Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 839 Who is Wangcai?

Chapter 839 Who is Wangcai?

Chen Yang paused for a moment, then thought that Yang Ruoxi and Li Han didn't know about the existence of Wangcai, so he stood up and looked in the direction of the cowshed, and called out Wangcai.

I'm going to introduce that guy to Yang Ruoxi and Li Han, lest I bump into him later and be surprised by Wangcai.

Wang Wang!

Chen Yang yelled, and Wangcai in the kennel immediately responded twice, and then rushed out of the kennel with a whoosh.

Wangcai is also very fast, and when he rushes out, he is a black shadow.

Standing outside the fence, Yang Ruoxi suddenly saw a black shadow rushing towards her, she was naturally startled subconsciously.


She screamed and dodged immediately without continuing to stand outside the fence.

Wangcai, who rushed out of the kennel, squatted where Yang Ruoxi was standing, and looked at Chen Yang in the fence with his tongue out.

With that little appearance, he looks obedient and obedient.

"No, this is Wangcai, a wolf dog." Chen Yang glanced at Wangcai, and then immediately introduced him to Yang Ruoxi.

Yang Ruoxi was taken aback just now, but after seeing Wangcai, she calmed down.

"Wolfdog, are you sure it can guard the yard?" Yang Ruoxi patted her chest and said.


Hearing this question, Chen Yang hesitated, because he knew Wangcai's character, he was not as fierce as Brother Diao, but he also liked to fight against others.

If there were burglars in the house, he wasn't sure whether Wangcai would be able to keep it.

But you can't let Wangcai lose face when you meet for the first time, don't you?So he nodded: "Wangcai is pretty good, although not as good as Brother Diao, but it's definitely okay to take care of the nursing home!"

"Oh fine."

Yang Ruoxi just asked casually, seeing that Chen Yang nodded, so she didn't say anything more.

But her eyes are always on Wangcai, and it seems that she has a lot of interest in Wangcai.

"Chen Yang, Wangcai... is it fierce? I think it is very fierce." Yang Ruoxi looked at it for a few seconds, then said.

Chen Yang smiled slightly: "This guy is the same as Brother Diao. He is fierce to the enemy, but he is also kind to his own people. If you want to touch it, go up and touch it. He won't bite."

Chen Yang saw Yang Ruoxi's desire to pet the dog, so he said so.

And it was indeed taken by him. After Yang Ruoxi heard that Wangcai would not bite, she immediately took a few steps forward. Seeing that Wangcai was still sticking out her tongue, and there was nothing unusual, she felt a little relieved. some.

He strode directly to Wangcai's side and stroked him.

"Wow, what a comfortable hair."

As soon as she got started, Yang Ruoxi immediately said in surprise.

After being surprised, she immediately turned back and called Li Han to come and touch it together.

"Sister, come here and pet it, it's really comfortable fur, it feels much better than petting a cat."

Li Han has been watching the situation here.

When she saw Wangcai, she felt fond and curious.

Because from the appearance, Wangcai is still very cool.

After all, it is a wolfhound. It is born with a very fierce and powerful temperament, and the color of its hair is also very beautiful, which makes people have the urge to touch it.

So when he heard the shout, Li Han also came over, and together with Yang Ruoxi, he touched Wangcai's body.

That guy Wangcai enjoyed it quite a bit, and he didn't mean to resist at all.

Seeing this situation, Chen Yang stopped paying attention and continued to loosen the soil with his head down.

After he finished loosening the soil, Brother Diao also came back from the outside.

Seeing Brother Diao, Chen Yang called out immediately, and let him go out to help catch the rabbit and come back.

Brother Diao stood on the roof of the cowshed, glanced coldly at the yard, and then flew out again.

"Wow, Brother Diao is so cold, acting like a master."

Seeing Brother Diao's reaction, Yang Ruoxi immediately said so.

Chen Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this, but he didn't say anything. After all, what Yang Ruoxi said was indeed right, Brother Diao was a little too high and cold.

"Brother Diao has gone to catch rabbits. Do you want to eat wild mushrooms? If you want to eat them, I'll pick some up now. It's not too early and I can start preparing." Chen Yang said as he came out of the medicine field.

"If you want to eat, you have to eat, of course, how can you eat hot pot without wild mushrooms?"

As soon as Chen Yang's words came out, Yang Ruoxi immediately expressed that he wanted to eat.

Li Han also nodded with a slight smile, expressing yes.

"Okay, then you guys wash the dishes at home, and I'll go to the house to order now." Chen Yang said.

"Yeah, let's go, my sister and I will help you clean the side dishes at home!"

Yang Ruoxi smiled and waved her hands, telling Chen Yang to go quickly.

Chen Yang smiled lightly, went home and put down the medicine hoe, then picked up the vegetable basket and went out to the constant temperature room.

The constant temperature room is still some distance away from Chen Yang's home. Chen Yang walked for about 3 minutes before arriving at the constant temperature room.

When he came to the door of the constant temperature room, Chen Yang took out the key and opened the door.

Then go inside to pick.

The wild mountain fungus in the constant temperature room grows particularly well because of the temperature control and regular watering.

A piece of white flowers looks very gratifying.

"I haven't contacted Wang Hong brothers and sisters for several days, and I don't know what I'm doing recently. I have to ask if I have time to see how the sales of wild mushrooms are. If it is really possible, the constant temperature room can also be expanded." Chen Yang said. While picking, I thought of the business of wild mushrooms.

During the recent period, Wang Hong transferred money to him every day, and the amount each time was not small.

So through this, Chen Yang can feel that the sales of these evolved wild mountain mushrooms are very good.

The sales volume is good, so Chen Yang naturally wants to continue to expand. After all, the market for wild mushrooms is still huge, and they just need to wait for their continuous development.

The wild mushrooms grew well and were picked quickly. Chen Yang picked them casually at the door, and the basket was full.

So he stopped daydreaming, closed the door of the constant temperature room and walked home.

When he walked to Niu Ming's canteen, he went in and bought some drinks or something.

These things must not be missing when eating hot pot.

"Niu Ming, the money has been transferred to you. I'm leaving." After giving the money, Chen Yang wanted to leave directly.

But Niu Ming held him back.

"Hey, Yang Zi, don't rush to leave, I have something to discuss with you." Niu Ming deliberately lowered his voice, and said mysteriously.

Hearing this, Chen Yang turned around, looked at him for a moment, and then asked, "What's the matter, it's mysterious."


Niu Ming chuckled, and then dragged Chen Yang to sit down in his shop before speaking.

"Yangzi, let's talk about the wild mountain cow last time. Didn't you tell me to keep an eye on it? How about it? Do you think it's messed up now?" Niu Ming asked with a smile.

When Chen Yang heard this, he paused.

Because he has been busy for the past few days, pay attention to this matter.

Moreover, although this business is possible, the profit is too small, and he can't even arouse interest.

(End of this chapter)

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