Chapter 891

Chen Yang in the backyard had no idea that Di Anne had thought so much after he left.

While he was taking a shower, all he could think about was whether he was going to sleep at home tonight.

If you sleep at home, you can only sleep in a hospital bed. It must be uncomfortable, but if you go out, if something happens at home in the middle of the night, this girl Di Anni will probably die of fright.

So after thinking about it, Chen Yang didn't even think about what would happen tonight.

"Why don't you go to Gaoya? It's been a while since I went." Chen Yang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he found a good place.

You can go to Gaoyana to stay until midnight, and then come back, so that nothing will be delayed.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang finished washing quickly, put on his clothes, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Gao Ya.

"Sister, are you there?"

Chen Yang tentatively sent a sentence.

Gao Ya's reply was also very fast, and she just replied one.

Seeing the reply message, Chen Yang immediately asked again: "Sister, where are you now? Are you working in the office? I have some business and want to find you."

After Chen Yang sent this text message, Gao Ya immediately replied with a rolling eye expression.

It was obvious that he had seen through his mind.

So Chen Yang didn't hide anything, and returned a smirk.

It was an admission of my own bad thoughts.

Chen Yang returned his expression, and the phone waited for several minutes without any message.

Chen Yang was sitting on the hospital bed, wondering if it was a dead end, Gao Ya replied to his message.

"You can come here, but be careful, there are experts in the building recently, don't let them find out."

Seeing this message, Chen Yang couldn't help being excited.

It's hard to avoid being in a bit of a mood for being sneaky at night.

"Good sister! I will never find out."

Chen Yang hurriedly replied to the message, then immediately put on his shoes, put his phone back in his pocket, and set off secretly.

When he went out, it was around 10:30 in the evening.

At this time, the village was already very quiet, and there was almost no sound.

And there were no lights, only two or three houses in the village were still lit.

Chen Yang didn't care about it, and walked quickly towards the Gu family building after walking out the door.

In less than a minute, Chen Yang arrived at the Gu family building, and then walked up the stairs with ease, all the way up to the top floor.

After arriving at the top floor, Chen Yang originally wanted to go directly to Gao Ya's office, but just as he was about to leave, there seemed to be the sound of someone talking in the room on his left.

Chen Yang knew that the higher the floor of the Gu family building, the higher the level.

He stood at the stairs, the elegant office was on the right, and Gu Hongwei's office was on the left.

Wanting to understand this point, Chen Yang curiously walked to the left, wanting to see what Gu Hongwei was talking about at night.

Chen Yang walked to the window softly, and listened carefully to the voices inside.

I heard Gu Hongwei chatting angrily with Gu Ming at this time.

"Gu Ming, you must keep an eye on the whereabouts of those girls during this time! Then find a good opportunity to take them down!"

"After taking it, you just take it away! Go to the provincial capital! At that time, I will be responsible for obtaining the mine shares from him."

Gu Hongwei said in a strange tone.

"I understand! Don't worry, Uncle Wei! I will definitely handle this matter! I can't deal with that guy, but I have confidence in dealing with a few girls!" Gu Ming answered Gu Hongwei with certainty.

Chen Yang outside the window heard these conversations, and immediately realized that these two guys were going to attack him again.

But this time the target doesn't seem to be me!But the woman beside him!

Realizing this, Chen Yang really wanted to rush in and kill these two bad guys.

But after thinking about it carefully, I still suppressed my anger!

Because it is completely unreasonable for him to make a move now!And it couldn't explain why he was here in the middle of the night.

At that time, I will be beaten by the Gu family!Not good.

Therefore, Chen Yang resisted the urge to do something, and still lay down outside the window and listened carefully to the conversation between the two.

These two uncles and nephews are bad breeds.

After saying those two simple sentences, I didn't continue to talk about the kidnapping, but instead talked about the current situation of the mine.

These were not what Chen Yang wanted to hear, so Chen Yang left in order to avoid accidents.

Carefully went to the right, came to Gao Ya's door, and then sent a message to Gao Ya with her mobile phone, telling her that she had arrived at the door.

Not more than ten seconds after the message was sent, Gao Ya opened the door from the room.

Then he carefully looked out twice, and after making sure that there was no one there, he pulled Chen Yang into the room.

Entering the room, Gao Ya immediately turned around and asked, "Why have you been using it for so long today? I thought something was wrong."

Chen Yang sneered: "Why, it took some time to get dressed at home."

"Okay, then come in with me, Gu Hongwei's office is opposite, it's inconvenient to talk here." After speaking, Gao Ya pulled Chen Yang out of the office and entered her room.

Entering the room, Gao Ya turned on the light.

Chen Yang also hadn't seen Gao Ya for a while.

When I saw her, I realized that she had become more attractive again, with that mature temperament on her body, and the feeling of a noble lady, Chen Yang's heart burned with one glance.

So before Gao Ya could turn around, Chen Yang hugged her from behind.

Feeling the hot breath from Chen Yang's neck, Gao Ya blushed instantly.

"Bad boy, I haven't been here for a while, what are you up to?" Gao Ya didn't resist, and let Chen Yang hold her from behind.

Chen Yang just hugged it steadily for a while, but he was soon dissatisfied, and his hands started to move wildly.

"I'm not busy, I just started a few new projects in the village, and I'm too busy, otherwise, can I not come to you?" Chen Yang answered the elegant question panting.

Gao Ya was completely confused at this time, her face was flushed, her heart beat faster, her eyes were even closed, and she was lying softly in Chen Yang's arms.

Enjoy the tenderness of this moment.

Chen Yang saw that the atmosphere was almost over, so he directly hugged the confused Gao Ya, and then went to the bathroom in the room...

After more than an hour, the room became slightly quiet.

Lie elegantly and shyly in Chen Yang's arms, her jade finger draws a satisfied circle on Chen Yang's chest.

"Stinky boy... It's been a while, and he's getting more and more serious." Gao Ya was very shy, her face flushed like a ripe peach.

It can be seen that I am really satisfied.

When Chen Yang saw Gao Ya's reaction, he was naturally very proud.

"Hey, it's because my sister's charm is getting bigger and bigger. It's not my fault." Chen Yang's mouth sweetened a bit.

After Gao Ya heard it, although she knew that Chen Yang was sweet-mouthed, she couldn't help being happy.

"Cut, you're the only one with a sweet mouth."

"Haha, it's true sister, you are getting more and more beautiful now, and you are absolutely fascinated." Chen Yang looked at Gao Ya seriously with both eyes, and said this with certainty.

Seeing Chen Yang's affirmative tone, Gao Ya felt even more happy.

But she didn't say anything, she just lay in Chen Yang's arms silently, enjoying the quiet moment.

The two of them lay like this for another half an hour before going to the bathroom again, and then both put on their clothes.

It is impossible for Chen Yang to stay here overnight.

Gao Ya knew this very well, so she prepared to let Chen Yang leave.

Chen Yang also thought so, but when he walked to the door, he suddenly remembered that when he came here just now, he heard Gu Hongwei's secret conversation.

So with a curious mind, she asked Gao Ya: "By the way, sister Gao Ya, has there been any movement between Gu Hongwei and Gu Ming recently?"

(End of this chapter)

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