything he has done will not be in vain.

When Chen Yang and Lin Qingxue came back, they wore the modern clothes here.Anyway, Chen Yang has always had a crew cut. He wears a plaid shirt inside, a leather jacket outside, jeans on the bottom, and a pair of casual leather shoes.The whole person looks capable, neat, and has an indescribable masculine charm.

Now, according to Chen Yang's normal age, he is close to 30 years old.If you want to count the disturbances of various time rules, they are all in their 50s.

But this age is really young for a cultivator.

Today's weather is not good, it's snowing outside.

The winter in Yanjing is extremely cold and dry.

The heating was turned on in the room, and Shen Mo Nong used magic to set up another spirit-gathering formation, allowing water vapor to gather in the room.This way it won't look too dry.

If you stay in a heated room for a long time, your mouth will dry out.

Little Nianci has been taken care of very well. He is now one year and one month old and can walk by himself.He is in good health and has not had a single cold.This is also because the strong genes from the parents are inherited, like a calf.

When Chen Yang came back this time, Xiao Nianci didn't know Chen Yang again.This made Chen Yang very hurt, but Lin Qingxue, the little aunt, quickly became acquainted with Nian Ci.When it was time to eat at noon, Xiao Nianci relied on Lin Qingxue and was unwilling to get off.

Even Shen Mo Nong couldn't take it.This made Shen Mo Nong couldn't help cursing, what a heartless little bastard!

Chen Yang couldn't help but burst out laughing.

After eating, Shen Mo Nong pulled Chen Yang and said, "Let's go out and talk."

Chen Yang was slightly surprised, but he didn't say much, and said, "Okay!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang used the Great Teleportation Technique to bring Shen Mo Nong to a beautiful place with beautiful mountains and rivers.

From the ice and snow in Yanjing to the sunshine, it was only a matter of moments.

This is also the benefit brought by supernatural powers.

On the top of a mountain, the mountain wind blows, and the scenery ahead is extremely beautiful.

Chen Yang put his arms around Shen Murong's soft waist, and couldn't help laughing: "You have given birth to a child, and your figure is not out of shape at all."

Shen Murong gave Chen Yang a blank look, and said, "Nonsense, at least I have supernatural powers now. If I don't even have this ability, how can I do it?"

Chen Yang laughed loudly and said, "Okay, okay, our Mo Nong is now a master."

Shen Monong said: "Why do I hear your words, it's a bit sarcastic."

Chen Yang said: "Definitely not!"

Shen Mo Nong said: "I am already a great master now!"

Chen Yang said, "That's what I mean."

"Against your will!" Shen Mo Nong said.

Afterwards, Shen Mo Nong returned to the subject and said, "I came here for something."

Chen Yang said: "I guessed it too, but I just didn't figure it out. What's the matter. Why, your national security is in trouble?"

Shen Mo Nong said: "It's sort of, it's not. In the final analysis, it's your apprentice's trouble."

"Huh?" Chen Yang was slightly startled, and said, "You mean Ye Fan?"

Shen Monong said, "That's right!"

"What happened to him?" Chen Yang asked hurriedly.

Shen Monong said, "Don't worry, he's fine now." Chen Yang was slightly relieved when he heard that.

Shen Murong then told Chen Yang about Ye Fan's recent events.

After Chen Yang heard this, the strangest thing was Ye Fan's 15-year sinking in the lake.

"The elixir reserve is just enough for him to practice for 15 years." Chen Yang said, "He has been trapped for 15 years. Who is helping him?"

Shen Monong said: "I checked the bottom of the lake, and there is no formation. It is obvious that someone set it up temporarily. It seems that there are not many people in the world who can easily reverse time."

Chen Yang said: "The Great Thousand World is now a thunder prison for masters of Taoism. No one is willing to enter unless it is a last resort. To be able to reverse time, at least one must be a master of the Tianyu Realm. Don't think too much about it. Create this formation The person should be the Fashen Yuanjue."

"Fa Shen Yuanjue?" Shen Mo Nong was taken aback.

Chen Yang said, "It's probably him!"

Shen Monong said: "I thought it was him, but why did he help Ye Fan?"

Chen Yang said: "The Fashen upholds the way of heaven. If he wants to do something, there must be some reason we don't know. Thinking about it now, it's not surprising that those two treasures fell into Ye Fan's house. Maybe in the future , There will still be some involvement between Ye Fan and me, which will advance what Tiandao wants to do."

Shen Mo Nong suddenly realized.

"You still see clearly!" Shen Mo Nong said.She paused, and then said, "If your father hadn't arrived in time this time, I'm afraid Ye Fan and I would have been murdered."

Chen Yang fell silent.

Shen Mo Nong stopped talking.

After a while, Chen Yang said, "I don't know why he changed suddenly."

Shen Mo Nong said: "Perhaps, Nian Ci awakened the family affection in his heart."

Chen Yang said: "No matter what, I don't want to care about what he did to me. He saved me, saved you, saved Qiao Ning, saved Ye Fan, this is also a kindness to me. But , no amount of grace can change the fact that he killed my mother. Therefore, he and I are doomed not to be a harmonious father and son."

Shen Mo Nong said: "Unfortunately, he has his pride and persistence. There is no way for him to make up for your mother." She continued: "But have you ever thought that maybe your mother wants you to be with me?" Your father reconciled."

"Then what spring is there?" Chen Yang said a little irritably: "Why should we say such self-deceiving words. There is no spring at all, no ghosts. My mother has long been wiped out, and what she has is resentment, with resentment I left this world. As the Son of Man, how can I do nothing.”

Shen Mo Nong sighed.

Chen Yang said: "All grievances and grievances have nothing to do with Nianci, nor you. This is a matter between me and Chen Tianya. In the eyes of you and Nianci, that is your father-in-law, Nianci's grandfather, Ye Fan Master. I will not confuse this point."

Shen Monong said, "Well, I know."

"By the way, how do you plan to solve that matter? I have promised Tan Ming and Ku Zhi that I will give them a satisfactory explanation." Shen Mo Nong said.

"I have my own plan!" Chen Yang said, "I'll meet Ye Fan today, and see those two again tonight."

"Okay!" Shen Mo Nong said.

Afterwards, Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong returned to Yanjing.

Shen Mo Nong called Ye Fan and said that Chen Yang was back and asked him to meet in another hotel suite.

Ye Fan was overjoyed immediately, told his mother, and immediately came to find Chen Yang.Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong met Ye Fan in the hotel suite.

Ye Fan immediately knelt down to Chen Yang and said, "Disciples see Master!"

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "Okay, you don't need to kneel down from now on. What time is it now, let's talk about these things, get up."

Ye Fan got up.

Chen Yang said: "Your mistress told me about the 15 years you fell into the lake. The person who set up the formation for you has no malice. You don't have to think about it."

Ye Fan immediately said, "Master, does anyone know who it is?"

Chen Yang said: "I made a rough guess, so don't worry about it."

"Yes, Master!" Ye Fan said.

Ye Fan immediately said again: "Master, this is the precepts that Master gave to his disciples, and now I leave it to you..."

"What do you want me to do?" Chen Yang said, "What Master gives you is yours."

"Huh?" Ye Fan said.

"You don't have to think too much, the matter between me and your teacher has nothing to do with you. This will not affect the relationship between you and your teacher." Chen Yang said.

Ye Fan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yes, Master!"

"The disciple has something to report!" Ye Fan said afterward.

"Huh? Okay, tell me!" Chen Yang said.

Ye Fan took out the Eternal Sun Crown and told Chen Yang everything that happened in the copper coffin.Ye Fan trusted his master extremely, so he didn't hide anything.

"Emperor of Heaven, Planet Blue Pole, Emperor of the Universe!" Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong couldn't help being shocked after hearing this.

"The universe is so big, it really is full of wonders!" Chen Yang couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

What was even more absurd to him was that he had accepted a Heavenly Emperor as his apprentice!

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