Taoyuan Peerless Medical God

Chapter 820 Make friends

Chapter 820 Making a Friend

After entering the house, Chen Yang still needs the most basic way of hospitality, so he arranged stools for the two of them.

But only Liu Qianshan sat down, the old man not only did not sit down, but stood behind Liu Qianshan, as if he was a bodyguard.

Chen Yang didn't care if the other party didn't sit down.

He looked directly at Liu Qianshan and asked, "Tell me, what can we cooperate with?"

He was not familiar with Liu Qianshan, and there had been minor conflicts, so he didn't need to be polite with the other party, and just got straight to the point and talked about the business.

Liu Qianshan did not expect Chen Yang's attitude.

It made him a little stunned, but he quickly reacted and said with a smile: "Well, I'll get straight to the point."

"Mr. Chen, in fact, I came here this time because I want to cooperate with you and make friends at the same time."

"I know, Mr. Chen, you have always wanted to open a pharmaceutical factory, and you also plan to try your best to improve the infrastructure of the village, so this time I came here and brought two contracts, you can take a look."

As soon as Liu Qianshan stretched out his hand, the old man behind him took out two documents and put them in his hands, and then he pushed them in front of Chen Yang.

When Chen Yang heard Liu Qianshan's words, he immediately knew that he had come prepared at this time.

At the same time, he also realized in his heart that since Liu Qianshan returned from the mountains last time, he should have investigated himself a lot.

Otherwise, how did he know these things?

Chen Yang took the contract with his hand and read it carefully.

Of these two contracts, one has been signed and the other has not yet been signed.

What was signed was a document from the Liu family and the County Transportation Group, which stated that the county will open the route to Liuhe Village starting tomorrow.

In the future, Liuhe Village will have a shuttle bus, and you can go to the town and the county freely.

The other one is a document to jointly open a pharmaceutical factory.

The above outlines the cooperation matters.

This cooperation is very fair. The two parties will jointly invest. After the completion, the Liu family will send out talents, and Chen Yang will be responsible for the management.

"There is nothing wrong with the contract of the pharmaceutical factory, but what does this mean?" Chen Yang picked up the transportation document and said.

"I want to make friends with you, Mr. Chen, so you can understand that this is just a little bit of my friendship." Liu Qianshan said.

"Oh, like this."

Chen Yang nodded his head, and didn't say anything more about this document.

Turning to the matter of the pharmaceutical factory.

Because this is the main topic, and only after this is settled, can he consider the so-called trivial matter, whether to accept it or not.

"I really want to build a pharmaceutical factory. If you really want to cooperate with me, I will naturally agree. After all, it is a win-win thing." Chen Yang said directly.

When Liu Qianshan saw that Chen Yang could cooperate with him, a smile appeared on his face.

"Well, since you have no problem, this matter can be settled like this."

Liu Qianshan nodded directly, expressing the cooperation between the two, and then he told Chen Yang about the construction of the factory.

"Mr. Chen, you and I are both straightforward people, so I won't say much about other things. If you have time, choose a suitable place near the village. After choosing a good place, we will find another opportunity to sign a contract. Even if it’s done.”

Liu Qianshan said.

Chen Yang thought for a while, and finally nodded: "Yes, yes."

"Well, that's all I have to do when I come here this time. Now that it's settled, I won't bother you any more. I hope we can have a happy cooperation in the future." Liu Qianshan stood up and stretched out his hand to shake Chen Yang's hand.

Although Chen Yang didn't know much about Liu Qianshan, overall his impression just now was not bad.

So I reached out and shook hands with him.

Afterwards, Liu Qianshan gave Chen Yang a business card, and left Chen Yang's house decisively.

Liu Qianshan came suddenly and left quickly.

Seeing Liu Qianshan's car leaving Liuhe Village, Chen Yang felt a little uncomfortable.

The cooperation was discussed too quickly, and it was done in a few words.

He had never done anything so easy.

"Liu Qianshan, if I get a chance, I'll investigate and find out who he is."

Chen Yang whispered, turned and went back to the house, and continued to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, Chen Yang took the contract and went to the village to find Wu Kexin.

He knew that Wu Kexin's family was also in the provincial capital, so if he asked her to learn about Liu Qianshan, he should be able to find out something useful.

And most importantly, he wanted to show Wu Kexin the two contracts left by Liu Qianshan just now.

The village wants to open a shuttle bus route, and as the village head, she naturally has the right to know.

Chen Yang came to the village with the contract and found that Wu Kexin's room was empty, so he naturally took the stairs to the office on the second floor.

Anyway, Wu Kexin was either in the room or working in the office.

dong dong.

Walking to the door of the office, Chen Yang knocked.

"Come in."

Wu Kexin's voice came from inside, and Chen Yang pushed the door open and walked in.

Seeing that it was Chen Yang who came, Wu Kexin showed a faint smile on his face.

"Why did you come here so early in the morning? Do you want me to accompany you to see the progress of the school?" Wu Kexin smiled and guessed the purpose of Chen Yang's visit.

Chen Yang smiled and shook his head: "No."

"What is that?" Wu Kexin asked back.

Chen Yang didn't try to be tricky, and directly put the two documents in front of Wu Kexin.

"Just now Liu Qianshan came to me suddenly and said that he wanted to cooperate with me to build a pharmaceutical factory. This is a contract. Please help me to look at it." Chen Yang said.

"Huh? Liu Qianshan?"

Wu Kexin was quite surprised when he heard Liu Qianshan's name.

Chen Yang nodded: "Yes, it is Liu Qianshan from the Liu family in the provincial capital."

"How did you get along with him?" Wu Kexin originally thought it was just the same name and surname, but she never thought that it was really the Liu Qianshan she thought of.

"The last time I went to the mountain with Wang Hong, I met him once or twice, and then that guy probably investigated me, so he came to cooperate with me today." Chen Yang briefly talked about the situation in the mountain, and then returned Now comes the main question.

"Help me to see if there are any problems with the documents, and tell me about Liu Qianshan's behavior, and what's going on with the Liu family. I'm sure I know."

After listening to what Chen Yang said, Wu Kexin quickly understood.

So he didn't say anything, just picked up the file and looked at it carefully.

When she saw the bus document, her reaction was the same as Chen Yang's first reaction, and she didn't understand.

So Chen Yang took the initiative to explain.

Said it was a meeting gift from Liu Qianshan, and said that everyone can cooperate more in the future.

Wu Kexin laughed when he heard Chen Yang say that.

"It seems that the Liu family is trying to win you over."

Wu Kexin said with a smile.

Chen Yang smiled when he heard the words, he also had this feeling, but it wasn't clear enough, so he didn't say it out.

"Whether he wins over or not, anyway, it won't harm my interests or the interests of Liuhe Village. If he wants to invest, I naturally welcome him." Chen Yang said.

"Yeah, that's true." Wu Kexin nodded slightly, then picked up the pharmaceutical factory's documents and read them.

Wu Kexin read this document for some time, because this is the main document, you need to read it carefully, and there are many terms and conditions of the pharmaceutical factory, so you must read it clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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