Chapter 894

Ordinary people must be uncomfortable hearing such severe reprimands.

But the yellow hair still had a playful smile, and even became more greasy.

"Hey, beauty, what do we have in mind, I just want to make friends with you, is that okay?" Huang Mao said and took out his mobile phone directly, as if he wanted to add contact information.

He was so glib, the other men also booed aside, and they all took out their mobile phones.

"Hahaha, yes, beauty, how about a drink when you have time? Brothers are all nice people, not bad people."

"That's right, you two beauties, it's fate to meet, call a friend, and play together when you have time."


Five or six men were smug, they thought their flirting attitude was very handsome, but in fact Di Anni and Wang Qingyue saw it as vulgar and boundless.

Not to mention disgusted, even a little nauseous.

Seeing them like this, Diane didn't even have the desire to scold them.

"Whoever wants to make friends with you, get out of the way quickly, we are in a hurry to go back, otherwise we will call the police." Di Anni rolled her eyes in disgust, then pulled Wang Qingyue and turned to get in the car.

Huang Mao didn't give up, he rushed to the front of the two women with one stride, and blocked their way with his hands.

"Hey, don't be angry, beauty! We're really not bad people, we just want to make friends with you, give us your contact information, and we'll leave right away!" Huang Mao continued to say cheekily.

Di Anni and Wang Qingyue became even more disgusted.

"Why did I give you your contact information? Hurry up and get out of the way!" Diane was obviously a little angry.

Seeing this, Huang Mao didn't continue to stop him, but he started to play tricks.

"Don't give me the contact information? Then I'm sorry beauty, our car broke down, I'm afraid we can't move it, but if you want to give the contact information, I can fix it right away." humor.

But his hooliganism is simply disgusting and vulgar to rich girls like Di Anni and Wang Qingyue.

Also very annoying!


Seeing that the other party was playing a rogue, Di Anne was very angry, but she didn't know what to do.

"Beauty, let me give you a contact information. We only have time to drink and eat together, and we won't do anything to you!" Huang Mao saw that his rascal behavior had taken effect, and began to talk good things again.

While speaking, his hands were not honest, and he wanted to put them on Wang Qingyue's shoulders as he wandered around.

Wang Qingyue has also practiced before, so her reaction is very fast.

After realizing the man's purpose, he quickly pulled Di Anne back a step, avoiding that salty pig's hand.

"I'm warning you, get out of the way quickly, or you will have nothing to eat!" Wang Qingyue held back for a long time, and couldn't help but speak.

These people are really rascals.

"Hehe, no good fruit to eat? Bad fruit is what our brothers are most afraid of eating. As long as we can get you, what kind of bad fruit do we care about?" Facing Wang Qingyue's warning, Huang Mao not only didn't have the slightest Fear, even more presumptuous.

He said something with a smirk on his face, and then five or six people surrounded him.

It was obvious that he was impatient and ready to commit violence!

Diane didn't panic when she saw this scene!Because she knew that Chen Yang was still in the car.

Not to mention Wang Qingyue, even if Chen Yang wasn't around, with her own strength, it would be no problem for her to take care of these stinky hooligans.

"Hey, beauty, the brothers are just making friends, so there's no need to be so fierce?" Huang Mao led people to surround Wang Qingyue and Di Anni, and even touched Wang Qingyue's chin while talking.

When Wang Qingyue saw this movement, she slapped her backhand.


It hit Huang Mao directly in the face.

"Get your dirty hands away! Otherwise you will suffer!"

Huang Mao never thought that Wang Qingyue would be so strong, let alone beat him.

So he was directly slapped by this slap.

He froze for a few seconds before reacting.

"Hehe, hit me with your hands? Then you are really toasting and not eating or drinking fine wine!"

Huang Mao's face turned ferocious in an instant, and he no longer had the glib tone just now.

Just wave your hand and signal for others to do it!

At this time, the other people are also serious, and they are no longer the hooligans who flirted with women from good families.

Seeing Huang Mao waving his hands, they immediately rushed forward, ready to take down Wang Qingyue and Di Anni.

"I see who dares to move!"

Just when they were about to make a move, Chen Yang got down from the car.

A loud scolding made that group of people dare not do anything directly.

Huang Mao Xunsheng looked back and saw Chen Yang who had just stepped out of the car.

When he saw Chen Yang, Huang Mao was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted with a smile: "No wonder I said this girl is so fierce, so there is a man in the car."

Huang Mao thought that Wang Qingyue had the backing of Chen Yang to beat him just now, so he dared.

So he immediately set his sights on Chen Yang.

"Boy, lend these two girls to my buddies to play for a day. If you are sensible, hurry up and get out of the car. Don't let me beat you with a big mouth. Only sensible!" Arrogant.

Facing such a small gangster, Chen Yang couldn't arouse any interest in doing it at all.

So he leaned on the car door and said with a playful smile: "I also advise you to be more sensible, and apologize to the two of them now, otherwise you really have nothing to eat."

Huang Mao completely ignored Chen Yang's words. Seeing that Chen Yang had no intention of going over, he didn't say anything more to Chen Yang, and turned around to continue to beat Wang Qingyue and Di Anne.

But before reaching out, Wang Qingyue made a cold face and started!

Before Wang Qingyue knew Chen Yang, she was very skilled.

It won't be a problem to solve a few punks with your hands.

But now that I know Chen Yang, not to mention having Chen Yang as my partner, and also taking a lot of Dragon and Tiger Pills to improve my physique, so the combat effectiveness is definitely leveraged!

Be very decisive as soon as you make a move!

Within a minute, a few unprepared gangsters were all beaten to the ground!Lying on the ground crying father and mother.

Huang Mao, who was still complacent a second ago, saw this scene, his jaw almost dropped in shock.

He never imagined that the lamb in his eyes was so fierce!

" are so good at fighting..."

Huangmao swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, and then said with a trembling body.

Wang Qingyue sneered and ignored him.

Instead, he was given a choice.

"Are you taking the initiative to attack, or giving up resistance?"

Wang Qingyue took care of the little brother, and she didn't intend to let Huang Mao go, but she gave him a chance to take the initiative and fight.

But how could Huang Mao dare to fight Chen Yang at this time.

He relied on the large number of people and that they were big men, so he dared to bully Wang Qingyue and Di Anni.

Seeing that Wang Qingyue is so good at fighting now, he has already given up, but he just can't say it.

Huang Mao panicked all of a sudden, his eyes looked around, trying to think of a way out.

After thinking for a long time, he finally turned his attention to Chen Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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