The strongest player in history

Chapter 1760 Youth and Ideals

Ye Fan also saw his mother.

Mother Ye was safe and sound and had not been abused.However, it is inevitable to be frightened. After seeing Ye Fan, he was immediately overjoyed.

"Mom!" Ye Fan stepped forward quickly, choked up and shouted.

"Good boy, Mom already knew that you would come to save Mom." Ye Fan hugged his mother tightly, and said softly, "Mom, from now on, nothing will happen again. Don't worry!"

Mother Ye nodded heavily, like a wronged child.

And that Tan Ming didn't say anything, he went forward and knelt down to Shen Mo Nong, and said: "Because of my personal enmity, I have caused Director Shen to be humiliated, and I really deserve death!"

After he finished speaking, he slapped himself five or six times.

This posture is terrifying.

After six slaps, his cheeks were red and swollen, and he spit out five or six teeth with blood.

Tan Ming is killing himself.

It also shows that the two brothers and sisters are indeed forced to do so, and the only way they can think of is this way.

Shen Mo Nong glanced at Tan Ming coldly, and said, "You don't have to do this. If what you do can be solved with just a few slaps, then it's nothing to worry about. You know this nature in your heart. Ye Fan and I are still alive today because of luck. The Devil Emperor's whereabouts are mysterious and erratic. If he doesn't come today, Ye Fan and I will be lost forever. You have imposed such evil on us for no reason. He knelt down and kowtowed a few times, asking us to forgive you. There is nothing so cheap in this world."

Master Kuzhi said: "Benefactor Shen, after we have avenged our vengeance, the poor monk and senior brother will definitely give you and benefactor Xiaoye a satisfactory explanation."

Shen Murong didn't say anything more, and said to Ye Fan and Ye Mu: "Let's go!"

After she finished speaking, she cast a large teleportation technique!

In the lobby, a storm rolled up, and in the next second, Shen Mo Nong, Ye Fan, and Ye Mu disappeared.

The old man and Yang Jun were dumbfounded.

The old man said: "There is such a supernatural power!"

In Yanjing, Shen Mo Nong arranged for Ye Fan and Ye Mu to live in a hotel suite.

Shen Monong then went to the roof of the hotel to talk with Ye Fan.

It was noon at this time, and although there was bright sunshine, the air was still full of chill.

Shen Mo Nong said to Ye Fan: "In Yanjing, you don't have to worry about your mother's safety. Here is the protection of the ancestral dragon spirit, no matter how great the supernatural powers are, they dare not make mistakes in Yanjing."

Ye Fan said: "Thank you, my wife, for taking care of me. This time, I am tired of my wife and humiliated, so I ask my wife to punish me!"

After he finished speaking, he knelt down.

Shen Mo Nong fell silent.

Ye Fan became even more panicked.He had been in contact with Shen Mo Nong for a day, and he knew that although his wife gave people a sense of spring breeze, she was also a principled and sharp person, and she was by no means a bad person.For example, the treatment of Tan Ming and the bitter wisdom master.No matter how sincere their attitudes were, and how excusable they were behind them, she never softened her heart.

"Get up." Shen Mo Nong sighed slightly, and said: "I didn't mean to blame you, but I suddenly thought of your master. Your master is destined to be in his body. He has no peace all year round and always encounters countless crises. Today After experiencing such despair, I found it unbearable. But your master...doesn't know how much he has to bear..."

Her eye sockets suddenly turned red.

She suddenly missed Chen Yang very much.

Chen Yang doesn't care about some things, but it doesn't mean that Shen Mo Nong can just forget about them.

She remembers a lot, remembering Chen Yang's unwavering perseverance.At the beginning, she was poisoned by the Holy Infant King's primordial spirit, and it was Chen Yang who rescued her back.

But when Chen Yang was on the verge of life and death, she chose to betray and distrust her.

This is the eternal memory and pain in Shen Mo Nong's heart.

A drop of tear fell down.

"Master, you..." Seeing Ye Fan at the side, he couldn't help panicking.

"Your master...he is a great hero who stands up to heaven and earth. From now on, you must never let him down and trust him forever, you know?" Shen Mo Nong said suddenly.

"The disciple knows that the disciple will always trust the master!" Ye Fan said hurriedly.

Shen Monong also realized her gaffe at this time, she quickly calmed down and regained her composure.

"In the past few days, you should accompany your mother well. Since you have already stepped on this road, you will inevitably encounter some dangers in the future. For your mother's safety, let her settle down in Yanjing. I have There are too many houses, I will arrange someone to connect with you. Your mother is in Yanjing, and I will arrange someone to protect her in the future, so you don't have to worry about her safety."

"Thank you, Mrs. Ye!" Ye Fan was very grateful, and then he took out the bank card given by the old man, and said, "Mrs., the money in this card was earned by the disciple, please accept it. This is the disciple's honor to you and Master's."

Shen Monong was slightly surprised, she didn't accept the card, but smiled and said, "Will you?"

Ye Fan said: "Willing!"

Shen Monong said: "Okay, you can take it yourself. Your master and I don't lack money. You can give it to your mother. She has money in her own hands, so she won't panic."

Ye Fan heard that Shen Mo Nong really didn't intend to ask for it, and he also knew in his heart why his wife would ask for his money.

But whether the wife wants it is the wife's business, and whether he will give it is his business.

Some things, knowing that others will not want, will not accept.But you also have to express something. If others refuse, you can feel at ease.

This is emotional intelligence in action!

Obviously, although Ye Fan's EQ is not high, he has the word of sincerity.

After that, Shen Mo Nong left.

Ye Fan also returned to the hotel suite.

Ye Fan talked about the topic of letting his mother stay in Yanjing, and told his mother not to have any worries.There will be no problems with housing, food, and clothing.

"What about you?" Mother Ye asked.

Ye Fan said: "Mom, I know you want me to be with you very much. But I'm sorry, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you in the future. Although my parents are here, I don't travel far. But now I have Stepping into the door of practice, this road is extremely dangerous. Not advancing is not only as simple as retreating, but also may be preyed upon by the weak. After that, I will go to many places to enrich my experience, knowledge and so on. "

Mother Ye couldn't help crying, and said: "I told you not to go this way. But you just don't listen!"

"But, Mom, I don't regret it!" Ye Fan said.

"Then what if Mom died? What if Mom died this time? Don't you regret it?" Ye Mu asked.

Ye Fan was stunned for a moment, unable to speak.

He naturally didn't want anything to happen to his mother, but he liked the way of cultivating immortals so much.

After stepping into this world, he realized that the world he thought was not what he thought.

This world is so vast.

Since then, his journey has been full of dangers, but there are also stars and seas.

"Mom, everyone should have ideals. Not everyone is lucky enough to realize their ideals, but young people should work hard to get rid of mediocrity." Ye Fan said: "If something happens to you because of me, I will hate myself. But from now on, I will not put you in danger again."

Mother Ye sighed slightly.

This son's temperament is not like her, nor like his father.

Looking at the son with firm eyes in front of her, she couldn't help but think of her own life.

This life, is it not mediocre and embarrassing.

Fortunately, she has such a dazzling and outstanding son.

But the reason why he is dazzling and outstanding is also because he chose the road of cultivating immortals.

Probably, everything you get comes at a price.

After Ye Mu figured this out, she could only sigh, but didn't say anything more.

Ye Fan gave the bank card to his mother.He himself took the 300 million bank card given by Yang Jun.Barely is enough.

After that, Ye Fan opened another room and sat cross-legged next to his mother.

Excitedly, he took out the Sumeru ring given by his master.

He knew that a person like Shigong must have extraordinary moves.

Ye Fan then dodged, and entered the Jiexumi by himself.

The space inside this Jiexumi is quite large, with a layout of two rooms and one living room.

Ye Fan saw that there were many jade slips inside, and the jade slips were all exercises.There are many weapons and magic weapons in other places.Among them, there are many excellent instruments, such as Huangquan stick, Ruyi stick, Danding sword and so on!

In addition, there are countless pills, Juling Pills have reached [-] pieces, Divine Pills, and Heavenly Pills have a thousand pieces each.

"This..." Ye Fan couldn't help being shocked, he had already thought that the master's move must be extraordinary.But I didn't expect the master to be so arrogant.

"No, I can't move the things inside. I'm going to hand it over to my teacher!" Ye Fan quickly made up his mind.If it was just a few treasures, Ye Fan would dare to accept them on his own, but the value of the things inside is too terrifying.

Ye Fan didn't dare to deal with it privately.

Ye Fan quickly called Shen Mo Nong.

Shen Mo Nong got through quickly. "What's the matter, Ye Fan, what's the matter?"

Over there, Shen Mo Nong was playing with her son Nian Ci. After receiving a call from Ye Fan, she handed her son over to nanny Liu Ma and Zhao Ma.She turned and went to the balcony to answer the phone.

"Master, Disciple Jiexumi gave it to Master Master. The items inside are too valuable. The disciple dare not dispose of it privately and wants to hand it over to you." Ye Fan said.

Shen Mo Nong couldn't help laughing when she heard the words, she said: "No matter how valuable it is, it is given to you by your master. You can accept it, but Ye Fan, you have to remember the truth that haste makes waste. Don't be too eager for quick success, otherwise, once you lose your temper, you will be lost forever!"

Ye Fan said: "Master, the disciple still dare not use it by himself. How about this, the disciple waits for the master to come back, and then we can talk about it after the master allows it."

Shen Monong said: "You stinky brat, the teacher's wife's words are not enough, right?"

"That's not the case. The disciple seems to have vaguely heard that there is a misunderstanding between the master and the master. The disciple does not want to make it difficult for the master in the end!" Ye Fan said.

"Well, if that's the case, then you can wait for your master. Anyway, he will be back in the next few days." Shen Mo Nong said afterwards.

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