The strongest player in history

Chapter 1727 5 Years of Time

"Is Master testing me?" Ye Fan couldn't help thinking.

"I was originally at the bottom of the lake, so I couldn't come to this place suddenly. It must be Master who is testing me and asking me to use my own strength to get out of this dark place." Ye Fan thought for a long time, and suddenly he was determined.

He looked around, searched around.But nothing can be seen.

Ye Fan's mobile phone is still an elderly phone, and it doesn't even have a flashlight.And soaking in water for such a long time, even turning it on is a problem.Ye Fan could only look around cautiously. He touched the ground, which was cold and smooth.

"What is this place? What exactly does Master want to do?" Ye Fan thought secretly.

"How on earth can I get out of here? By the way, Master taught me a Great Celestial Eye Technique! If I learn the Great Celestial Eye Technique, I will be able to see through this darkness."

"But... I can't feel the Great Celestial Eye at all right now." Ye Fan said: "With my current strength, it is impossible to drive the Great Celestial Eye. It doesn't happen overnight."

Ye Fan was extremely distressed.

He searched around, and the darkness in front of him seemed to never be dispelled.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Ye Fan felt like his days were like years.

He was really tired at last, so he fell into a deep sleep.

On the cold ground, he fell asleep like this.But now his physique is very different, so he will not catch a cold or get sick.

This time, Ye Fan didn't sleep for too long, he felt like he woke up after sleeping for an hour.

After all, he is not a heartless person, how could he sleep soundly in such an environment.

Ye Fan looked around again, but to no avail.He even ran wildly at last, but he couldn't escape the darkness.This dark scene seems to be boundless.

"Master, master, are you there?" Ye Fan raised his head to the sky and shouted.

He is not afraid of such darkness, but he hopes that Master can give a hint!

Sitting aimlessly like this, Ye Fan didn't know what to do.After all, he is just a boy under the age of 16!

Whether it's suffering or suffering, it's good to live like a year.

Time is passing slowly.

Ye Fan spent three days in such torment.

"What should I do?" Ye Fan secretly said: "I don't know why my mother should worry about me, hey, I'm absent from class again."

In the past three days, Ye Fan thought of countless ways, walked countless roads, and ran for [-] kilometers.But he felt as if he was in the same place.

It's like an isolated place here.

Ye Fan didn't feel hungry, because he took Juling Pill.

"Fortunately, Master left me countless pills, otherwise, I would have starved to death here." Ye Fan then thought: "It's useless for me to worry about my mother here. I don't know if this dark place is arranged by Master." Yes, there are still other adventures. But no matter what, I can't sit still. Or pin my hope on Master, if Master didn't arrange this place, wouldn't I just wait to die? I have to rely on myself!"

"From today onwards, I will practice. Before the Gathering Spirit Pill in the porcelain bottle is used up, I will open the precept Sumeru. I don't know what conditions are required to open this precept Sumeru, but I have to try hard."

Right now, Ye Fan didn't dare to eat Juling Pill so madly.He counted the Spirit Gathering Pills on his body, and there were fifty pieces left in total.

"Take one pill every three days, and then train hard to comprehend Qi Jin. Maybe I can open Jiexumi, and after I open Jiexumi, I will have inexhaustible pills." Ye Fan secretly said.

So, in the following days, Ye Fan began to train hard to strengthen his energy.

Time is like running water, Ye Fan stayed in this dark place for a hundred days in a blink of an eye.

In one hundred days, 33 Gathering Pills were consumed.

Juling Pill is not an ordinary elixir, its nutrition can fully meet the needs of various cells.No thirsty feeling either!

Coupled with Ye Fan's efforts to refine Qi Jin, his body became more and more crystal clear.

As the saying goes, herbivores are good at walking but stupid.Those who eat meat are brave and fierce, and those who eat five grains are smart and ingenious.And those who eat qi are gods and live long.The achievement of a living being is largely related to what he eats.

Ye Fan still can't reach the cultivation level of breathing, but he is forced to eat it.

Persisting in this way, on the contrary, will cultivate bravely and diligently.

The reason why Chen Yang paused for too long in the early stage of cultivation was also because of the lack of elixir.Coupled with eating whole grains, a lot of bad smell was produced.That will affect his cultivation progress, just like saving 100 yuan, it costs 70 yuan.But now, Ye Fan only saves and doesn't spend, so the money comes naturally quickly.

In a hundred days, Ye Fan was full of vigor and had reached the peak of Jindan.

However, Ye Fan still has shortcomings.That is, although he has strong vigor, he has no actual combat experience.I really met the former Huajin Chen Yang, who could kill ten Ye Fans like this with one hand.

Ye Fan knew that as long as he breaks through the peak of Jindan and reaches Huashenjin, he will be able to open the Jiexumi through the subtle qi.After all, although Jie Xumi is sealed with mana, this mana is not here to embarrass Ye Fan.

"Fight it!" Ye Fan ate the remaining Juling Pill in one go.

He is also a daredevil.

Those who achieve great things have the courage to put all their eggs in one basket and sink the boat.To be precise, they all have the spirit of gamblers.

They differ from gamblers, who are impulsive at the poker table.And after they are prepared, they are impulsive.

A huge amount of nutrition was rushing in Ye Fan's body, and Ye Fan immediately sat cross-legged, feeling the rush of nutrition and the greedy absorption of the cells.

This is a very wonderful process.

Nutrition is like a sharp sword, opening up territory for Ye Fan.

Ye Fan's whole body was rolling with vigor, running nutrients to help him hit the barrier of his body!

At this moment, his body seemed to be in a war, layer by layer, with vigor and nutrition criss-crossing.

But the barrier of the God Transformation Realm remained in place.

In more than 100 days, Ye Fan went from an ordinary boy to this step, which can be called a miracle in the history of cultivation.

But behind the miracle, it is a matter of course.

All of this stems from Chen Yang's good foundation for Ye Fan. Ye Fan's initial medicinal bath has already eliminated many troubles for him.The moment you inhale the spiritual energy and unleash the energy, you are like a master of energy transformation.Even though he was still ignorant, the aura was rushing through his body, coupled with the fact that he did not eat whole grains for a hundred days, his body was constantly being reborn.

Ye Fan could feel obvious changes in his body, such as his skin getting better and better, and a baby's milky fragrance radiating from his body.

This is probably the real back to basics!


Ye Fan's whole body shook suddenly, and at this moment, he finally broke through the barrier and reached the realm of transforming gods.

Everything is so natural.

In the Great Thousand World, the progress of the body's cultivation is extremely slow in the early stage.Because of the lack of pills and famous teachers.But in the world of cultivators, such progress as Ye Fan's is not outrageous.

Because in the world of cultivators, only when the door of supernatural powers is opened can one be considered an entry.

Therefore, Ye Fan is not considered an entry at all.

A generation has its own destiny.

The early cultivation of Chen Yang's generation was bitter and difficult.And under Chen Yang's teaching, Ye Fan was born with rich clothes and fine food.The starting point is completely different!

Ye Fan's whole body rolled with energy, swallowing the bullfight.At this time, Ye Fan felt that his power was infinite, and he could be 30 meters away in an instant.

Ye Fan secretly said: "Before the master told me to turn clouds and rain, I was half-believed. Now it seems that as long as I continue to practice, it is not impossible. Now, I finally understand the mystery of the body. As long as my body The cells are all full, then the nutrition can be absorbed again, and the magical gate of supernatural power can be impacted. Once the gate of supernatural power is opened, I can have real magic power!"

The more Ye Fan thought about it, the more excited he became.

"By the way, I can open Jiexumi now." Ye Fan began to use his subtle energy to sense Jiexumi.

Then, like the feeling of pushing the door lock, the Jiexu Mi opened in response.

"My God, there is such a big space inside this small Jiexumi. It's amazing." Ye Fan felt that there was a hole in the Jiexumi, which was as big as a room.

At the same time, Ye Fan felt that there were many pills in it.

"Master actually left me so many pills, and each of these pills is extremely precious. Master treats me with great kindness!" Ye Fan secretly said.

At the same time, Ye Fan also knew that his choice that day was absolutely correct.

So, from this moment on, Ye Fan finally stopped worrying about pills.His blood-devouring sword was also lying in Jiexumi.But right now, Ye Fan can't drive it at all, and he can't feel the magic of the Blood-devouring Sword.

Time flies, Ye Fan doesn't think about anything else, and he doesn't think time is boring.

He stayed here for 15 years!

For 15 years, Ye Fan stopped thinking about other things, he just concentrated on cultivation.

In the past 15 years, Ye Fan's appearance has not changed a bit.

Ye Fan didn't care either, he didn't know what his appearance looked like at all.

In the past 15 years, Ye Fan has become less talkative, and his mentality has changed with the vicissitudes of life.

At the same time, Ye Fan also used up all the pills left by his master Chen Yang.

His cultivation has reached the peak of the Seventh Heaven of Taixu!

The blood-devouring sword is in his hand, it is tactful and fast, and it is unparalleled!

In fact, Ye Fan reached the peak of the Seventh Heaven of the Void three years ago.His progress has been fast, but in the past three years he has hit a bottleneck.

Ye Fan was not distressed either, he already understood what was going on.

Because cultivation is not a matter of building a car behind closed doors, further progress requires more spirit, rules, and so on.He lacks too much understanding of these things.So no matter what, I can't move forward.

"I have learned the Great Celestial Eye Technique. Although I can't exert its full power, I am already proud enough in the mortal world." Ye Fan has been studying the Great Celestial Eye Technique for the past three years!

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