Along the way, Chen Yang was thinking about the scene when Zeng Wenhua and Wu Kexin met just now.

After some thinking, Chen Yang figured out the delicate relationship between Wu Kexin and Zeng Wenhua.

This Zeng Wenhua has a lot of thoughts about Wu Kexin, but Wu Kexin just thinks that the two are classmates and doesn't want to make it too embarrassing, that's why he behaved like just now.

I don't want to get too close, and I don't want to make too much noise.

"Chen Yang, after buying the rabbits, he will definitely keep us playing for a while. Then, remember to speak for me and tell me that there is something wrong in the village." Chen Yang was thinking in his heart when Wu Kexin who was behind him suddenly spoke.

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, but soon he figured out what Wu Kexin meant.

Then he pretended not to understand and said with a smile: "Your classmate stayed with you for a while, which shows that he is enthusiastic! What can I help you with?"

After the car, Wu Kexin was speechless for a while, and then said: "Don't pretend to me, as long as you understand what I mean."

"Ha ha."

Chen Yang smiled and didn't continue to answer.

Soon, Dian Sanlun followed Zeng Wenhua's group and arrived at the destination.

A farm made of greenhouses built in rice fields.

Chen Yang followed Zeng Wenhua on a tricycle and parked the car on the side of the road at the head of the village, and then got off the car.

After getting out of the car, Zeng Wenhua still had a nympho smile all over his face.

Chen Yang was a little speechless in his heart, but he didn't show it.

"Boss Zeng, are your wild rabbits bred in these sheds?" Walking closer, Chen Yang didn't write a word, and went straight to the point without giving Zeng Wenhua a chance to chat.

Zeng Wenhua nodded when he heard the words, then pointed to the eight or nine greenhouses not far away with some air and said, "Those greenhouses are all my breeding farms!"

"The rabbits sold from me every year are not tens of thousands big, but also tens of thousands small!"

Hearing this, Chen Yang also nodded approvingly.

In a small county town, it is indeed a bit of a skill to be able to produce such a scale.

"Boss Zeng, please lead the way and take us to choose some rabbit seedlings! This time we don't want many, only a hundred are enough," Chen Yang continued.


Zeng Wenhua nodded, and then walked towards one of the sheds with Chen Yang and Wu Kexin.

Walking in front of the shed, Zeng Wenhua called two workers, carefully opened the door of the shed, and walked in with Chen Yang and Wu Kexin.

As soon as they entered the shed, Chen Yang and Wu Kexin couldn't help covering their noses.

Because the smell inside the greenhouse is too stinky...

"Hehe, don't mind, so many rabbits have to eat and drink every day, and the greenhouse has to keep the temperature, so there is no ventilation, and some peculiar smell is normal." Seeing the violent reaction of the two, Zeng Wenhua laughed.


Chen Yang looked at the rabbit seedlings jumping around, and nodded.

In this greenhouse, there are at least a few thousand rabbits of different shapes and colors.

A little smell is too normal.

However, although he understood the taste, Chen Yang couldn't understand Zeng Wenhua's breeding method.

They were all placed in the greenhouse, and accompanied by this smell every day... Thinking about the quality of this kind of rabbit meat, Chen Yang couldn't eat.

"Boss Zeng, won't your feeding method have any effect on the quality of the meat?" Looking at the surrounding environment, Chen Yang couldn't help asking.

Zeng Wenhua shook his head without even thinking about it: "No! The rabbits produced in my greenhouse definitely taste the same as the rabbit meat circulating in the market."

"If my hares were not of good quality, I wouldn't grow so big."

When mentioning the farm, Zeng Wenhua always had a look on his face.

It seems that he has a great say in the farm.

"Then how much is it per catty when you sell it wholesale?" Chen Yang continued to ask.

"Well... when the market is good, 20 yuan! If the market is not good, it will be less." Zeng Wenhua thought for a while and said so.

"Oh! That's it." Hearing what Zeng Wenhua said, Chen Yang felt a little more balanced.

Rabbits bred in this kind of greenhouse can only be sold for 20 yuan a catty.

And my own hare can double in size. In this way, my devotion is worth it.

After understanding these things clearly, Chen Yang began to pick rabbits.

Every time he sees one, the staff beside him will help Chen Yang catch it, there is no need for Chen Yang to do it himself.

It didn't take long for a hundred rabbit seedlings to be selected.

After choosing the rabbit, Chen Yang, Wu Kexin and Zeng Wenhua immediately walked out of the shed.

Because of the smell inside, it's really bad.

After choosing the rabbit and walking out of the shed, Chen Yang remembered that he hadn't asked the price yet, so he asked, "Boss, how do you sell this rabbit?"

Zeng Wenhua rolled his eyes, looked at Wu Kexin and said to Chen Yang: "Brother, since you were introduced by Kexin, you can give me ten yuan for each! This price is definitely a friendship price! "

"Okay, ten yuan a piece is 1000 yuan, I'll scan it to you directly." Chen Yang immediately took out his mobile phone and said.

Zeng Wenhua nodded, and then showed the mobile phone payment code, and Chen Yang scanned it. ,

After paying the money, the workers put all the rabbits Chen Yang had selected into cages and loaded them onto Chen Yang's tricycle.

After everything was installed, Chen Yang and Wu Kexin prepared to go back.

But Wu Kexin's guess was right. After pretending to be a rabbit, this Zeng Wenhua really smiled and said that he wanted the two of them to have lunch before leaving, as a landlord or something.

Chen Yang was not familiar with Zeng Wenhua, so he didn't want to stay.

Moreover, Wu Kexin was not very familiar with Zeng Wenhua, and she was a little bit reluctant to greet Zeng Wenhua together, so the two looked at each other, and then declined with a smile.

Said that something happened in the village, and I would come over to play next time I have a chance, or Zeng Wenhua went to Liuhe Village to find them.

They also treated Zeng Wenhua well.

Seeing that both Chen Yang and Wu Kexin insisted on leaving, Zeng Wenhua did not force them to stay and let them go.

Driving the three-wheeler, loaded with rabbit seedlings and Wu Kexin, Chen Yang hurried to the county.

Now that there are rabbit seedlings, the forage will become a problem in the future, so Chen Yang wants to go to the agricultural product area in the county to buy some forage seeds, as well as carrots and cabbage.

In the future, when the hares grow up, they will definitely eat more food.

I don't have time to go to the mountains all day, or cut grass for them on the slopes.

And anyway, the land in my house is all deserted, so I just use it to grow grass!

When the electric tricycle crossed the county, Chen Yang came across an agricultural product store, and bought some grass seeds, carrot seeds,

After doing all this, Chen Yang drove Wu Kexin all the way back to Liuhe Village.

"I'll just get off at the village head, the village department still has something to do." When they arrived at the village head, Wu Kexin stopped Chen Yang.

Chen Yang stepped on the brake immediately, stopped at the head of the village, and said with a smile: "Okay, village chief, don't forget to help me with the mushroom business."

Wu Kexin got off the car and nodded, "Don't worry, you are the only enterprise in Liuhe Village! The village chief will take care of you!"

"Haha, that's fine."

Chen Yang nodded with a smile, and then rode back on the three-wheeler.

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