Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 890 Noble and Great?

Chapter 890 Noble and Great?

Diane followed suit.

As soon as the two entered, Nie Shuping and Aunt Liu noticed immediately.

So the two hurriedly wiped their hands and came out to greet them.

"Chen Yang, you are here."

Nie Shuping walked up to her and said enthusiastically.

"Yes, sister-in-law Shuping, aunt." Chen Yang nodded with a smile.

"Hello, sister-in-law Shuping, auntie!"

Chen Yanggang said hello, and just wanted to introduce her for fear of embarrassing Diane.

But she didn't expect that she would greet him with a smile.

Nie Shuping and Aunt Liu heard the voice, and then they noticed Di Anni behind Chen Yang.

Nie Shuping still has an impression of Diane, but Aunt Liu doesn't know her.


He also responded, and then looked at Chen Yang with a questioning look, meaning he was asking who this is.

"Hehe aunt, this is one of my partners. He just came here today. It happened that you invited me to dinner today, so I brought them along." Chen Yang introduced with a smile.

Aunt Liu became more enthusiastic when she heard that this was a partner.

And Nie Shuping knew Di Anni and knew that Di Anni's identity was unusual, so it was the same, they were very enthusiastic.

"Haha, okay, we just prepared two seats for you, go in and sit, the food is ready." Aunt Liu and Nie Shuping invited them to go inside.

Chen Yang was not polite either, he smiled and said hello, and then several people walked in together.

"Uncle Chen Yang."

Walking into the house, Liu Wu shouted enthusiastically when he saw Chen Yang.

Now Chen Yang is very famous in all directions and towns, and adults respect him very much, let alone such a child.

"Haha, little Wuzi."

Chen Yang smiled and touched Liu Wu's head, and then sat down together.

After sitting down, Aunt Liu was not in a hurry to eat, but with tears in her eyes, she picked up the wine glass that had been prepared on the table and stood up to toast Chen Yang.

"Yangzi, Madam would like to toast you, thank you for saving Shuping from the tiger's mouth." Madam Liu had tears in her eyes, her face full of sincerity.

One second was still cheerful, but the next second the atmosphere became like this, Chen Yang was a little caught off guard.

"Auntie, auntie, what are you doing, didn't you say it? There's no need for people from the same village." Chen Yang also hurriedly stood up and said.

"Yangzi, even though that is the case, our Liu family must remember this kindness. You have not only saved Shuping, but also our family." Aunt Liu continued with tears in her eyes.

Xiao Wuzi on the side also had tears in his eyes at this time, and thanked Chen Yang: "Uncle Chen Yang, I thank you too, thank you for saving my mother."

Originally, Chen Yang didn't feel anything.

But when he saw Liu Wu's innocent eyes, also filled with tears.

Only then did he understand in his heart what Aunt Liu said just now.

He not only saved Nie Shuping, but also the family.

It also gave Liu Wu the maternal love he needed in his childhood.

If Nie Shuping didn't come back, the family really didn't know how much trouble they would have to suffer.

To him, saving Nie Shuping was a trivial matter.

But for Aunt Liu's small family, it is a great kindness!

Thinking of these, Chen Yang was extremely touched.

He reached out and touched Liu Wu's head again, then looked at Aunt Liu: "Mother, I'll drink this glass of wine."

"Hey, good!"

Seeing that Chen Yang agreed, Aunt Liu smiled all over her face, but the tears in her eyes added a different touch to the atmosphere.

Chen Yang also picked up the wine glass and drank it with Aunt Liu.

This is the most simple emotional expression of rural people.

After drinking this glass of wine, the atmosphere dissipated immediately.

Aunt Liu's family wiped away their tears, and greeted Chen Yang and Dai Anni to eat.

Chen Yang knew that this meal was the wish of Mrs. Liu's family, so he had to eat it well.

So, he was not polite, and started to move his chopsticks directly, and at the same time called Di Anne to move his chopsticks.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere opened up, and the five of them had a great time eating together.

During the meal, Chen Yang chatted a lot with Auntie Liu, Nie Shuping.

Anyway, what it means is that Chen Yang will take care of him in the future, and at the same time, he also talked about the construction of the school. When the school is completed, Liu Wu will be admitted, so that he doesn't have to go to the town to go to school.

And the most important thing is that the educational resources in Chen Yang School will be much better.

When Aunt Liu Nie Shuping heard the news, she naturally expressed her gratitude to Chen Yang.

But Chen Yang still said that they are all from the same village, and they should help each other, so there is no need to say thank you.

This meal lasted until nine o'clock in the evening.

When leaving, Aunt Liu's family sent Chen Yang and Di Anni to the door.

"Auntie, sister-in-law Shuping, don't send it off, and it's not far away, let's go back." Chen Yang turned around and asked Aunt Liu not to send it off.

"Yes, ma'am, it's not too far anyway, so go back." Diane also smiled and waved her hand, signaling them to stay.

During the dinner just now, Di Anne's familiar and lively personality naturally blended into the chat.

So now she is also acquainted with Aunt Liu and Nie Shuping.

"Okay, we won't give you that Yangzi." Aunt Liu also nodded when she saw this, and didn't force her to give it away.

"Well, let's go then."

Chen Yang hummed, and then left Aunt Liu's house with Di Anni.

Seeing the back of Chen Yang leaving, Aunt Liu asked Liu Wu to face Chen Yang's back in place, and smacked his head heavily...



After returning from Aunt Liu's house, it was getting late, Chen Yang meant to let Di Anni go back to her room and rest earlier.

But Di Anni didn't intend to go to sleep, and even pulled Chen Yang to chat for a while.

"Chen Yang, I didn't see it. You are still a grateful young man. I admire you even more for building such a big school in this mountain village!" Diane gave Chen Yang a thumbs up with admiration in her eyes.

Chen Yang smiled: "What admiration is there, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. I don't think I am great, I just did my duty."

Chen Yang's face was indifferent, and he didn't say that he was complacent because of Di Anne's praise.

After saying this, Chen Yang turned his head and left, took his clothes and went to the backyard to take a shower.

Diane, on the other hand, was stunned at the door of the room.

She was overwhelmed by Chen Yang's indifferent reaction.

This was the first time she saw someone like Chen Yang.

He spends all his wealth to build schools in the village, and spends all his time trying to lead the village to become rich. Everything is to help everyone get rid of poverty and live a better life.

But after doing so much, he didn't feel complacent at all. Instead, he covered it up with the sentence that it was all his own duty.

It is no exaggeration to say that this kind of character is noble and great, right?

Although Di Anni has a lively personality, she is an adult after all, so she appreciates Chen Yang's behavior very much.

"What kind of person is this guy? I'm really curious."

Diane looked at the direction of the backyard and underestimated, then stopped her reverie, turned her head and went back to the room.

(End of this chapter)

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