Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 822: Meeting the Tiger Again

Chapter 822 Meeting the Tiger Again

After finishing these two guys, Chen Yang turned his head and walked to the side of the medicine field, looking at the situation of the medicine field.

Walking closer, Chen Yang was really surprised to find that the herbal medicines in the medicine field seemed to be growing miraculously.

Logically speaking, if the herbs from the mountains are transplanted into the home, there must be a period of sluggishness. If they can survive, they will be blessed by the Bodhisattva.

But not only did these herbs not have a period of sluggishness, they even grew very well, they were all emerald green, and looked even better than those grown in the mountains.

"It's weird, how could it be like this, could it be because of Baoshen?"

Chen Yang didn't understand it very much, so he could only use Baoshen to explain it.

Otherwise, according to the normal law of plant growth, these herbs would never grow so well.

Although Chen Yang felt so in his heart, he was not sure.

However, in order to find out whether it was the treasure ginseng, he decided to build another medicine field, and then it would be clear after a comparison.

As soon as the idea came out, Chen Yang immediately put it into action and went to the utility room to get tools.

In the morning, another medicine field was reclaimed in the backyard.

In order to distinguish the two medicine fields, Chen Yang deliberately separated a little distance.

"When training Brother Diao in the afternoon, ask Wangcai to find some more herbs."

After finishing the medicine field, Chen Yang clapped his hands and called it a day.

It was not early at this time, and the sun was hanging in the middle, so he went to the kitchen to make food and had lunch.

Then he rested until two o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun was not so bright, he took Brother Diao and Wangcai to go out.

A wolf dog is at his feet, and a golden eagle is flying above his head.

Chen Yang's behavior is even more hunter than the old hunter.

Chen Yang took these two guys to the place where he had trained before, which was an open area on the edge of the mountain. There were mounds, grass, and woods not far away. It was an excellent place for training.

"Brother Diao, go!"

When he arrived at the place, Chen Yang motioned Brother Diao to attack.

Brother Diao has trained several times with Chen Yang, so his reaction ability and execution ability are both leveraged.

As soon as Chen Yang finished speaking, it turned into a black shadow and rushed forward like a sharp sword coming out of its sheath.

In contrast, this guy Wangcai seemed too naive.

He only knows how to shake his head and bark, but nothing else.

Chen Yang originally wanted to take this opportunity to train this guy together.

But looking at it like that, Chen Yang thinks about it or forget it, first let him watch Brother Eagle training a few times, and then train again.

Anyway, character is something that cannot be changed in a day or two.

"Wangcai, you can be optimistic, learn more from your Brother Diao, you are a wolf dog, you can't be worse than Brother Diao, you know?"

Chen Yang lowered his head and glanced at Wangcai, earnestly exhorting him.

Wang Wang!

Wangcai was also very cooperative, shouting a few words loudly to show that he knew.

Chen Yang smiled slightly, ignored it, and turned around to train Brother Diao.

Brother Diao has taken a lot of body-building pills during this period, and his current speed, strength, and sharpness of eyes have really grown to a scary level.

If there were ordinary peasants watching during Chen Yang's training, they would definitely break out in a cold sweat.

Brother Eagle is too strong!And it's still a flying attack!Ordinary people have no room to fight back.

Chen Yang trained Brother Diao in this way for more than an hour, and when it was around three o'clock, Chen Yang was going to go to the mountain to collect some herbs, so he took Wangcai into the mountain.

Brother Diao has been hovering in the air, following Chen Yang.

Just like a drone, looking at the surrounding situation overhead.

"Wangcai, Brother Diao's performance, you have seen it, and it's your turn to perform next, you can't lose face, or Brother Diao will look down on you even more in the future." Chen Yang touched Wangcai's head , said.

Wangcai may have been inspired by these words.

Some very fierce sounds came out of the throat, as if it was about to explode.

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing, and then ignored it.

When it reached a certain position, it started to help Chen Yang find herbs.

This guy Wangcai has a really good nose. With his help in finding herbs, he is humble enough to say that he can get twice the result with half the effort.

Just don't take it too easy.

Just follow it, within 10 minutes, there must be a good herbal medicine in hand.

After collecting in the mountains for another hour or so, Chen Yang's back basket was almost full, so he planned to let Brother Diao grab two wild goods and go back.

But Na Zeng thought, Wangcai suddenly stood still while walking, and froze in place for several seconds.

Just as Chen Yang wanted to ask what's wrong with it, it suddenly turned towards the left direction, barking wildly, as if it had discovered something particularly dangerous.

Chen Yang knew Wangcai, although he was a bit stupid, he was definitely not stupid.

It must be something dangerous like this!

"What's wrong here? What's there?" Chen Yang immediately looked in the direction Wangcai called, and asked Wangcai.

woof woof woof...

But Wangcai couldn't speak, he just kept yelling at the woods.

At the same time, Brother Eagle in the sky also began to send out high-pitched eagle screams!

The mood was obviously the same as Wangcai's, and he became excited, as if he had discovered something.

"What is it?"

Both Wangcai and Brother Diao reacted so strongly, Chen Yang didn't dare to neglect, and immediately clenched his fists and got ready to fight.

After another minute passed, Chen Yang heard the sound of something walking through the woods from the direction Wang Cai called.

At this time, Wangcai's voice became even louder.

He kept barking in the direction of the sound.

Seeing this, Chen Yang picked up a stone beside him and threw it into the woods.

He also threw it casually, but he never thought that he would actually hit that thing.


Immediately after the hit, the sound of eating pain came from the woods.

Hearing the voice, Chen Yang was slightly startled!


It was the cry of a tiger. Chen Yang heard it a lot last time, so he recognized it immediately.

Knowing that it was a tiger, Chen Yang felt a little more relaxed.

Because now he is very confident in dealing with the tiger, and there is Brother Diao here, so he is not worried at all.

"Is it the other side last time? Why did you come to this edge again?"

Chen Yang was a little surprised, and he couldn't see the tiger clearly from where he was standing, so he took Wangcai around for a while and walked to a position where he could see clearly.

I saw a tiger crouching among the bushes.

Chen Yang looked at it with a pair of eyes, and its eyes also looked at Chen Yang. One person and one tiger looked at each other in the forest.

After looking at each other for several times, Chen Yang could tell from the patterns on its body that this was the one that went down the mountain last time.

"Wangcai, stop calling."

Seeing the tiger, Chen Yang immediately told Wangcai to stop barking, it was too noisy.

When Wangcai heard this, he immediately stopped barking, but the ferocious look on his face did not diminish at all, and he grinned for the first time.

It looks like it's about to pounce on a tiger.

Chen Yang knew that this guy's domineering character was coming again, if he really let it go, he would be scared like something, so Chen Yang didn't bother to talk to him, and his attention was all on the tiger.

(End of this chapter)

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