The strongest player in history

Chapter 1717 Condensing the Mind

"What does it feel like to blow up hair? You can observe the cat's state when its tail is stepped on. Remember this state, and blow up hair anytime and anywhere. If you do this, I will tell you something else." Chen Yang said.

"By the way, let me be more vulgar. If a person is in a hurry to go to the toilet and stops suddenly, it will also have this effect." Chen Yang said: "All laws come from the same source, whether it is the way of martial arts or the way of magic. Yes. Spells and martial arts are all about controlling the body and mind. Only in this way can you be strong. You have to do what ordinary people can’t do to become an extraordinary person. A master strikes out and shatters bricks and stones. It’s not because He is born with great strength, but because he can use his strength. The same is a ton of water, splashing on you from the sky, you can do nothing. But if you hit a water gun, then the water flow can shatter gold and crack rocks!"

Chen Yang is worthy of being a great master, his lectures are easy to understand.If you change to some masters who don't know how to teach, even if you understand it yourself, it will be difficult to describe it clearly to your apprentices.

However, knowing it is one thing, and being able to do it is another.

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he said to Ye Fan: "Okay, you can go home. When you do this, call me again. If you can't, then don't contact me again. And , You must continue to read. Whether you can learn it or not, even if you have learned it, you must continue to read."

"Continue to study?" Ye Fan was puzzled.

Chen Yang said: "Is this very incomprehensible? Do you think martial arts is synonymous with ignorance? Without knowledge, you can't even practice martial arts well. Because there are many truths, all of which are in knowledge. You only know what you know. The more things you know, the more you can comprehend them, and you will know the vastness of the world and the insignificance of yourself."

"Yes, Master!" Ye Fan then said, "But Master, I have no money to study."

Chen Yang said: "That's your business. It's not that the teacher wants to embarrass you, because the path you are going to take is extremely difficult. It is impossible for a teacher to remove all obstacles for you. Therefore, you have to think about many problems yourself. way to overcome and complete."

"Yes, Master!" Ye Fan said.

After that, Ye Fan left by himself.Chen Yang didn't send Ye Fan off either.

Lin Qingxue couldn't bear it, and said, "Brother, you seem to be too harsh on Ye Fan."

Chen Yang said lightly: "Isn't that the old saying? Strict teachers lead to great apprentices. Look at my tender feelings for you. You probably won't be able to learn them."

"You..." Lin Qingxue was speechless.In fact, she also understood the meaning of cultivating the Tao, and knew that she probably had no hope.But she was really not reconciled to being so insisted by Chen Yang that she would not be able to learn it!

At the same time, Lin Qingxue also understood Chen Yang's good intentions.He really had high hopes for Ye Fan.

Ye Fan went home by bus.

Mother Ye couldn't help being surprised when she saw Ye Fan come back.

"Xiaofan, why are you back?" Mother Ye said.

Ye Fan didn't want his mother to worry, so he smiled and said: "It's nothing, Master didn't intend to take me away. He taught me something and asked me to go home and understand it. When I understand it thoroughly, I will go to Master."

Mother Ye said: "Well, why is it different from what I thought! Your master...couldn't be a liar?"

Ye Fan immediately became angry, and said: "Mom, we can't talk like this. Is it true that you are dying of illness? Did the master cure you immediately as soon as he took action? Also, the master said that he would give you money , that’s why I insisted on choosing to study art. Master is not deceiving me at all!”

"You child, am I a little worried? Why are you so excited." Mother Ye said a little unhappy.

Ye Fan fell silent.

After a long while, he said again: "Master said that I should continue to study. Mom, do we still have any money? The tuition owed must be paid back."

Mother Ye was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Didn't you go to learn art with your master? Why do you still need to go to school?"

Ye Fan said: "Master's words must be reasonable. I just need to follow suit."

Mother Ye sighed and said, "I don't understand what your master is doing."

Ye Fan said: "Master is very human, but what he said is reasonable and can be followed, and there are traces to be found. I believe in Master, and please trust me."

Mother Ye said: "Okay, okay, no matter what, your master cured Mom's illness. We should really be grateful no matter what. It's good to be able to do this. As for the tuition fee, don't worry, Mom. I’ll raise it for you. Now it’s different from before. In the past, your mother was seriously ill, and everyone was unwilling to borrow it for fear of not paying it back. Now I can go to work, and it will always be better.”

Ye Fan said: "Mom, I will definitely let you live a good life in the future. You trust me."

Mother Ye smiled and said, "Mom will be very happy if you are safe and sound. I don't expect to live a life of great wealth."

Ye Fan secretly swears in his heart.

"Okay, mom will go out and settle the tuition for you." Mother Ye said afterward.

"Wait!" Ye Fan thought of something.He said: "Mom, Master bought me a lot of clothes today. I think these clothes are quite expensive. And I didn't even tear off the labels on most of them. If I return three or four sets, I can get 4 to [-] yuan. It can solve many problems."

"So expensive?" Mother Ye was surprised.

Ye Fan said: "It seems that in Master's eyes, money is a number, and he doesn't care about cheap or expensive."

Mother Ye said: "But if you retreat like this, will your master be angry?"

Ye Fan said: "Master only said that I have to figure out everything myself. As long as I don't break the law or do immoral things, then the master should not blame me. The master probably hopes that I will be flexible."

Mother Ye said: "Then... okay."

"Mom, you can return it for me. I have all the invoices and everything, and I will return five sets together. The remaining five sets are enough for me to wear." Ye Fan said.

Mother Ye said: "Okay!"

Mother Ye then took those clothes and went out.At home, Ye Fan began to experience what the master said about blowing hairs and comprehend the spirit of the body.

This is bound to be a difficult step.

But Ye Fan also knows that if this step cannot be taken, then everything will be in vain.

Ye Fan was under a lot of pressure, but he was not intimidated.He had had enough of suffering and was no longer afraid of it.

Ye Fan thought for a while, but couldn't find a way.He thought for a while, and suddenly found a wooden box from under the bed.He grabbed some money from it, and then went to the vegetable market.

Ye Fan bought poisonous snakes in the vegetable market.After that, he just returned home.

In his own room, Ye Fan put the snake in a snakeskin bag.Then, he reached into the bag.

He didn't know what would happen to the snake in the bag.

Just the moment he put his hand in, goosebumps all over his body immediately rose.

Sweat upside down!

"Yes, that's how it feels!" Ye Fan immediately understood.

He pulled his hand back immediately, and began to feel the feeling.However, he couldn't understand it.

Ye Fan was naturally unwilling, and stretched his hand in again.

The snake suddenly moved wildly, and the snakeskin bag surged.

At that moment, Ye Fan's heart beat violently.

Goose bumps all over his body again. "Is this the feeling? But, how do I keep this feeling?"

Ye Fan thought hard.

The next morning, Ye Fan appeared outside Liuye Villa.

He was still thinking about how to get in, because the place was so upscale that he was a little timid and didn't dare to go up to say hello easily.It was also at this moment that Chen Yang's voice came and rang in his ears. "Don't you even dare to step through such a door?"

"Master?" Ye Fan looked around in surprise.

"You don't need to look for me, I'll wait for you in the villa!" Chen Yang said.

"Yes, Master!" Ye Fan said.

Afterwards, Ye Fan bravely went to the security guard. "I'm Lin Qingxue's friend in Villa No. 3. I came in together a few days ago. I'm going in now."

The security guard looked at Ye Fan and said, "Wait, I'll call to check."

Ye Fan said, "You can do whatever you want."

At this moment, Ye Fan really felt that he had a lot of courage.

Afterwards, Ye Fan successfully entered Villa No. 3.

In Villa No. 3, Chen Yang was having breakfast with Lin Qingxue.Chen Yang was still dressed in white snow-like exercise clothes. He took a look at Ye Fan and said, "Have you had breakfast?"

Ye Fan was extremely cautious in front of Chen Yang, and said, "I've eaten, Master!"

Chen Yang said lightly: "Have you eaten, can't I see it? Come sit down and eat together."

Ye Fandun felt embarrassed.

"Master, how did you know?" Ye Fan couldn't help asking.

Chen Yang said: "Listen to the tone, if you have really eaten it, you won't hesitate."

Ye Fan admired him from the bottom of his heart, and said, "Master, you are really amazing."

Chen Yang smiled lightly.

After breakfast, Lin Qingxue cleaned up the dishes.

Chen Yang was sitting in front of the sofa and watching TV, while Ye Fan stood aside without making a sound.He is patient and calm.Chen Yang appreciates this very much.

After Lin Qingxue finished packing the dishes and came out, Chen Yang said, "Qingxue, come here."

"Dry it?" Lin Qingxue was a little reluctant.She felt that being Chen Yang's apprentice was really uncomfortable.

"Both of you stand up!" Chen Yang said.

Lin Qingxue said: "Okay, I admit defeat, I can't learn. Brother, I don't want to be your apprentice, don't you want to teach me like you teach Ye Fan."

After she finished speaking, she ran to one side of the sofa, curled up her legs, and grabbed her mobile phone to be a claw machine party.

Chen Yang had no choice but to say, "You are very self-aware. Well then..."

He looked at Ye Fan and said, "It's a surprise for me that you came here after a day. Show me your achievements."

Ye Fan immediately became excited and said, "Yes, Master!"

Afterwards, he closed his eyes, and for a moment he was in a state of concentration, without distractions.

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