After a while of tinkering, a hearty lunch was ready.

Called Nizi to eat together, Nizi was still full of praise for Chen Yang's cooking as usual.

"By the way, Brother Chen Yang, I have something to talk to you about today!" While eating, Nizi suddenly looked up at Chen Yang. ,

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Chen Yang looked at Nizi and asked.

"It's just that the summer vacation is not long. My mother means to take me to my grandma's house for a few days, so I can't come here to help you." Nizi said with her mouth raised, a little unhappy.

These days in Chen Yang's medical center, she is still very happy.

If Li Xiao'e hadn't insisted on her going, she wouldn't have gone.

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, and when he heard that Nizi was going to go for several days, he suddenly felt a little empty in his heart.

"Oh, okay, when will we go?" Chen Yang nodded and agreed.

"Well... it's just a few days. I haven't decided on the details yet. I'll send you a message when the time comes!" Nizi smiled sweetly.

"it is good."

Chen Yang nodded again, then buried himself in his meal.

After the two of them had lunch, Nizi continued to read, while Chen Yang wandered around the farm and the backyard with nothing to do.

After waiting around two o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Kexin finally came.

"Hey Nizi, is Chen Yang at home?"

"Village chief, you are here! Brother Chen Yang is inside! What are you looking for?"

"It's just that the farm has something to ask him for."

"Well, brother Yang is inside."

Nizi replied very enthusiastically to Wu Kexin,

Hearing the communication between the two women outside, Chen Yang immediately walked out from the inner room.

"Village Chief, where am I at home? Have you communicated with your classmate?" Chen Yang asked with a smile.

Seeing Chen Yang walking out, Wu Kexin nodded: "Yes, I've already contacted him, he asked us to drive there now to get it."

"Okay, then wait for me a moment, I will drive the three rounds."

Chen Yang nodded, then turned around and went to the backyard to drive the three rounds out.

After rolling out the tricycle, Wu Kexin got on the truck, and then the two drove towards the county.

Nizi was left at home by Chen Yang to take care of the clinic.

When they were on the road, the two basically had nothing to say and were relatively quiet.

But Chen Yang couldn't bear this kind of atmosphere, so he took the initiative to find a topic: "Village chief, which school did you graduate from! Why did this classmate of yours come to our county to open a breeding farm?"

"This classmate is a classmate of mine who studied farming techniques before I became the village head! It's not a college classmate," Wu Kexin explained.

She knew that Chen Yang had misunderstood.

"Oh, so that's the case. I thought you were college classmates." Chen Yang smiled lightly, and then asked, "Then what university did you graduate from?"

Chen Yang knew very little about Wu Kexin's situation.

Wu Kexin's family can only be judged by some small details. It must be either rich or noble.

Because the temperament of Wu Kexin is very fresh and refined.

It is definitely not a college student that can be cultivated by ordinary people's families.

And most importantly, Wu Kexin still has many famous watches!

There are no less than four or five watches that Chen Yang has seen, and they are basically famous watches ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands!

If this is an ordinary family, how can there be such conditions?

Seeing Chen Yang suddenly inquiring about her school, Wu Kexin was a little surprised: "Since when did you like asking about these things?"

"Hehe, I'm just curious about what university you graduated from! If you find it inconvenient, you don't have to answer." Chen Yang laughed.

Wu Kexin, who was sitting in the back seat, gave a blank look, and then said calmly, "I graduated from Kyoto University, majoring in finance."

"Fuck...Kyoto University."

As soon as Wu Kexin said that, Chen Yang couldn't help being shocked, it was the best university in the country!Unexpectedly, Wu Kexin graduated from there!

Although Chen Yang was shocked in his heart, he still didn't react too much on the surface.

"Kyoto University! Then why did you come here to be the village head?" Chen Yang asked calmly.

Logically speaking, don't those who come from the finance department of Kyoto University go to big cities?

Chen Yang felt very strange why he came to such a small mountain village as Liuhe Village.

Regarding Chen Yang's question, Wu Kexin was silent for a while, and did not answer Chen Yang directly.

But after thinking for a while, he said flatly: "I just came here to practice and practice."

Chen Yang could tell that this was completely perfunctory.

Since Wu Kexin refused to speak, he naturally wisely did not continue to ask.

Seriously, he drove the electric tricycle towards the county.

After driving for a while, the car entered the county seat.

Chen Yang found a good place, parked the car in a place where there were not many people, then turned to Wu Kexin and said, "Village Chief, please contact your classmate and ask him to send a location so we can get there."

"it is good."

Wu Kexin nodded, then took out her phone and started contacting her classmate.

The contact speed was very fast, and within a minute or two, the location was sent.

Chen Yang glanced at the map, and then he already had a route in his mind.

"I know this place, village chief, sit still."

After returning the phone to Wu Kexin and saying something, Chen Yang continued to start the three-wheeler and drove towards the location sent by the map.

The punctuation point on the map is an urban-rural junction in the north of the county.

When Chen Yang was looking for the construction team, he had wandered there once, so he had some impressions.

The urban area of ​​the county seat is not large, and it didn't take long for Chen Yang to cross the entire county seat and reach the urban-rural junction in the north.

After arriving here, Wu Kexin took out the phone and called his classmate, and the two communicated for a while before hanging up.

"How? How did you say it?" Chen Yang asked.

Wu Kexin put away the phone and said, "He said let us wait here, and he will drive over to pick us up now."

"it is good."

Chen Yang nodded, and the two sat in the car and waited for a while.

Not long after, a black Volkswagen sedan stopped beside the two of them.

Then, a man in a suit who appeared to be in his 30s got out of the car.

At first glance, this man looks a bit modest and gentlemanly, but after a few serious glances, you can see it.

This outfit was improvised by him.

Because the suit is wrinkled, and the dry mud on the leather shoes has not had time to wipe...


As soon as the man got out of the car, he greeted Wu Kexin very warmly.

Wu Kexin frowned slightly when he heard the word Kexin.

But she still politely returned a smile, and then waved.

"I'm sorry Kexin, there are some things in the farm that I really can't leave, otherwise I'll pick you up in the village!" The man in the suit came over with a smile and said apologetically.

"It's okay, it's very convenient for us to come here by ourselves." Wu Kexin also got out of the car, and after a few words with the man in the suit, she introduced to Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, this is what I told you That classmate, his name is Zeng Wenhua."

After finishing speaking, he said to Zeng Wenhua: "I told you about this, Chen Yang!"

"Hello, Boss Zeng!"


After Wu Kexin introduced each other, Chen Yang shook hands with this Zeng Wenhua warmly.

After shaking hands, this Zeng Wenhua turned his head and looked at Wu Kexin again, as if he wanted to continue chatting for a while, but he couldn't find anything to talk about.

Chen Yang couldn't stand it any longer. He came here to buy rabbits, not to chat.

So he said straightforwardly: "Boss Zeng, let's go to your farm first. After selecting the rabbit seedlings, I have something to do with the village chief when I go back."

"Oh! Well, well!"

Zeng Wenhua nodded without looking at Chen Yang, and then said to Wu Kexin without turning his eyes: "Kexin, there is still some distance from my farm, why don't you take my car?"

Zeng Wenhua's face is full of hospitality, even a fool can tell that he seems to have a lot of thoughts on Wu Kexin.

But facing Zeng Wenhua's enthusiasm, Wu Kexin was a little embarrassed.

"Let's forget it. It's fine for me to take Chen Yang's car. You can lead the way."

After finishing speaking, before Zeng Wenhua could react, Wu Kexin got into the car, not giving Zeng Wenhua a chance to continue talking.

Although Zeng Wenhua looked like a nympho, he couldn't say much, he could only nod his head, then got back into the car, and started to open the way ahead.

Chen Yang and Wu Kexin followed closely behind.

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