The decoration outside the villa is very fresh, while the decoration inside the villa is magnificent and extremely luxurious!

The decoration materials at home, Chen Yang can tell at a glance that the materials are extraordinary.

Luxurious mahogany furniture, as well as pure natural floors... The luxurious and majestic crystal chandeliers made Chen Yang dazzled.

However, although Chen Yang was a little amazed by the luxury in front of him, his expression did not change at all.

"Where is the old man?" Walking into the house, the first thing Chen Yang said was to ask old man Li.

Hearing this, Li Han pointed upstairs, and said, "Grandpa is upstairs, I'll take you there now."


Chen Yang nodded, and then the three of them walked up the stairs to a room on the second floor.

In the room, Mr. Li was lying on the bed, with a ruddy complexion and a kind demeanor. He was in very good condition.

It seems that Chen Yang's acupuncture, as well as the hundred-year-old wild ginseng, had a great impact on the old man's body.

Beside the old man, there are two nannies who are busy.



As soon as the three entered the room, they yelled at the old man and walked over.

Hearing the sound, the old man raised his head to look at the door, and saw the two women, a smile immediately appeared on his face.

"Grandpa! Today we brought you a miraculous doctor, and we are going to give you another acupuncture!" Li Han said as he walked to the bed.

"Genius doctor? Where is it? Quickly ask the genius doctor to come in! I want to thank him very much!" When he heard that Chen Yang had arrived, the old man was a little excited, and even wanted to get out of bed to greet him.

Seeing this, Chen Yang hurried up to stop him.

"Old man! It's not advisable to move around before acupuncture, you'd better lie on the bed."

"Okay... Divine doctor, I was just looking for a good opportunity to thank you. Since you treated me last time, my health is getting better and better." The old man couldn't help but praise.

"The doctor is benevolent, the old man does not need to thank you too much." Chen Yang smiled modestly, and then took out the silver needle that he had prepared a long time ago from his pocket.

Seeing Chen Yang's modest appearance, the old man nodded frequently.

It can be seen from his expression that his affection for Chen Yang is simply overwhelming.

Chen Yang took out the silver needle, comforted the old man to lie down, and then helped the old man take off his shirt.

Taking off his shirt, Chen Yang didn't waste any time.

Immediately began to use silver needles to help the old man force out the congestion in his body.

With the previous experience, Chen Yang's speed is much faster this time.

In just over ten minutes, all the acupuncture points on the old man's body were filled with silver needles.

"Wait for an hour, then the old man will vomit blood again, and then I will pull out the needle."

After finishing the acupuncture, Chen Yang let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay... Thank you for your hard work, the genius doctor." The old man nodded, then turned to look at Li Han and Yang Ruoxi, who were beside him, and said, "Han'er, Ruoxi, the genius doctor is a distinguished guest of our family, you take the genius doctor down." Treat me well."

"Good grandpa."

Li Han nodded, then took Chen Yang out of the room and went to the tea room at home.

It would take more than an hour to do the stitches, so it was impossible for them to wait in the room all the time.

When he came to the tea room, Li Han enthusiastically made a pot of tea for Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was a little speechless in his heart, and complained: "Businessmen... all like drinking tea so much?"

Although Chen Yang doesn't like drinking tea very much, since Li Han has already started making it, he can drink it too.

"Chen Yang, try what kind of tea this is!" Li Han picked up the teapot with a faint smile and poured a cup for Chen Yang.

Hearing what Li Han said, Chen Yang suddenly remembered what he had done last time.

I remember the first time I drank tea with Li Han, I said the name of the tea in one sip, but it shocked Li Han a lot.

This time, I will continue to pretend!

"Okay, I'll try it." Chen Yang smiled lightly, then picked up the teacup and took a sip.

As soon as the tea was in his mouth, a line of words appeared in Chen Yang's mind.

Huangshan Maojian in Huizhou!

Looking at the words in his mind, Chen Yang couldn't help grinning.

Rich people are so capricious. As far as he knows, Huangshan Maojian tea in Huizhou costs tens of millions per kilogram!

Li Han's family has tea at this price.

The family property of Li Han's family must be very huge.

"How is it? Have you tasted it yet?" Chen Yang didn't speak, but Li Han took the initiative to ask.

Chen Yang turned his head, glanced at Li Han who was full of curiosity, and then said naturally: "If I guess correctly, this should be Huangshan Maojian in Huizhou."


Li Han's expression didn't change much, but Yang Ruoxi who was standing beside him gasped.

She didn't expect it at all, Chen Yang could guess it.

"Wow, Chen Yang, how did you guess it? Are you familiar with this tea? Or do you often taste it?" Yang Ruoxi asked curiously.

She had the same reaction as her cousin Li Han last time.

When drinking tea with Chen Yang for the first time, when Chen Yangpin came out, Li Han also had the same thought in his heart.

It's just that Li Han had to be more mature, and didn't directly express his inner doubts.

"Well... I'm a doctor. I'm more sensitive to smells and tastes. I usually do some research on tea ceremony when I'm at home, so I can taste the charm and determine what kind of tea it is after taking a sip." Chen Yang is serious. Said.

It's all made up...

"Wow, that's the way it is. No wonder your medical skills are so good. You have a lot of talent in it." Yang Ruoxi showed a so-so expression.

Chen Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he still nodded, agreeing with Yang Ruoxi's statement.

Chen Yang and the two tasted the tea for a while, and an hour passed quickly.

Chen Yang went upstairs again, and pulled out all the silver needles on the old man's body.

When the last silver needle was separated from the body, the old man vomited out a mouthful of blood as Chen Yang said.

Seeing this, the nanny at the side hurried over to deal with it.

"Old man, after doing this once, your breathlessness will be completely cured if you do it again next time," Chen Yang said with a smile while packing up the silver needles.

The old man nodded with a face full of comfort, and gave Chen Yang a thumbs up.

"As expected of a miracle doctor."

Chen Yang smiled and didn't say much.

After dealing with the old man's asthma, Chen Yang had no intention of staying any longer, saying that he was going back.

Li Han and Yang Ruoxi heard that they wanted to keep Chen Yang here for dinner,

"Let's have dinner next time. This time, there are really some things at home that I have to deal with." Chen Yang said.

The situation of the construction team at home was similar, and he didn't want Wu Kexin to worry too much.

"Okay then, shall I send you back to Lintianxia first?" Li Han didn't insist either.

"Yeah, okay." Chen Yang nodded, and then the two of them prepared to go downstairs.

But at this time, Yang Ruoxi said excitedly: "I will also send you off!"

Seeing Yang Ruoxi's excited appearance, Chen Yang couldn't help but smile in his heart, knowing that she wanted to continue discussing Dashan with him.

"Okay, let's go together." Li Han didn't refuse, so the three of them got into the car again and drove to Lintianxia Hotel.

On the way to Lintianxia, ​​Yang Ruoxi's condition was as expected by Chen Yang.

I was really asking about Dashan all the way.

Chen Yang answered very patiently.

The two of them were talking, and the car arrived at Lintianxia.

"I'm leaving today. If you're really curious about the mountains, you can come and play in the mountains with me at any time! In fact, the mountains are not that dangerous." Before getting off the car, Chen Yang said so.

"Yeah, I'll definitely go play with you if I have the chance." Yang Ruoxi nodded firmly.

"Haha, okay, I'll go first." Chen Yang laughed, then got out of the car, got on his tricycle and left.

Looking at Chen Yang's leaving back, Yang Ruoxi was thoughtful.


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