Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 838 This Is Not Weed

Chapter 838 This Is Not Weed

After Li Han finished sharing, Yang Ruoxi laughed as Chen Yang expected.

"Hahaha, Chen Yang, you classmates are too much, you are more realistic than my classmates..."

Yang Ruoxi laughed for a while.

The laughing Chen Yang was a little embarrassed, but it was not a big deal. Although he was a little embarrassed, Yang Ruoxi was not an outsider, so he passed away with a smile.

"I won't go to this kind of class reunion in the future. It's really meaningless." Chen Yang shook his head helplessly while driving the car.

When Yang Ruoxi heard this, her laughter also subsided a little.

"Yeah, I agree with both hands. If anyone invites me to any class reunion in the future, I will definitely not go." Yang Ruoxi said seriously.

She also has a deep understanding of the class reunion.

Originally, I was going to reminisce about the old days, but who knew that the trouble would be so happy in the end.

A party that smells of copper is meaningless at all, and it will end up being very unpleasant, so it's worth not going to such a party.

Seeing Yang Ruoxi's expression, Li Han became a little upset, so he opened his mouth to enlighten the two of them: "It's good to know, and don't think about it anymore, don't affect our mood at the party."

"Yeah, sister, you are right. Anyway, you are not a good person, and it doesn't make sense to think about it." Yang Ruoxi nodded in agreement, and then said to Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, don't bother me, Don't affect our mood for eating hot pot in the afternoon."

Chen Yang smiled when he heard the words: "I haven't thought about it for a long time, what's so annoying about a group of irrelevant people."

Chen Yang was very open-minded. The annoyance in his heart just now was just anger at those people's cheekiness, and nothing else.

When Yang Ruoxi and Li Han saw Chen Yang smiling, their mood immediately improved, and they stopped discussing the class reunion.

At this time, Chen Yang also drove to the vegetable market.

After finding a suitable place to park the car, I went shopping with the two sisters in the market, buying some side dishes and side dishes.

There are also seasonings, which are essential, that is the essence of hot pot.

Chen Yang led the two girls to search purposefully, so they bought almost everything in a short while.

"The things are almost ready, let's go. You can buy drinks and so on at Uncle Niu's house." Chen Yang looked through the things, and after confirming that he had bought everything, he planned to take the two girls back to Liuhe Village.

"Okay, then let's go."

There was nothing wrong with the two women, they nodded and followed Chen Yang to leave the vegetable market and return to the car.

Chen Yang put all the vegetables he bought in the trunk, got into the driver's seat, and drove back to Liuhe Village.

On the way back, the two sisters called Wu Kexin in advance and told her about the hot pot dinner.

Both sisters came to the village, so Wu Kexin naturally would not refuse.

But she agreed, but she agreed, but said that she couldn't come in the afternoon and had to wait until dinner time in the evening, because he still had work to deal with.

Regarding this, Li Han and Yang Ruoxi didn't say anything.

"Alright then, we'll prepare a hot pot at Chen Yang's house and wait for you to come over."

"Well, that's a hard work for you guys."

Wu Kexin said something with a smile, and then hung up the phone.

After making the phone call, Chen Yang's car also entered Liuhe Village and arrived in front of the medical center.

"Here, get out of the car."

Chen Yang parked the car, unfastened his seat belt, jumped out of the car, then went directly to open the trunk, and carried all the contents of the trunk into the house.

The two girls followed closely behind and entered the house together.

When he got home, it was still early, so Chen Yang didn't have the first time to go to the kitchen to prepare ingredients and so on.

Instead, he went to the backyard first, greeted Brother Diao, and wanted him to go to the mountains now and catch two more hares to come back.

There are four people eating tonight, at least five rabbits are enough, and that guy Wangcai is also counted.

"Brother Diao, are you in the den?"

When Chen Yang walked to the backyard, he raised his head and shouted at the bird's nest.

Brother Diao usually doesn't go out, but today he is not at home. Chen Yang yelled for a long time and there was no movement in the nest.

"Brother Diao doesn't seem to be at home. What should I do? There is no staple food for the evening." Standing behind Chen Yang, Yang Ruoxi said unexpectedly.

Yang Ruoxi knew that Brother Diao was great, and on the way back she knew that the staple food would be given to Brother Diao, but now that he couldn't see Brother Diao, she naturally thought that there was no rabbit meat to eat for the night.

"It's okay, this guy should be back soon, it's still early, there's still time for him to catch him later." Chen Yang said.

As soon as Yang Ruoxi and Li Han heard it in time, the worry on his face disappeared instantly.

"That's good. At first, I thought that if I came all the way, I wouldn't be able to eat anything." Yang Ruoxi smiled, showing her teeth.

Knowing that Brother Diao was not there, and there was nothing else to do, Yang Ruoxi and Li Han turned around and went to the house to pull out two stools, and put them in the backyard to lie down and bask in the sun.

Chen Yang didn't take a rest, but opened the fence with a small medicine pestle, and went to loosen the soil for the medicinal herbs in the yard.

In the past few days, the previous medicinal field has been growing very well, not to mention the emerald green, and even standing in the yard can smell the faint fragrance of herbs.

So Chen Yang began to pay attention to these herbs, and no longer treated them as ordinary herbs.

"These guys are in the same field with Baoshen, maybe they can get a little bit of spirituality."

Chen Yang thought so in his heart, so he paid special attention to this medicine field, and helped watering and loosening the soil when he had nothing to do.

Just like an old farmer.

Yang Ruoxi was already lying down in the yard, but when she saw two medicine fields suddenly appearing in Chen Yang's yard, she immediately moved over curiously.

"Chen Yang, what are you doing? Why are you planting some weeds in the yard to feed small animals?" Yang Ruoxi lay on the fence and asked Chen Yang with a smile.

Chen Yang turned back and gave her a sideways glance: "Where are these weeds? These are very valuable medicinal materials, okay?"

"Expensive medicinal materials? No way, I look like weeds." Yang Ruoxi's eyes were a little surprised, but also quite unbelievable.

Chen Yang was amused by her appearance.

"Forget it, forget it, you don't understand even if I tell you, you'd better lie down, I'll loosen the soil myself." Chen Yang waved his hands with a smile, not wanting to continue communicating with her.

But Yang Ruoxi just smiled, talking more and more energetically.

"Chen Yang, since these are precious medicinal materials, why did you plant them here? Are you not afraid of being stolen?" Yang Ruoxi lay on the fence, blinking her eyes like a curious baby.

"In my yard, I'm afraid that no one dares to steal things. Even if they come, Brother Diao is there, and he will help me teach thieves to be human."

"But Brother Diao is not around sometimes, for example, if we haven't come back now, what should we do if a thief breaks into our house?" Yang Ruoxi immediately retorted.

Hearing this, Chen Yang was slightly speechless.

I thought to myself, you little girl, why are you worrying so much?

"Even if Brother Diao is not here, I still have Wang Cai. Don't worry, my medicine field will never be stolen!" Chen Yang said with certainty.

"Wangcai? Who is Wangcai?"

When Yang Ruoxi heard the unfamiliar name, her face was full of doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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