The strongest player in history

Chapter 1716 The Spirit of the Body

In the next moment, Chen Yang brought Ye Fan to the South Pole.

It was a place full of ice and snow, and the climate was extremely harsh.

Ye Fan was still naked, but this time, the extreme cold hit him, and he almost froze to death.

"Master, it's so cold!" Ye Fan said with a jump.

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said: "Feel it well, there are many illusions in the spells. But there is a difference between illusions and reality after all. Make a mark and see if the world you are in is illusions, or have you really reached the South Pole? "

Ye Fan looked around, quickly grabbed a handful of snow, and said mournfully, "Master, let's go."

Chen Yang glanced at Ye Fan, and then performed the Great Teleportation Technique again, bringing him back to Lin Qingxue's villa.

Ye Fan returned to the bathroom, still holding the handful of snow in his hand.The boy's body was covered with a layer of ice crystals.

"Master, I believe it's true." Ye Fan said immediately.

Chen Yang said, "Go soak in the medicinal bath."

Ye Fan said: "But, how did you do it?"

Chen Yang said: "It is very difficult for you to understand how I did it now. It is very, very difficult for an elementary school student to understand the courses of college students."

Ye Fan said, "That's fine."

Chen Yang said: "Let me first explain to you and Qingxue why you take this medicinal bath. Before becoming a master, you did not have such a good life. You can take a medicinal bath. Therefore, as a master's early practice, It’s very slow. To be a teacher, you should practice martial arts first, starting from Ming Jin, then to Dark Jin, and then to Hua Jin.”

He focused on explaining the various levels of strength in the martial arts journey.

"In the process of martial arts training, the spirit and emotion of martial arts are needed. This training process is very difficult. Especially without the assistance of elixir, because the cells of the human body need nutrition. We must be satisfied. The nutrients needed by the cells of the body, after the needs of the body are met. The nutrients we then consume will rush to the brain."

Chen Yang continued: "Speaking of cells, this is the main course for today. There are countless cells in the human body. The initial estimate is 500 to 600 trillion. However, most of the cells are from deep sleep. In the brain 90.00% of the cells in the domain are dormant and undeveloped. And whether a person is smart or not is directly related to the degree of development of brain cells. My mana comes from my perfect body cultivation, and then Nutrition and strength have broken through the door of supernatural powers in the brain. In this way, in my brain, there are about 40 billion brain cells that have been developed. In the human brain, there are about 1000 billion brain cells, so There is still a long way to be a teacher. The magic power of a teacher is that these 40 billion brain cells emit brain waves and so on, and communicate with the magnetic field, molecules, etc. between heaven and earth. This magnetic field, molecule, now You can't feel it yet. But it doesn't mean they don't exist, just like electric molecules, you can only feel it when friction is electrified."

Ye Fan and Lin Qingxue listened very seriously.

Ye Fan was extremely excited because Chen Yang opened an extremely mysterious door for him.

Chen Yang then looked at Ye Fan and said, "I say that, can you understand?"

Ye Fan said: "Master, what you said is very easy to understand, and my disciples understand it."

Lin Qingxue also responded over there: "Understood."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "It's not too stupid. I took a lot of detours before, but it's not a detour. Since I didn't have any pills, I stayed in the martial arts for too long. But this experience in martial arts will be of great help to me in the future. It also provided me with an extremely rich experience. But now, I don’t plan to let you stay for too long. So, I will let you take a medicinal bath. After taking the medicinal bath, the cells of your body will be satisfied to a certain extent, You will feel that your body is full of strength. After that, I will teach you the second lesson."

This is the end of Chen Yang's lecture.

After that, he went back to his room to practice.

At the same time, Chen Yang was still paying attention to Ye Fan and Lin Qingxue with his spiritual thoughts, lest something might happen to them.

In three days, Chen Yang began to concentrate on sorting out his magical powers.

He already has many Three Thousand Ways in his body, including the Great Flame Art, the Great Devouring Art, the Great Sealing Art, the Great Transcendence Art, the Great Sky Eye Art, the Great Teleportation Art, the Great Origin Art and the Great Fate Art.Originally, Chen Yang was most proud of the great fate art, but now the great fate art has been sleeping, and he can't wake it up.Any of the Three Thousand Ways can separate seeds, only the Great Fate Technique cannot.But right now, he has no choice but to sleep late with the Great Fate Technique.

Furthermore, from the bottom of his heart, he is somewhat resistant to the Great Fate.

Fate is too mysterious, majestic and unpredictable.When Chen Yang used the Great Fate Technique before, he felt like he was taking drugs. He knew it was harmful, but he couldn't stop.But now, he still feels a lot more relaxed.

Chen Yang did not practice the Great Transcendence Technique, but sealed the Great Transcendence Technique.

There are too many three thousand ways in him, but few of them are very refined.Chen Yang has already realized that he needs to practice these techniques better.

Three Thousand Great Ways, every spell practiced to the extreme, is the existence of Megatron.Owning too much at once is not a good thing.Great image of its progress.

Chen Yang first practiced the Great Origin Technique to make his brain more stable.He felt that this great source technique formed a layer of dense air and was circulating in his brain.In this dense atmosphere, there are countless rules and their power.It is difficult for foreign mana to penetrate this rule.

In addition, the Great Origin Technique also made Chen Yang's brain more unbreakable.

Chen Yang sorted out the supernatural powers in his body one by one. This combing took three days and three nights.

After three days, Chen Yang felt refreshed and clear in his body.

At the same time, Lin Qingxue and Ye Fan's three-day medicinal bath officially ended.

Although they didn't eat or drink for three days, Lin Qingxue and Ye Fan didn't feel uncomfortable.On the contrary, the medicated bath has turned black.

The impurities in their bodies were eliminated, while the medicinal energy was absorbed.

After Lin Qingxue and Ye Fan got out of the bath, they put on their clothes.

Ye Fan was originally thin and weak, and often felt unwell.But at this moment, he felt that his body was full of strength, and all the hidden diseases had disappeared.

Lin Qingxue was also in the same situation.Both of them had ruddy complexions and looked extremely good.

After that, Chen Yang called Lin Qingxue and Ye Fan to the front.

Chen Yang was sitting on the sofa.

"The first step has been completed, and now is the second step. The second step is the most important. If you can't do it, it proves that you can't go this way. If you can't go, what should you do, Ye Fan, tell me?" Chen Yang asked.

Ye Fan trembled, he didn't dare to imagine the consequences.He bet all his wealth and life just to learn from his master.If he fails to learn, he will just go back. He doesn't know how to face life in the future.

"The disciple doesn't know." Ye Fan said tremblingly.

In this regard, Lin Qingxue didn't have any pressure, if she couldn't do it, she couldn't do it, anyway, she didn't lose any money.

But Ye Fan is equivalent to paying [-] million yuan in tuition fees!

Chen Yang then said: "Then let me tell you, if you fail to learn, you have to go home. From then on, you are still poor all your life. Because you didn't seize the opportunity to change your life. The opportunity was given to you, but you didn't seize it." , then don’t blame God, blame fate, right?”

"Yes, Master!" Ye Fan said.

"Brother..." Lin Qingxue couldn't help but say.

Chen Yang said, "What?"

Lin Qingxue said: "Even so, you don't need to put so much pressure on Ye Fan first?"

"A lot of pressure? It's not too much." Chen Yang stood up and said: "If you encounter such a little pressure, you will not be able to practice the second step. Then I think it is a good thing for him to quit at this time. I this time For the rest of my life, I don’t know how many times I have been on the edge of life and death. My experience tells me that the more dangerous you are, the more calm you must be. If you can’t do this, don’t learn.”

"Disciple understands!" Ye Fan's eyes lit up, he finally understood the master's intention, and he said immediately.

Chen Yang continued: "The second step is to control one's mind. The human mind is also a mind. To say that a person is not serious is to be distracted. To practice, the first thing is to control the mind and concentrate. Only Only by focusing can you achieve something. Let me give another example, a man will have an idea when he sees a beautiful woman. If a beautiful woman teases a man, then the man will react."

Lin Qingxue blushed immediately upon hearing this.

Regardless of these, Chen Yang continued: "But Ye Fan, can you let yourself react without thinking about women?"

"No!" Ye Fan said honestly.

Chen Yang said: "It can't be normal, look at this hand again." He stretched out his hand.

Lin Qingxue said: "Brother, your hands are whiter and softer than mine."

Chen Yang smiled, he ignored Lin Qingxue, and continued: "I want to make my hands turn red, Ye Fan, what do you think should be done?"

Ye Fan said, "Find a rubber band and wrap it around your wrist."

"Yes, if the qi and blood don't circulate, it will naturally turn red." Chen Yang said: "Then look at me."

With a thought in his mind, all the blood rushed into his palm.After a while, Chen Yang's hands turned red.

"Do you know what's going on?" Chen Yang asked.

Ye Fan said: "It is you who control the blood in your body to flow into your hand veins?"

Chen Yang said: "That's right, that's the truth. Therefore, what you have to learn is to control the circulation of qi and blood in the body. The human body is a very complicated existence. Humans can't understand this level of complexity. When you can completely Once you control your body, you are the god of the body. The cells of the human body, the immune system, etc., are connected with everything in the universe. In the body, you can find the shadow of everything in the universe, which is to see the big from the small. What you have to do now is, with a move of your mind, your hairs will explode, and your vitality will be closed. Only when you have achieved the blowing of your hairs and your vitality, can you start to go on."

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