The strongest player in history

Chapter 1728 It's like a dream

"Three years ago, I comprehended the mystery of the Great Heavenly Eye Technique for the first time!" Ye Fan secretly said: "What I never imagined was that in this dark world, there are countless Gengjin Qi floating. I After absorbing the Qi of Gengjin, the Great Heavenly Eye Technique will be more effective. If my mana is greatly increased in the future, the Great Heavenly Eye Technique will be even more powerful! Master’s favor to me is unimaginable. Looking at it now, this dark world Most likely it was arranged by Master for me to train me out. I just don’t know to what extent Master wants me to be trained.”

Ye Fan couldn't figure it out.

In fact, he has been thinking about this problem all the time, and he thinks it should be set by Master.But for 15 years, Master has never appeared.

Sometimes, Ye Fan would doubt again.

At this time, Ye Fan had already practiced Lihuo Jintong.

When he becomes a god pupil, it will be his great achievement.

This is the power of the Great Sky Eye Technique.

"Lihuo Jintong!" At this moment, Ye Fan shouted lightly.

In an instant, two groups of flames grew out of his eyes.

Ye Fan's eyes turned into golden pupils.

Two golden lights shot out from his eyes.This divine light can see clearly within twenty miles in an instant.

The surrounding darkness has not been dispelled, but the place where the golden light penetrates is clearly visible.Ye Fan used his mana to look around.

Suddenly, he saw a place.

"Huh? There is a door there? It's strange. I haven't found a door for so long. Why did this door suddenly appear? Could it be... Master is going to let me out?" Ye Fandun was excited.He has been trapped here for 15 years, and he has missed his mother to the extreme.

He was afraid that although he had learned this skill, his mother would not be there after he left.

He had too much fear, and was afraid that Jiang Churan would become a married woman.

He thought, this possibility is very great. In 15 years, I am already 30 years old.How could Jiang Churan not marry at the age of 30?

With a flash of Ye Fan's figure, he shuttled to the front of the gate in an instant.As soon as he pushed the door, the door really opened.

So in an instant, endless lake water poured in.

Immediately, Ye Fan's whole body was soaked by the lake water, and he suddenly found that the surrounding world was no longer a dark world.

"Is this the bottom of the lake?" Ye Fan was ecstatic, he immediately used his strength and swam up.After swimming a few steps, with a thought, he traveled through the void.

In one step, he stepped out of the lake and reached the shore.

Now Ye Fan can't fly yet, but he has already learned how to travel through the void.

However, this void shuttle cannot be disturbed by the enemy. Once the surrounding elements go berserk, he will follow suit.

But even so, Ye Fan already felt that he was very capable.

Ye Fan was drenched all over, and he stood on the shore.

Looking forward, the lights ahead were dim.A few large neon characters could be faintly seen.

"Binhai No. [-] Middle School!"

"The school is still there." Ye Fan felt cordial in his heart, he was like a wanderer who had traveled a long way, and now he finally returned home.

Ye Fan looked around, and the plants and trees around him were all so kind.

He could feel it was five in the morning, dawn was approaching.

When Ye Fan has cultivated to this point, he can feel the changes in the four weeks, so he knows what time it is.

"I have to go home to see my mother first!" Ye Fan thought of this, and immediately ran wildly.

His speed is very fast, and he is 30 meters away in one step.

In almost 10 minutes, Ye Fan arrived in the familiar courtyard.

"It's been 15 years, why hasn't everything around here changed at all? The house hasn't gotten old?" Ye Fandun wondered.But he still didn't think much about it.

He couldn't wait to see his mother.

He felt that his mother should be too old to be out of shape.

Ye Fan came to the door, he took out the key and opened the door.The door lock has never been changed.

Ye Fan pushed the door open, and he immediately saw that the door was not closed.And the mother is sleeping on the bed!

At this moment, Ye Fan's eyes were red, and he burst into tears.

Mother Ye was in a deep sleep and didn't notice anyone entering the house.

Ye Fan came to the bed, knelt down, and shouted with tears: "Mom!"

Mother Ye on the bed was startled and sat up.She turned on the light casually, and looked at Ye Fan sleepily. "Xiaofan? You're back? What are you doing in the middle of the night? Go to bed now."

"Ah?" Ye Fan was stunned, and he looked at his mother carefully.My mother didn't seem to have changed a bit in the past 15 years.It doesn't get old either.

Moreover, why was my mother not excited at all when she saw herself, and was pleasantly surprised?

Ye Fan was a little confused.

"Mom, why hasn't your appearance changed at all?" Ye Fan couldn't help but said.

Mother Ye was stunned for a moment, and said, "What has changed? What can your mother become in one night?"

"One night?" Ye Fan's body trembled suddenly.

"Hasn't it been 15 years?" Ye Fan murmured.

"What 15 years?" Mother Ye said: "You child, you came back suddenly without making a sound. I thought your master recruited you away again. Didn't you go to school during the day today? What 15 years? Xiaofan, you are not stupid like your master, are you?"

"You mean? I only went out for one day?" Ye Fan was shocked.

Mother Ye said: "That's right! What's wrong with your child today, it's weird."

Ye Fan hurriedly said: "Um, Mom, it's nothing. I'm just kidding you. I did go somewhere with Master today."

Ye Fan was in a daze at this time, so he stopped talking to his mother.

He needs to take care of his situation.

"Mom, I'm tired, so I'll go back to bed first," Ye Fan said.

Mother Ye said: "Why are you sleeping? Don't you have to go to self-study in the morning? You can't let your studies go to waste!"

"Oh, yes!" Ye Fan said, "Then I'll go to morning self-study."

"Wait, why are your clothes wet?" Mother Ye got up and said, "I'll find you a set of dry clothes, you go take a shower first."

Ye Fan nodded and said, "Okay!"

In the bathroom, Ye Fan took off his clothes and took a shower.

He couldn't help pinching his cheek. "Am I dreaming?"

"Isn't this dream too long? Or am I still trapped in the dark world? This is my return from sleepwalking? But, it hurts too!"

"What's going on here?" Ye Fan felt like he was going crazy.

After taking a quick shower, he put on dry clothes, told his mother, and went out.

The sky began to show fish belly white.

Ye Fan walked on the street, he didn't know whether the world was real or not.He was a little unclear whether he existed or not.

Everything seemed too weird to him.

Regardless of whether it is the LC area or the XC area, in the early morning, there are very few people and cars on the street.People are used to going to bed late now, so they are also used to getting up late.Only those sanitation workers who sell breakfast or sweep the streets get up early for their livelihood.

Ye Fan walked to a breakfast shop, and he looked at the owner in a daze.

The boss is a fat man, and most of the bosses who seem to have anything to do with diet are fat.

The fat man looked at Ye Fan, then smiled embarrassedly, and said, "Oh, young man, my soup hasn't been cooked yet."

Ye Fan immediately came back to his senses, and he said, "Boss, what's your name?"

The boss froze for a moment, looked at Ye Fan strangely, and said, "What?"

Ye Fan said: "I don't know if I'm dreaming. I want to know if you are real or a character in my dream."

"There's something wrong!" said the boss.

Ye Fan said, "You say I'm mentally ill?"

The boss said angrily: "That's not true. I can't even distinguish between my dreams and reality. Is there something wrong with you?"

Ye Fan said, "But boss, look into my eyes."

The boss looked into Ye Fan's eyes.

At that moment, Ye Fan picked up Lihuo Jintong.

In his eyes, flames jumped, burning like fire.

A pair of golden eyes, extremely weird!

The boss screamed, and his face turned pale in an instant.

Ye Fan stepped away and left the breakfast shop.He walked far away, and faintly heard the boss screaming, "Ghost, there is a ghost!"

Ye Fan continued to walk on the street.

"I often hear people talk about Huang Liang's dream. Could it be that it is just my Huang Liang's dream? But my ability and mana are still with me." Ye Fan thought: "What is going on?"

"No, I have to see Master!" Ye Fan secretly said, "Master must know what's going on."

"But the master said he would be away for a month, so he probably hasn't come back yet?" Ye Fan was troubled again.

"Hey, forget it, let's go to school first." Ye Fan continued to walk forward.He saw the advertisement on the bus stop sign, and he ran up to read it word by word.

"If I were dreaming, I would definitely not be able to see these words clearly. I have never been able to think of these advertising words. It is impossible to dream them out."

Ye Fan gradually began to affirm that he was not dreaming.

So, under such circumstances, Ye Fan went to school.

It happened to be morning self-study, and the teacher hadn't arrived in the classroom yet, so all the students started to review by themselves.

In the classroom, the lights are white.

There is the sound of flipping books, and there is also a slight noise.

Ye Fan glanced forward.

There was no one in the seat that belonged to Zheng Huaqing.

"He didn't come? Oh, yes, it must be because yesterday's gangsters were ordered by him. He and those gangsters thought I was dead. So, he didn't dare to come to class today." Ye Fan felt chills in his heart . "Zheng Huaqing, Zheng Huaqing, I have no grievances with you, but you almost killed me. In the past, I, Ye Fan, was just a blade of grass that you trampled on. From now on, I will make you pay the price."

Ye Fan then locked his eyes on Jiang Churan again.

After Jiang Churan came in, he didn't look at Ye Fan more.She is wearing a school uniform, pure and beautiful.

Jiang Churan and his best friend Xie Xiaohan were sitting together, both of them were studying seriously.

Ye Fan thought about it, but didn't do anything.His mentality has changed a lot now...

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