Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 823 I lost my temper

Chapter 823 I lost my temper

The tiger could tell it was coming from a long way away, but the strange thing was that after coming all the way, it just lay motionless in the grass, and didn't seem to want to attack.

This made Chen Yang very puzzled, not knowing what this guy was going to do.

"Wangcai, you are so fierce, why don't I give you a chance to show off? You go and bite him?"

Chen Yang touched Wangcai with a smile and said.

When Wangcai heard the words, the dog's body trembled!

Immediately, the momentum was gone, and he didn't dare to continue to make a fierce sound.

"You bastard, you know how to take advantage of others."

Chen Yang patted Wangcai on the head angrily, then looked at the tiger again.

The tiger didn't intend to attack. Logically speaking, Chen Yang should retreat slowly. After all, one thing more is worse than one thing less.

But at this moment, Chen Yang was thinking in his heart, how to drive this guy to the depths of the mountain, so as not to wander around outside and hurt people.

As soon as he came up with the idea, Chen Yang glanced around and saw a branch not far away that was easy to use. It looked like it could be used as a weapon or something, so he walked over slowly and picked it up.

Then he walked slowly towards the grass where the tiger was lying on his stomach.

"Go back to your mountain, don't hang around here!"

Chen Yang waved a branch to chase him away, but the tiger didn't want to leave at all, and just lay there.

Seeing this, Chen Yang walked forward a bit, until the branch could touch the tiger, and then continued to use the branch to drive it away.

This time, the tiger was harassed by the branches, and naturally couldn't sit still, so he stood up and took two steps back.

The tiger's reaction made Chen Yang feel strange.

Logically speaking, shouldn't this tiger be furious and then attack?

Why is his temper so much weaker now, Chen Yang's branch has been poked in the face, and he still hasn't reacted at all?

"Go back to your mountain quickly, don't come out and wander around! Don't blame me for being rude if you don't listen." Chen Yang clenched his fists and showed his strength.

The tiger didn't know whether it was afraid of Chen Yang's force, or whether it was listening to Chen Yang's words.

Seeing Chen Yang's appearance, it really walked away. It was gentle and gentle without any temper. It looked like a bigger cat, no difference.

What's even more strange is that this guy looked back at Chen Yang after walking a few steps, and he even looked a little bit reluctant.

"what's the situation?"

Chen Yang was puzzled when he saw this, but the tiger had already disappeared from his sight, so it was impossible for him to figure it out.

After driving away the tiger, Chen Yang didn't think much about it. He dropped the branch in his hand and went down the mountain with Wangcai and Brother Diao.

By the time I got home, the sun was almost setting in the sky.

Taking advantage of the time before he went down the mountain, Chen Yang planted all the collected herbs on the medicine field, and watered and fertilized them.

After finishing one set, it was already dark, so Chen Yang went to the kitchen to make dinner.

After dinner, he practiced Ang Long Quan in the backyard as usual!

The more Chen Yang practiced this boxing method, the more interested he became.

Because he can clearly feel that this boxing technique can greatly increase his combat effectiveness.

"Next time you have a chance, you can use it and see the effect!"

While punching, Chen Yang was thinking in his heart that the next time he encounters an enemy of Liu Qianshan's level, he must start with the Anglong Fist.

Only in this way can we judge how powerful this boxing technique is.


The next day.

Chen Yang woke up very early.

The first thing he did when he got up was to wander around the backyard to see how the medicine field was done yesterday and how it was going up.

At the same time, I also gave Brother Diao and Wangcai a Body Exercise Pill.

For these two guys, one is indispensable every day.

After arranging the two guys, Chen Yang went to the medicine field.

The state of the discovery of new medicine fields is indeed no better than the old ones.

The old state is much better.

Even so, Chen Yang didn't think too much about it.

It's only the first day, so let's take some time to see it, it's too early to make a conclusion.

Chen Yang opened the fence and walked in, taught the medicine field all about the water, and then went to wash and have breakfast.

"Yangzi, Yangzi, are you home?"

As soon as Chen Yang put down the bowls and chopsticks in the inner room, he heard Aunt Wang's eager shouting from outside the door.

Chen Yang heard the voice and walked out immediately.

"What's the matter, Aunt Wang? What happened?"

Seeing Chen Yang walking out, Wang Hong's eyes relaxed.

"Help Qiangzi take a look, this kid suddenly has a fever, scorching hot." Wang Hong said while pulling Qiangzi.

Hearing this, Chen Yang glanced at Qiangzi, and found that the boy's face was indeed sickly and in a bad state.

"Then Aunt Wang, come in quickly, I'll help him take a look."


Wang Hong nodded quickly, then pulled Qiangzi up the steps into the medical hall.

"Go to the ward, lie down and watch."

Chen Yang pointed to the ward and said.


Wang Hong nodded quickly again, then dragged Qiangzi to the ward to lie down.

Chen Yang took some medicines for fever and some medical equipment outside before going in.

Walking into the ward, Chen Yang first touched Qiangzi's forehead, it was indeed very hot, it seemed that he had a fever.

But to be sure, he took a thermometer and measured it for Qiang Zi.

During the measurement, Wang Hong was also asked some questions about the hadron's body.

When mentioning how Qiangzi got sick, Wang Hong was a little angry.

"This disobedient dead child insisted on taking a bath in the stream last night. He must have caught a cold there."

Saying that, Wang Hong couldn't help scolding Qiangzi in front of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiled when he heard this, and didn't read anything.

After Wang Hong finished counting, he continued to ask some questions such as whether he vomited or not.

After I learned about it, it was almost time. I took out the thermometer and looked at it, it was forty degrees!

"It's a high fever."

Chen Yang put away the thermometer, then took out a few medicines from the medicine box, matched them together and gave Qiangzi an injection.

This child is quite brave, he didn't yell at Chen Yang for the injection, otherwise, if it was any other child, he would have yelled a long time ago.

"Yangzi, is it all right after the injection?" Wang Hong asked from the side.


Chen Yang shook his head, and then took out another small pill from the bag: "Take this, and then go back and lie down for a whole morning to recover."

After speaking, Chen Yang fed the pill to Qiang Zi.

"Okay, Aunt Wang, you can take Qiangzi back to rest, and he will be fine in the afternoon." Chen Yang said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you Yang Zi, how much is it?" Wang Hong thanked with a smile, then lowered her head and was about to pay.

Chen Yang quickly waved his hands: "If the folks in the village have money or not, don't bother."

It's just a cold, Chen Yang really doesn't want to collect money, after all, it's not much.

Wang Hong knew that Chen Yang didn't like it, so she didn't insist.

"Hehe, that's fine, Auntie won't be too polite."

Wang Hong smiled, then her expression changed, she stared at Qiangzi and said, "Thank you, Uncle Chen Yang?"

"Thank you, Uncle Chen Yang."

Qiangzi also thanked him immediately.

"Okay, okay, kid, it's normal to be naughty, Aunt Wang, don't be too much, go back and rest early." Chen Yang said with a smile.

"Well, thank you so much Yoko."

Wang Hong thanked again, and then left with Qiangzi.

(End of this chapter)

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