Chapter 819

After dealing with the private room, Zhou Qianzheng turned his eyes to Brother Jun.

"You, kneel down and apologize to brother Chen Yang."

Zhou Qianzheng said in a cold voice.

"Huh? I kneel down and apologize?"

Brother Jun was dumbfounded again.

Why did I have to apologize to the person who beat me after being beaten like this? What is the reason for this?

Therefore, Brother Jun hesitated for a while.

And it was this moment that completely angered Zhou Qianzheng.


Without further ado, Zhou Qianzheng rushed over and received another slap.

The force of this slap was much stronger than the one just now.

This time Brother Jun was overturned to the ground, his face was even bloody from the beating.

"Don't be so fucking jabbering, I want your life, do you believe it? Hurry up and kneel down and apologize to Brother Chen Yang!" Zhou Qianzheng growled.

Brother Jun was frightened stupid, it was the first time he saw Zhou Qianzheng lose such a big temper.

Immediately, he became frightened, because he could feel that Zhou Qianzheng was not joking, if he didn't kneel, someone might die.

So this time, he got up without hesitation, and knelt down to apologize to Chen Yang.

"Yes... I'm sorry, big brother... I was wrong!"

Brother Jun knelt down to apologize, and Zhou Qianzheng's expression became a little better.

"Be smarter next time, and if you dare to offend my brother Chen Yang, I will be the first to let you go."

Zhou Qianzheng continued to spit, then immediately changed his attitude and looked at Chen Yang.

"Brother Chen Yang, do you think this will work?"

Chen Yang nodded slightly: "It's almost done, let's leave this matter as it is. In the future, those who manage you well don't blame me for being so short-sighted."

"Hehe, don't worry, brother Chen Yang, this kind of thing will never happen again." Zhou Qianzheng immediately promised with a playful smile.


Chen Yang nodded lightly.

Afterwards, Zhou Qianzheng greeted the people under his command very tactfully, and exited the private room.

When they left, they also took out those gangsters who were beaten to the ground by Chen Yang.

The private room that seemed a bit crowded just now was emptied in an instant, leaving only Chen Yang and the three girls.

The three women saw everything that happened just now, and they were also very surprised.

But because Zhou Qian was here, they didn't come up to ask for the first time.

Now only his own people were left, and Yang Ruoxi was the first to come up with a face full of surprise and asked Chen Yang why Zhou Qianzheng's attitude had changed 180 degrees.

She remembered that Zhou Qianzheng used to want to trouble Chen Yang every day, so how could he act like that just now.

"Hehe, it will take a long time to talk about it, let's go to the car and talk about it later." Chen Yang knew that the three girls would be curious, so he had already thought up an explanation.


After the commotion just now, everyone lost interest in continuing to play, so they followed Chen Yang and left the ktv.

After getting in the car, while driving, Chen Yang briefly talked about the last time he had dinner with Gao Ya, met Zhou Qianzheng, and Zhou Qianzheng met the brothers and sisters of the Wang family.

The three girls are very smart, and they can imagine the whole process if Chen Yang speaks a little bit.

"Oh, I see, Zhou Qian just thinks that you are related to the big families in the provincial capital, so he doesn't dare to offend you, does he?" Yang Ruoxi said as if she had discovered the New World.

Chen Yang nodded with a smile: "Well, that's pretty much what it means."

"Haha, so that's the case. I said Zhou Qianzheng, why is he so afraid of you all of a sudden." Yang Ruoxi also laughed.

A few people chatted and laughed on the road afterwards, and soon arrived at Li's villa.

I played all day today, so I didn't continue to finish outside at night.

Li Han and Yang Ruoxi saw that they were home, so they got out of the car.

"Be careful when you go back, drive slowly."

Li Han and Yang Ruoxi asked Chen Yang and Wu Kexin to say.

"Got it." Chen Yang nodded, and after Wu Kexin said goodbye to the two sisters, he drove back to Liuhe Village.

On the way back, Chen Yang and Wu Kexin briefly chatted about the school affairs.

"Don't worry about the school. I've been communicating with all parties these days. As long as the school can be built, the system will be complete." Wu Kexin said with certainty.

When Chen Yang heard this, his heart immediately burst into joy.

"Haha, Kexin, you are really my good wife, you are amazing!"

If it wasn't for driving, Chen Yang really wanted to hug Wu Kexin and kiss him.

Wu Kexin blushed slightly when she heard the words: "Isn't it because you forced me out of my good wife, and I always act as a shopkeeper, I still don't know you."


Chen Yang smiled awkwardly, and didn't refute anything. He was indeed a shopkeeper in many things.

So there is nothing to say.

The two communicated briefly along the way, and the car quickly returned to Liuhe Village.

Chen Yang drove to the entrance of the village gate, and originally wanted to go down with Wu Kexin, but he thought about sleeping at the village gate tonight.

But Wu Kexin blushed and shook her head, expressing inconvenience.

"Inconvenient? This... oh, okay then."

Chen Yang didn't react at first, but after realizing that Wu Kexin's relatives were here, he didn't insist on it immediately.

"Well, go back and pay attention, I will go in first."

Wu Kexin nodded, then turned around and went back to the room, while Chen Yang turned around and went back to the medical hall.

It was not early when Chen Yang got home, it was already twelve o'clock, so he went to take a shower when he got home.

After washing and coming out, he went to the backyard specially to take a look at Wangcai.

After seeing that guy sleeping at home honestly, he was relieved.

"This guy is quite obedient."

Chen Yang felt a little relieved, turned around and went back to his room to sleep.

In the early morning of the next day, several strange cars arrived in front of his clinic.

Chen Yang was eating breakfast in the room, and when he heard the sound, he immediately put it down and went out to check.

I thought it was the brothers and sisters of the Wang family who came, but it was actually Liu Qianshan who came!

"Mr. Chen, long time no see."

Liu Qianshan got out of the car and greeted Chen Yang when he saw him.

When Chen Yang saw Liu Qianshan, he was very surprised, because no matter what, he would never expect this guy to appear here, right?

At the same time, he didn't know why Liu Qianshan came to find him, did he come to avenge what happened last time?Or is there any other purpose?

Chen Yang was very puzzled in his heart, but there was no change on the surface. He didn't even go back to Liu Qianshan, and just stood at the door and looked at him.

Not only Liu Qianshan got out of the car.

There is also an old man who looks a little old.

Although his face was old, Chen Yang could tell through his eyes and the spirit of the old man, it was not easy.

"Hehe, Mr. Chen doesn't welcome me?"

Seeing that Chen Yang did not answer, Liu Qianshan was not angry, and continued to ask with a smile.

"It's not welcome, I just don't know why you came here to see me." Chen Yang replied calmly.

Liu Qianshan walked up the steps with a smile when he heard the words, and came in front of Chen Yang.

"I know that the sudden interruption made you very confused, Mr. Chen, but don't worry, I came this time purely to cooperate with you, and I have nothing else to say." Liu Qianshan saw Chen Yang's doubts, so he directly Said he didn't come to ask for trouble this time.

When Chen Yang heard this, he let down his guard a little bit.

"Cooperation? What cooperation do I have with you?"

"Hehe, I can come to you, so naturally there is a place where I can cooperate, isn't it?"

Liu Qianshan smiled slightly, glanced at the medical hall and said, "Can I go in and sit down?"

Chen Yang looked at this guy, he didn't seem to be looking for trouble, so he wanted to hear what he wanted to cooperate with.

"Well, yes."

Chen Yang nodded, and then brought Liu Qianshan and the old man into the house.

(End of this chapter)

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