As a modern person in the vast world, Chen Yang knows a lot about the things between men and women.Furthermore, there are quite a few samples of novel flowers from the ancients.

Qiao Ning, on the other hand, has never been exposed to these things.

Now, in front of Qiao Ning, Chen Yang is naturally a veritable old driver.

Chen Yang pulled Qiao Ning, who was half-pushed, out of the Mingyue Palace.After that, the two skimmed across the sea.Qiao Ning was wearing a skirt, but there was a vacuum inside.She was lying on the sea, and Chen Yang hugged Qiao Ning.

The night is quiet and the moon hangs high.

The sea stretches as far as the eye can see, and it is very calm.

The silver-gray light shining on it is so tender and romantic.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were bathed in the sea of ​​love, unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

This is a true fusion of soul and body, a joy for body and mind.

Qiao Ning has been cultivating the Tao, and she hopes to achieve greater achievements.And the road of the great road is boundless, and I don't know when I can reach it.

But, she has to go on.

But at this moment, Qiao Ning tasted the true taste of happiness, and felt that she had no regrets in this life, even if she was about to die, she would have no regrets.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning possessed profound magical powers, galloping on the surface of the sea, sometimes rushing into the sky, and sometimes diving into the sea water.

Everything in the world is in the heart, and wandering wantonly is a supernatural power.

But at this moment, a crisis suddenly struck.

"Haha..." A stern laugh came from the bottom of the sea.

"What a pair of wild mandarin ducks, they actually do such things in broad daylight!" An old man laughed sharply.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were taken aback.

The two moved quickly, and within a split second, they had already put on their clothes.With the power running, the wet clothes on his body were also dried immediately.

A coldness flashed in Chen Yang's eyes.

Qiao Ning was ashamed and angry at what level she was, to be ridiculed like this.

Soon, the seabed energy fluctuated.Then, an old man covered in black rushed out.

This old man is not a simple human being, he is tall, about three meters long, with black scales all over his body.It looked like an old fish monster.

"I know who he is, the flower picker of the mermaid clan, He Hongguang!" Qiao Ning immediately recognized the comer.

He Hongguang is a middle-stage cultivator of the tenth heaven. He has lived in the deep sea for a long time, and occasionally attacks passing merchant ships.I don't know how many mortal women have been tortured by him.There are also many female monks who are not as good as him, and they have also been murdered by him.Today, there are more than 100 female monks he imprisoned in the magic weapon alone.All of them are stunning in the world, but these stunning beauties are the objects of his love, and they are the slaves he plays with.

People like He Hongguang can't get involved with anything within human rights.

There is no such thing as human rights in the rules of the monastic world.

"Huh?" He Hongguang saw Chen Yang and Qiao Ning clearly, and he immediately felt a little embarrassed.

Because he is used to running rampant in this sea area.He sensed in his divine sense just now that there was actually a pair of monks doing shameful things on the sea.Moreover, I didn't feel how powerful Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were.

Originally, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning had already reached the point where their strength was restrained.

Under He Hongguang's habit, he was about to kill the male monk and rob the female monk.He spoke directly and came up.

But at this time, this guy already felt something was wrong.

He Hongguang's heart was broken and he was dumbfounded.

He secretly said: "In this world, I thought that only Lao Tzu was a shameless person who enjoys women's sex and can do any absurd things. How could he have imagined that this imposing Silver Shark King would actually be on the sea with even more powerful masters?" It's just a matter of life. Now I'm in big trouble."

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning looked at He Hongguang coldly.

He Hongguang laughed dryly, and said: "Oh, isn't this the Silver Shark King? The flood really rushed into the Dragon King Temple. I was so reckless just now, I offended you. Silver Shark King, I am here to apologize to you!"

After he finished speaking, he stood on the sea and bowed respectfully to Chen Yang and Qiao Ning.

Then, he said cautiously: "You two, go ahead, I won't bother you."

After finishing speaking, I will run away.

"Stop!" Chen Yang said coldly.

He Hongguang trembled all over, he turned his head and smiled dryly, and said, "Is there anything else your lord can do with me?"

"Shall I allow you to go?" Chen Yang said lightly.

"This... Your Excellency, I was indeed reckless. I have offended you so much, I hope you will forgive me." He Hongguang repeatedly apologized.

Chen Yang said: "This is not a question of offending or not. You are apologizing to me now because I am better than you. If I were weaker than you, I'm afraid I will be skinned and cramped by you now. Qiao Ning probably does too." The end is miserable. But now, I am better than you, you just want to leave, there is no such cheap thing in the world, right? If I am not as good as you, will you let me go?"

"This..." He Hongguang said: "Okay, lord, I know I made a big mistake." After he finished speaking, he gritted his teeth and took out ten magic pills from Jiexumi, and one good one magic weapon.The magic weapon is a Dinghai flag.

"This is what I mean, I apologize to you, my lord, and make amends!" He Hongguang said.

Chen Yang grabbed ten magic pills and the Dinghai flag.He put it directly into Jiexumi.

He Hongguang said, "Can I go now?"

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "Of course not."

"You...Your Majesty, don't bully others too much!" He Hongguang was furious.

"I deceived people too much, what's the matter?" Chen Yang said directly.

"What else do you want?" He Hongguang said angrily.He then said: "Although you are better than me, don't forget, this is the sea. I also have my ultimate move. If you really want to fight to the death, you will not be able to please."

Qiao Ning laughed, and she said: "He Hongguang, you are full of evil, I wanted to kill you a long time ago. I didn't expect you to come to your door today. If you want to fight to the death, let me tell you, the fish will die. But the net will never be broken. You are in this sea, and the news probably isn't good enough. Do you know who my man is? Yun Tianzong, Chen Yang who just killed Hua Tianying, is him."

"What?" He Hongguang was shocked.

"He is the Garan King?" He Hongguang really heard the news from Yuntianzong.

Although Tianzhou is not the Internet era in the vast world, it is easy for a master of cultivation to travel thousands of miles.It is impossible for He Hongguang not to know such big news.

Hua Tianying is recognized as the number one master among the disciples of Yuntian Sect.

This son has been in the limelight in Tianzhou recently, and at a young age, he is a master at the top of the Ten Heavens.A body full of mysterious and true energy melts everything.

How many old demons and owls died in Hua Tianying's hands.

However, just this morning, Hua Tianying died suddenly.Died at the hands of a young man named Chen Yang, or in a fair competition on Yuntianzong's execution platform, he was killed in full view.

This young man also has a nickname, King Jialan!

Therefore, within a day, the reputation of King Jialan spread far and wide.

He Hongguang just knew about it, and he didn't think much about it.There are a lot of powerful people in Zhouming's secrets this day, and this matter has nothing to do with him!

He is at ease at the bottom of the sea, where he will mind the affairs of the land.

However, God is such a satire, and He Hongguang made such a big joke.

He never expected that he would offend the Garan King at night.

"Escape!" At this moment, He Hongguang's first thought was to escape.With a flash of his figure, he jumped into the sea water.

Chen Yang's eyes turned cold, and he said sharply, "Escape there!"

He cast the soul vortex in an instant.

The entire area is surrounded by black soul vortexes.

With this shot, I didn't want to hit Wang Zang.But the other party actually wanted to speculate and leave with a set of straights, so Chen Yang had no choice but to play Wang Bo.

He Hongguang immediately fell into an endless vortex of soul.

In this soul vortex, He Hongguang felt that all his spells were enveloped by the power of the soul.

Any rules are useless.

Chen Yang just used the soul vortex, but didn't mobilize the power.Otherwise, if many soul vortexes were activated together, He Hongguang could be torn into pieces in an instant.

"He Hongguang!" Qiao Ning's voice came from outside.She smiled and said: "Hua Tianying inherited the inheritance of the Martial Immortal Venerable, and he is majestic. But he died under my man's soul vortex, and now he has not activated the power of soul strangling. What, what do you want I don’t want to inspect the goods, let’s see if this soul vortex can kill you?”

"Silver Shark King, I was wrong." He Hongguang would be an ignorant person.Immediately knelt down, with snot and tears, he said: "I am not as good as a pig or a dog. I can be your cow or horse in the future. Please spare my life."

Chen Yang is not the type who is mean and unforgiving.It's just that this He Hongguang is not a good thing, and if you kill it, you will accumulate great merit.So Chen Yang didn't have any kindness towards He Hongguang.He didn't speak, Qiao Ning led everything.

"He Hongguang, don't talk nonsense with me here." Qiao Ning said: "I may not kill you, but you have to give enough conditions. Otherwise, you will definitely be doomed today. Also, everyone They are not fools, if you want to fool me, just save yourself."

"This..." He Hongguang wanted to cry without tears, and said, "I will give you everything on my body."

"Everything on you is ours." Qiao Ning said.

He Hongguang said, "Then what else do you want me to do?"

Qiao Ning said: "No, I don't want you to do anything. It just depends on whether you have other values. If you have more value, maybe you will consider giving your life. It's that simple. If you don't have it, then we Just stop talking nonsense."

"Wait..." He Hongguang said: "I have a secret about Mingyue Palace. As long as you let me go, I will tell you this secret."

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were taken aback.

This is really an unexpected discovery!

"What secret?" Chen Yang asked immediately.

"You have to promise to let me go." He Hongguang said.

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