Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 893 Play around

Chapter 893 Play around

After ordering some dishes, Di Anne also ordered some drinks.

"That's all."

"Okay ma'am, please wait a moment, we'll serve the food right away." The waiter went out with the menu as soon as he heard it.

After the waiter left, there were only three people left in the room.

At this time, Chen Yang, as the only "local person" in the private room, naturally wanted to take the initiative to find topics.

"Annie, Qingyue, do you have any plans for the afternoon? How about we go out to play in the afternoon and take you to enjoy the scenery of our county." Chen Yang smiled and suggested that he can go out for a walk in the afternoon if he has nothing to do.

Wang Qingyue has been in the county for a while, and she hasn't really gone out for a walk yet.

As for Diane, let alone, she just came here yesterday.

So both of them were a little moved by Chen Yang's proposal.

"Appreciate the scenery, okay, I like playing outside the most, no problem." Diane agreed directly.

Wang Qingyue nodded after thinking about it.

"Okay, I just don't have anything to do in the afternoon, so I can drive out and get acquainted with the surroundings of the county, so that it will be easier to find my way." Wang Qingyue smiled.

Chen Yang didn't expect the two girls to agree so decisively, but that's okay, he has nothing to do anyway.

"Okay, then it's settled. I'll take you out for a walk after dinner. There are still many places with good scenery around the county."


The topic opened up, and several people chatted a lot about the scenery in the private room.

After the dishes were served, the three of them chatted while eating.

They are all adults, so they naturally like activities like watching the scenery and traveling very much.

All three chatted a lot about travel in the private room.

After finishing his meal, Chen Yang immediately went to pay the bill, and then drove off.

For the surrounding area of ​​the county, Chen Yang still knows a lot about it.

Many characteristic villages, Chen Yang also knows how to get there.

Therefore, Chen Yang not only acted as a driver, but also as a tour guide.

Along the way, they explained in detail the situation around the county town and the characteristics of each village to the two women.

Chen Yang also took the two of them to the beautiful village where they bought rabbit seedlings.

Di Anni and Wang Qingyue were in a good mood when they saw the fields and the endless green hills.

Even opened the sunroof and stood up to admire it.

In this way, Chen Yang took the two of them to play all afternoon.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Yang planned to take the two girls back, because he had almost finished walking around the county town, and there was nothing to see.

The two girls had a great time playing, so they nodded and agreed.

"Okay, then I'm going back to Liuhe Village now, and I'll have dinner at my house tonight." Chen Yang smiled, then started the car and drove towards Liuhe Village.

Chen Yang was driving on the country road.

This kind of road is all cement road, so the road surface is not very wide.

It barely has two lanes.

Of course, these two lanes can only pass through at a slow speed.

If the speed is too fast, it is easy to have a car accident.

So Chen Yang realized this, so he drove at a slower speed to avoid any accidents.

But driving halfway, there was a sudden sound of a horn behind the car.

Chen Yang glanced through the rearview mirror, and saw an older car honking its horn behind it.

Seeing this situation, Chen Yang drove a little to the left, thinking about giving way to the right side and let him drive over.

But after a while, the car behind me honked again.

"What's the situation? Why do you keep honking the horn?" Diane frowned slightly and looked back.

The same was true for Wang Qingyue, who looked back with some displeasure.

He found that the old car was following behind him all the time, and he didn't have any intention of going out of the driveway by Chen Yang.

"I don't know. It's probably because the technology is not in place. I want us to leave quickly. Don't bother me. Anyway, I have already stepped out of the lane. It is his business whether to go or not." Chen Yang also glanced at the car through the rearview mirror. With a glance, he said.


When Diane heard this, she nodded obediently, and then closed the car window.

Wang Qingyue did the same, and closed the car window on her side.

Wang Qingyue's car is a luxury car, so the sound insulation is naturally not bad.

After turning it off, although the car behind was still honking, the sound that could be heard in the car was minimal, so it had little effect on Chen Yang and the three of them.

Chen Yang continued to drive like this for four or five minutes.

For four or five minutes, Chen Yang didn't pay attention to the car behind him, and he didn't know what was going on.

Just when Chen Yang thought the car behind had already left, he suddenly overtook him from beside him.

After overtaking, he quickly drove to the middle of the road, and then he braked suddenly, and he stopped straight away.

The road is not wide in the first place, and it is barely a two-lane lane when driving on the side, so when he stops, Chen Yang has almost no choice.

It can only be a sudden brake to control the car to stop.


It's okay for Chen Yang to arrive, he was already prepared, so he just leaned forward slightly.

But Di Anne and Wang Qingyue in the back row were not prepared at all, so both of them were frightened, but luckily they were not injured.

"Qingyue, Annie, are you not injured?" The car stopped, and Chen Yang immediately turned to care about the two of them.

"I'm fine...why did you stop suddenly?"

"I'm fine, Chen Yang, what's going on?"

Hearing that both of them said nothing was wrong, Chen Yang was also relieved.

"The car that honked the horn just now made a detour, and suddenly braked suddenly, forcing me to stop." Chen Yang explained.

The two immediately looked forward when they heard the words.

Sure enough, he saw the old car parked in the middle of the road, and the distance between their car and him was only one or two meters.

If you don't slam on the brakes, you will definitely hit it!

"Who is he, can he drive? I'm so pissed off, I want to go out and argue with them!" Diane looked at the car in front of her, and she couldn't help but get angry.

Push the door and walk out, ready to argue with the person in the car in front.

"Annie, don't be impulsive!"

Wang Qingyue saw Diane go out, and quickly opened the car door to follow.

I was afraid that something would happen.

When the two women got out of the car, the car in front immediately got off.

Six young people in their 20s got out of the car.

When they first came down, they all had bad expressions on their faces.

But after seeing Di Anni and Wang Qingyue, Liu's expression changed instantly.

It became lewd and a little wretched.

"Hey, no wonder I said that I was driving slowly. It turned out to be two beauties. I'm so sorry that I frightened you." The leader was a yellow-haired guy, and he was also driving the car just now. .

Diane was very angry at first, but now she is even more annoyed when she sees them like hooligans.

"How do you drive? Do you know how to drive? Don't you know that sudden braking is easy to cause accidents? What are your intentions?" Diane ignored Huang Mao's words, opened her mouth and scolded.

(End of this chapter)

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