The strongest player in history

Chapter 1621 Visiting the Moon Palace

The Uncle Li that the two female disciples were talking about was naturally Li Tianruo, the first eldest disciple of Immortal Mingyue.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning looked at each other, and then Chen Yang said to the two female disciples: "The companion next to me is my Taoist companion and the silver shark king among the four great demons. She will go in with me , is there any problem?"

The two female disciples said, "No problem."

Afterwards, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were introduced into the Mingyue Palace by two female disciples.

The eighteen halls in Mingyue Palace are densely covered like a chessboard, and the entire palace is surrounded by mountains and rivers, which is extremely spectacular.No royal garden can compare with Mingyue Palace.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning entered the Deming Moon Palace, and were soon brought to the Litian Palace.

In Litian Hall, Litianruo and Jian Hongchen were both there.

Li Tianruo regarded Chen Yang as a distinguished guest, and met Chen Yang and Qiao Ning in a relatively private side hall.

At this time, Li Tianruo still had extraordinary aura, heroic and heroic.Moreover, she has an air of grandeur in her body, looking down on the world, like a king.

As for Jian Hongchen, he was much more restrained.

Li Tianruo is still at the peak of the tenth heaven, while Jian Hongchen is in the middle of the tenth heaven.

Jian Hongchen was wearing a long red dress, with frost in her beauty.

These highly cultivated women are all stunning in the world.Even people who are born ugly can evolve towards the most beautiful direction in the process of cultivation.

When Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen came in, they subconsciously looked at the cultivation of Chen Yang and Qiao Ning.

Both women were taken aback at the same time.For Qiao Ning, a newly promoted master of the tenth heaven, she was not very surprised.Because the Silver Shark King has long been famous.

Moreover, they didn't know much about the former Silver Shark King Qiao Ning.

Therefore, Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen's cultivation level of a tenth level master would not make Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen think that he is very powerful.

The key question is, they know Chen Yang well!

Chen Yang used to be... a badass!

It's only been more than a year, why did this guy suddenly make such terrible progress in cultivation?

When Li Tianruo looked at Chen Yang before, she had a feeling that she could pinch Chen Yang to death easily.But now, she actually felt that Chen Yang was a little unfathomable.

"Mr. Chen's progress in cultivation is incredible!" Li Tianruo said first.

Chen Yang cupped his fists and said, "Miss Li, you're being polite."

When he met Li Tianruo before, he wanted to call him senior.But now, it's called Miss Li directly.This is the reality of strength.

If Li Tianruo didn't care, she then said: "Please sit down, both of you!"

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning sat down immediately.

Jian Hongchen also opened his mouth and said, "Chen Yang, you haven't seen each other for more than a year, and you came here suddenly today, you must have something to do?"

Chen Yang said: "I have nothing to do. I just happened to pass by Tianzhou and wanted to visit the Immortal Venerable. I don't know how the Immortal Venerable is injured now?"

Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen looked at each other, and there was a trace of sigh in their eyes.

Chen Yang knew in his heart that Xianzun's injury had not improved.

Chen Yang sighed slightly, and said: "The Immortal Venerable was injured that day, more or less, it has nothing to do with me. I wonder if you can let me see the Immortal Venerable?"

Li Tianruo said: "My master said before that this matter is not your fault, Mr. Chen. Master has always been thinking about your safety, Mr. Chen. Now that you have returned from great success, master must be happy to see you. How about it, Mr. Chen Young Master, you rest here first, and I will report to Master!"

Chen Yang said: "Okay, that's the work."

Li Tianruo then asked Jian Hongchen to arrange for Chen Yang and Qiao Ning to live in Li Tian Palace.

Although Chen Yang is also anxious about the affairs of the Great Thousand World, but right now, he can only let it go and let it go.

The scenery from Tiandian Temple is beautiful, you can see the sea from a distance, and you can enjoy flowers near it.

The air is fresh and the sea breeze blows.

If this kind of scenery and accommodation environment were placed in the world, it would be an expensive tourist attraction.

Chen Yang was not surprised, so he checked in with Qiao Ning in the wing room first.

Jian Hongchen arranged for someone to deliver a delicious lunch.

The drinks for lunch are delicious, fine-toothed rice, spiritual fruit soup, animal muscles and so on.This lunch is a sky-high price in the world.

Everything that belongs to a fairy is extraordinary.

Chen Yang said to Jian Hongchen: "By the way, Miss Jian, I have something to give to you and Miss Li, I hope you don't dislike it."

"What?" Jian Hongchen was slightly taken aback.

Chen Yang immediately took out a million pieces of pure yang elixir.The thick and pure pure Yang elixir surrounds the room, which is extremely spectacular.

Jian Hongchen is a cultivator, and he immediately noticed the beauty and preciousness of this pure yang elixir.

A pure yang pill may not be so precious.

But such a quantity of pure yang pills is a heaven and earth treasure for cultivators!

Jian Hongchen couldn't help saying: "This...Chen Yang, this is too precious, I..."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Haha, Miss Jian, don't be polite to me. I still have a lot of this kind of pure yang pill. This is just a small meaning."

"If that's the case, I won't be polite." Jian Hongchen really couldn't refuse such a temptation, so he immediately grabbed all the Chunyang Pills into Jiexumi.

Jian Hongchen, Chen Yang, Qiao Ning exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then left first.

After Jian Hongchen left, Qiao Ning and Chen Yang had dinner together.After Qiao Ning took a sip of the soup, she smiled slightly and said, "You guys are really generous!"

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "You won't be jealous, do you think I have plans for Jian Hongchen and the others?"

Qiao Ning rolled her eyes and said, "You think I'm so jealous?"

Chen Yang said, "No, just kidding."

Qiao Ning said: "I just think that you seem to be too generous. With such a gift method, it won't take long for a billion pure yang pills."

Chen Yang said: "I understand what you mean, but Jian Hongchen also helped me. Therefore, since we are friends, we must give something in return. Besides, the future is dangerous now, and I don't know how far I can go or how long I can live. It’s better to send more things out.”

" are too pessimistic." Qiao Ning said.

"It's not that I'm pessimistic, but I look at it from an objective point of view." Chen Yang said: "But don't worry, I will do my best to live."

Qiao Ning nodded and said, "Yes!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang grabbed Qiao Ning's hand and said, "I am already very satisfied with you by my side."

He was expressing his feelings to Qiao Ning.Although Qiao Ning was very generous, Chen Yang was absolutely unwilling to wrong Qiao Ning.Everything before is impossible.But after that, he won't make Qiao Ning sad by messing around again.

Qiao Ning also understood what Chen Yang was thinking. She smiled slightly and said, "You don't need to think too much, I understand your heart. I really don't mind everything else. There is nothing I can't see through in the body. "

"Thank you, Qiao Ning!" Chen Yang said.

"Do we still need to talk about this?" Qiao Ning was a little dissatisfied.

Chen Yang laughed.

After eating, it's still early.And there has been no news from Li Tianruo, presumably Mingyue Immortal is also in seclusion, so it is not easy to disturb.

Chen Yang made an agreement with Qiao Ning to stay here for about three days.If that time comes, Mingyue Immortal Venerable will never come out.Then they leave.Anyway, nothing particularly urgent.

If Li Tian got Chen Yang's Chunyang Pill, he would look up to Chen Yang even more.She gave Chen Yang and Qiao Ning the warrants, allowing them to walk freely in the eighteen halls of Mingyue Palace, and to enter and exit freely.Chen Yang has nothing to do right now, so he and Qiao Ning simply treat it as a trip here.

As for Batu, it is also a guest of Mingyue Palace.In the Mingyue Palace, you can eat delicious food and drink spicy food, and you can also gallop freely, so it is also extremely happy.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning have only recently broken through this last layer of relationship. They are like glue, as if newly married, they wish they could stick together all the time.

At night, when the two of them were in bed, it was inevitable that the clouds and rain would turn upside down.Usually at this time, the monk Linghui was sealed in the seed of the Xuanhuang God Valley.Chen Yang didn't want to have someone watching him while doing that.

And monk Linghui has nothing to do recently, he has been cultivating in the seeds of Xuanhuang God Valley, and he doesn't bother to talk about Chen Yang's right and wrong.

Chen Yang's cultivation has soared now, and when Monk Linghui was fighting, he could no longer be of much help.However, Monk Linghui can be called an encyclopedia, so he can still provide Chen Yang with a lot of help in terms of theory and knowledge.

"Ah..." Qiao Ning sighed happily on the bed.

She leaned on Chen Yang's arm and said, "I really didn't expect that there is so much happiness in the relationship between men and women."

Chen Yang played with Qiao Ning's hair with his hand, and he said with a smile: "Actually, no matter whether you are a mortal or an immortal, you have desires in your heart. It's just that each desire is different. Immortals actually have more desires. They want to live forever. Wanting to escape the sanction of heaven is all greed. Moreover, they also like female sex, beauty. For example, for me, longevity is not important. The important thing is that you are by my side."

When Qiao Ning heard this, she felt sweet in her heart.

Chen Yang also said: "As for the desires of ordinary people, they are nothing more than filling their stomachs, enjoying beauty, and enjoying life. Of course, they also want to live a long life. As long as their stomachs are filled, the relationship between men and women is really very attractive." Strength. In the final analysis, desire is the source of happiness, but also the abyss of sin, it depends on how we control this degree.”

Qiao Ning said: "It makes sense, but I don't see it, you are still a philosopher!"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "You actually know philosophers?"

Qiao Ning said: "I also lived in the Great Thousand World for a while!"

Chen Yang thought of something, and suddenly said in Qiao Ning's ear, "How about we play something exciting?"

"What's so exciting?" Qiao Ning blushed, and instinctively felt that Chen Yang's words were not serious.

Chen Yang whispered something in Qiao Ning's ear, and Qiao Ning blushed immediately, and said, "This... this is crazy."

"Haha, what about being crazy for the sake of happiness?" Chen Yang said.

"But what if someone sees it?" Qiao Ning said.

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